The Secret Journey Begins with Becoming a Pirate

Chapter 103: no idea,! !


   "Can you recall the scene at that time? Ms. Diana. You are the closest." Florian asked Diana to sit on the sofa in the reception room first, and then stood there with a smile.

   Diana naturally sat on the sofa in the reception room and said politely:

   "No problem, it should be cooperating with the police investigation, as long as it doesn't delay my business."

   She seemed to be lost in memory, looked up at the huge glass headlight on the top of the reception room, and said:

   "I heard a huge gunshot first. It shook my ears almost deaf. Then, then~~"

   She was stunned, her hand stopped in the air motionless, thinking for a while, then she frowned and said:

   "Then I forgot. I don't remember. I don't remember anything. In the end, a fish jumped up from the sea and fell."

   "Don't remember anything? Men and women? How tall. What is their figure? What skills do they use?" Florian looked a little anxious, stretched out his neck and asked carefully. But it seems to know that I asked a stupid question.

  How could a lover of the Duke of Droll know extraordinary knowledge?

   Seeing Diana shook her head ignorantly, Florian also knew that she did not know it, so she shook her head and squeezed a bitter smile, and said:

   "Okay, Ms. Diana. You can go now. Your business is most important."

   Diana smiled politely at Florian, got up from the sofa, tidied up the Delta-style dress on her body, took up the handbag in her hand, turned around and walked out the door in the eyes of the ladies.

   Florian thoughtfully, although Diana didn't give any information, it was a kind of information in itself. Wait to see how others react.


   An hour later, Florian sat down in the reception room, and in front of him were Ron and the tall Sheriff Jason who came running panting.

   Jason held a pipe in the corner of his mouth and asked calmly:

   "What's the matter?"

   "It's a very strange situation, and a very dangerous situation. There is a little information." Florian concluded first.

   Then, without waiting for Jason to ask questions, he said directly:

   "First, all the witnesses lost the memory of that period. Then they all remembered a gunshot. Five people remembered that a fish jumped out of the water and fell. There is no other useful news."

   Then Florian looked at Jason and Ron and said again:

"The initial suspicion is that someone has interfered with people's judgment. The suspect may be a psychologist who used hints to make everyone not remember what happened during that time. It may also be an oceanographer. The reason is that the last big Fish. It may have turned into a fish and escaped."

   "It may also be a collaborative crime. Multiple people complete it together." Jason added.

   "Yes, it is not ruled out that some special extraordinary items may be used." Florian also added.

   Regarding Florian’s addition, Jason nodded in agreement, then looked at Ron and said:

   "Ron, you use yesterday's replay to go back to the scene of the crime, and then read the memories of witnesses. Didn't you just learn that skill? Practice it by the way."

   "By the way, is there some physical evidence left at the scene?" Jason seemed to think of something. He just ignored the normal police investigation method and relied too much on the historian's yesterday.

   "Yes, some pieces of wood. Probably left by the stakes on the dock. It may leave traces of the weapon." Florian said.

   Then he picked up a simple wooden tea box from the table and handed it to Jason, saying:

   "It's inside."

   took the wooden box naturally, and Jason opened it carefully, then he was stunned for two seconds and asked:

   "Florian, are you serious?"

"of course."

   "But it's empty inside." Jason put the wooden box on the table and pointed to the empty box.

   The three people looked at each other at the wooden box,

   "But I put it in by myself, and I kept watching." Florian explained.

   The weird atmosphere lasted for three full minutes. Jason broke the weird atmosphere between the three:

   "You are not to blame. It seems that I underestimated the enemy's strength. Maybe there is a ‘criminal’."

   "Ron, you go back to the scene with Florian first, read the memory." Jason sighed suddenly. Then, his brows furrowed tightly, and he said in a low voice:

   "Also, Florian. You remember to pay attention to Ron's situation at all times, and interrupt him as soon as there is a problem. I am afraid of dangerous interference."


   At dinner time, the case still has no breakthrough.

   The traces of the crime were erased without a trace. The scene was a chaotic dock again, and there was no clue at all.

   Ron's condition is very bad, he has gone back to rest.

   He encountered strong interference, and when he read the memories of others, he only saw the same picture described by the witness.

   But when he went to the dock to look back at the scene. There was a strong interference, and the scene of the retrospect was simply completely dark with strong noise.

  Only the scenes after people have not yet arrived at the dock and the incident has occurred can be seen clearly. But there are no useful clues at all. Ron resisted the discomfort of the interference and watched the whole picture. But the price is a strong adverse reaction. It seems to be eroded.

   He gritted his teeth tightly and closed his eyes tightly. Hope to withstand the erosion from the extraordinary.

   Florian is also very upset, he has never seen Jason take a case so seriously. You can only look for clues over and over again.

   "Go, Dana. Go out with me again to see if there is any clue." He frowned and said in a low voice.

   "I'm not going. I'm off work. I'm working early today. I'm going to eat, my mother is still waiting for me." Dana said rudely.

   "But it's the working hours of the police. Cooperate, and I will treat you to dinner later. This is all right now." Florian made sense to Dana.

   "You seemed to be inviting me to dinner. Big guy. Don't make this excuse." Dana directly broke Florian's purpose.

   Despite this, he knew that he was still a policeman, so he stood up and said:

   "Where can I find clues if something happened this time? All the ladies have been sent home."

   Florian sighed, patted his thigh, and said:

   "It's useless to ask them, they don't know what. Let's see if anyone on the dock has seen it. Workers, crew."

   "Then why don't you ask your friend to help you find it?" Dana asked strangely.

   "Who?" Florian was taken aback when he heard the words and then realized something. "You said Captain Jack."

   "Let's go to Sanhe," he said eagerly.

   "Ha, this is exactly what I hope." Dana said happily.

   The two walked quickly into the Sanhe Bar without stopping. In the crowd, Florian squeezed to the deep seat where Captain Jack usually sits. Sure enough, I saw Elok feasting on it.

   He hurriedly squeezed through the crowd, sat down in front of Elok, and after giving Dana a seat, he said:

   "Jack. There is a commission."

   Before continuing, Mrs. Harry didn't know where to squeeze in, and directly hugged Dana who was sitting next to Florian. Said:

   "Honey, are you off work? Why is it so late? What do you want to eat?"

   "Today is official business, mother. Otherwise I would have gotten off work a long time ago. You can eat anything you like." Dana said in a very aggrieved tone.

what? Dana is Mrs. Harry's daughter?

   Her name is Dana Harry. Well, I really didn't expect it. Elok thought silently.

   "You know Captain Jack?" Mrs. Harry greeted Elok first, and then asked Dana enthusiastically.

   "Uh~ I just met a few days ago." Dai Na said in surprise.

   "Oh~~ Then you talk, I will prepare dinner for the two of you." Mrs. Harry glanced at Dana and Florian, and said with a smile that suddenly realized.

   Since Mrs. Harry is Dana's mother, there is no need to be so cautious and stop talking about work in front of her. Florian thought so before turning Mrs. Harry around, and said bluntly to Elok:

   "Jack, there is a commission. Investigate today's port attack."