The Secret Journey Begins with Becoming a Pirate

Chapter 114: 1 more blended in

   At noon the next day.

   Elok sits in a familiar position. As a pure carnivore, he hugged a whole fried chicken and feasted on it. I completely forgot the decision I made last night.

   People always make unforgivable mistakes late at night. Among them are boasting about Haikou and cranky thinking.

   Facts have proved that decisions made late at night are always too idealistic. The next day Elok thought, Nima, where can I find a sewer map.

   It's better to leave it to Roger. I'll lie down here. Oh no, I am guarding here.

  While waiting for the news commissioned by Il, he paid attention to all kinds of news flying in the bar.

   That's right, that's it.

   He nodded vigorously, quite in favor of his decision.

   "Roger. Are you really not going to eat? I think you seem to be a little vain." Ailock said with concern to Roger, who was sitting opposite.

   Roger's eyes are a little black like Elok, and his lips are slightly whitish. Seeing Elok's eating, he swallowed, and reluctantly said:

   "No. Captain. I'm not hungry."

   "Okay then. Then I won't invite you." Ailock shrugged helplessly, and said nonchalantly.

   Hearing the words, he didn't pay attention to the non-character in Elok's sentence. Roger, who only heard the word "please", said quickly and loudly:

   "Mrs. Harry, have some fried chicken."

   "Aren't you hungry?" Elok glanced at Roger and said strangely.

   "Don't worry about so much. Captain. Let me tell you something." Roger turned off the subject. "Yesterday I found some news from Little Tiger."

   "It's a coincidence. I found some clues last night." Elok said quickly, putting down the half-eaten fried chicken in his hand. "Let's talk about it."

   "Ahem." Roger cleared his throat. Mysteriously asked: "Do you know that the black people are very busy these days."

   "Of course, I understand." Elok nodded and said.

   "Then do you know what they are up to?" Roger continued to ask.

   It's a puppet, saying that Heipi is very busy, and I haven't seen them. I saw a Florian occasionally. What about the rest?

   "I don't know." Elok replied simply.

   "But the question is, does this have anything to do with what I asked you to investigate? You don't have public money to eat, drink and have fun, and then you haven't got any useful information. Use this to make up the number." Ailock said suddenly.

   "Hey, am I that kind of person? It really matters." Roger explained quickly. Then he said in a serious tone:

"The periphery of Droll City has recently been surrounded by a whole piece of fog. From Lake Sitori in the west to the asbestos mine on the east and to the sea. This fog is like a blockade, separating the outside world from Droll City. open."

   "Huh? How come I don't know at all. Why did I never see that fog." Ailock asked in surprise.

   "So, this is a strange place. He has no effect on ordinary people. It only works on extraordinary people. And it is completely invisible from a distance."

   "So, the police are investigating this matter?" Ailock replied taking it for granted.

   "No, on the contrary. The police are cooperating in the temple to strengthen the blockade." Roger replied with a smile.

what? This answer is really beyond Elok's expectation. The temple naturally refers to the temple of order. It is normal for them to be involved with the police. The problem is what they are doing.

   "Then the police and the temple did this?" He asked suspiciously.

   "Mist, didn't you think of something? Or you were stupid all night?" Roger said with slightly raised eyebrows.

   Hearing this, Elok's expression gradually changed from doubt to indifference, and then became gloomy again.

   Mist! !

   What else can there be? of course:

   The misty treasure of the mysterious sea!

   A mist surrounds the sanctuary.

   And the huge fog that can envelop an entire city, besides the gods who can do it, who else has this ability?

   He turned his head mechanically, his neck creaked. Unexpectedly, the haze of that incident still hung over me.

   There is one more problem now.

   Another **** comes in, and I don’t know what I’m busy doing?

   does not break the blockade, but also helps the Nemesis to strengthen the blockade. This is messing with hair.

   That's an evil god! ! Your temple defines it by itself. There can be no cooperation.

