The Secret Journey Begins with Becoming a Pirate

Chapter 49: Underfire

   Little Bear raised his right hand high. Then he turned around and walked away from his short legs and strode into the hole.

   As the little bear drifted away, Elok took advantage of the convenience brought by the astral vision to see the ghosts disappear one by one. Distressed for a while.

   That is my undead.

   This one will disappear one by one, hey~

   Seeing the last phantom also disappeared from his sight, Elok sighed silently, glanced at Roger who was stopped on the stone, and said, "Let's go, let's pass too."

   He took a black bullet from the chest pocket of his jacket with his left hand and filled it into the Hunter's Hammer. But he didn't move the hammer.

   Fortunately, the power of the Hunter's Hammer comes from extraordinary power, otherwise such a heavy rain and water will definitely misfire.

   stood up slowly from the ground, did not bow, and walked straight towards the star body representing the bear.

   Anyway, those undead are dead, and want to hide?

   In the dim cave, Elok saw a single-sail sailing boat stranded on the beach from a distance.

   And those two stars are in it.

   There are two skeletons scattered on the ground. The phantom in the astral vision has long since disappeared.

   Little Bear stood behind a huge rock near the hull, blocking his body.

   The bandage on his right hand has been untied, and it is dropped on the ground, and the end is wrapped around his arm. It looks messy.

   I thought you were injured. This is not a weapon.

   Looking at the terrifying smile of the little bear, Elok held back the urge to complain, nodded slightly, and said, "Good job."

   "Let's go over there? Bear, how do you deal with the undead scholar?" Ailock looked at the bear with his head down.

   "Of course, the bound mage is very restrained from the undead." Little Bear raised his head soaked in rain and said.

   nodded in relief.

   Hearing this, Elok no longer talks nonsense. Picking up the little bear directly is a step up to a large rock on the **** next to the sailboat.

   Estimated the distance, Elok jumped without a run-up.


   The leather boots hit the deck and made a sound. It seems that a piece of wood was broken. The deck cracked overwhelmedly.

  Without his feet, Elok throws the bear in his hand to the ground, raises the hunter's hammer in his right hand, and pulls the hammer. The gun was pointed at the captain's room behind the deck.

   Those two stars are there.

   "Who? Bothered my sleep~~~"

   The voice full of the second came from the captain's room.

   A demon wind suddenly blew, making the already gloomy cave look even more gloomy and weird.

   The canvas on the boat rustled. It looks unusually harsh in the sound of the waves.

   The mixed stars gradually flickered, slowly moving towards Elok.

   Seeing the door of the captain's room suddenly opened, Elok shot just without even looking.

   I only heard the huge gunfire echoing in the cave. Startled a flurry of bats on the top of the cave.


  Who's Wang Zhan kept for the last out? Of course, the best results can be achieved by giving the opponent awe at the beginning.

   The big move will be useless if you keep your head.

   A shining skull was shot by Elok and flew into the captain's room. After hitting the wall behind it, it fell to the ground.

   There was only one skeleton with crystal clear skeleton standing in the cold wind at the door.

   But obviously, Elok’s shot did not produce a greater effect.

   Sure enough, the damage of this musket to the life of the volitional body is limited.

   The skeleton seemed to be irritated by the shot, waving the staff in his hand.

   but unable to make a sound.

   At this time, a ghostly human floated from the wall of the captain's room. It's the pure gray star.

   Elok has seen something similar, Heather, the undead.

   That is a female demon.

   She opened her mouth and rushed towards Elok.

   Seeing that banshee opened her mouth, Elok still didn't understand what was going to happen?

   quickly shouted: "Guardian."

   A white mask appeared beside him.

   It made him breathe a sigh of relief.

   Of course, don’t forget. Elok is not alone. The bear was originally shocked by Elok's "decisiveness." But seeing the undead scholar waving his staff, he still immediately realized what he should do.

   Raised his left hand, while Elok chanted the spell, he said silently at the same time: "Silence."

   The sound in the cave seemed to be swallowed, and the silent space seemed even more terrifying.

   Taking this opportunity, Elok rolls over and dodges the banshee who rushes towards him.

   Although the scream did not come out, he didn't want to be embraced by the banshee either. .

   The undead scholar's spellcasting was interrupted by the silence of the bear.

   Silence is not just not making a sound, but also isolating the connection with the sea of ​​mental power. This will directly interrupt the target's casting.

   is like the fog that Elok encountered in the mysterious sea for the first time.

   Then, the bear waved the bandage on his right hand and drew it at the banshee like a whip.