   Still talking about Cthulhu’s blockade, I block it too. Don't make it easy everyone.

   Hey~ I really can't guess the thoughts of the gods for mortals.

   But whether it's me becoming the favored one of the Nemesis, the resurrection of Lipton, the **** sacrifice or the blockade of the fog. All the evidence clearly states:

   Nemesis wants to make trouble.

  To do something big.

   and it is related to the misty treasures of the mysterious sea.

  Goddess, you do this. Don't remind me yet. You make it hard for me as a favored one.

   But now I don’t know what you want me to do, my heart is getting more and more unbearable.

   Even if there is no task, just say it.

   "How about it, Captain. This news is satisfactory. It's not in vain." Roger looked at the seemingly unlovable Elok and said.

   "So, what's your news, Captain?"

   Roger's somewhat provocative words interrupted Elok's cranky thoughts and said:

   "Mine? My clues are also valuable."

   Before Roger asked, Elok said to himself:

"I went to the port of Shimian Town last night. At about three in the morning, a black sailing boat only appeared in the port. Then, a second-level judge and a first-level undead scholar escorted some slaves to appear. At the port and moved the slaves to the ship."

"I continued to track the boat. Until I reached the exit of the small waterway in Droll City. It was on the coast at the junction of Gangcheng and Shimian Town. They carried the slaves inside, entered through a staircase, and disappeared before me. In sight."

   "Then, when I went to check the stairs again, the stairs were gone and the people were gone. They disappeared out of thin air. The world has evaporated." Elok said in a joyful gesture, acting very surprised.

   "Is it going to the sewer? Not overseas?" Roger asked, also surprised.

   "That's right! I'm also very surprised. I thought it was overseas." Elok agreed.

   "Can the boat go to the sewer?" Roger asked again.

   looked at Roger in surprise, Elok said helplessly:

   "Have you never been to the sewers in Droll City? Ordinary places are five or six meters wide. Not to mention the last drain. There is no problem except that it is not high enough to enter the boat."

   "Well, even if this is not a problem. Then where did you go through the sewer in the end?"

   "Huh, this? I don't know. So it's up to you." Elok smiled mysteriously.

   "Rely on me?" Roger pointed to the tip of his nose and asked suspiciously.

   Elok pointed at Roger, who was at a loss. Continue to say:

   "The clue is broken here. So I hope you can connect it. I think the sewer is a breakthrough. Maybe you can find a plan of the sewer and take a look at a little eyebrow."

   "I don't think this is a good decision. You still want to take me to see where I finally disappeared." Roger said helplessly. "I don't believe that a ladder disappears out of thin air."

   "No problem, go when you are full." Elok said again, picking up half of the fried chicken on the plate.


   One hour passed.

   Elok sneaked into the sewer with Roger.

   pointed right to the place where the last step disappeared last night, and held an oil lamp in his left hand. Elok said:

   "Hey, this is it."

   "Are you sure? It doesn't look like there is a ladder at all here." Roger expressed confusion on the spot.

   "That's why I said that disappeared out of thin air, the world evaporated." Elok explained.

   "I didn't smash the wall open. I think since the steps have disappeared without a trace, it must be impossible to find them just like this." He raised the oil lamp in his hand and looked at the wall without a trace and said.

   "Indeed. This shows that there is indeed a mysterious force involved. Breaking through the wall to find a clue is absolutely impossible." Roger also put forward his own opinion. "The question is, where did you go?"

   "I want to know too." Elok said with a wry smile.

   Now it is no longer the only thousand gold coins that support him to continue his investigation. I am afraid that this matter has already raised my own interest. I really want to know what's going on.

   This is like a detective game. After playing it for a long time, it really makes people feel uncomfortable that it can’t be answered in the end. It's like eating mouse shit.

   He was amused by his thoughts, and he was relieved. Said with a smile:

   "So, Second Mate Roger. Go and find a drawing of the sewer."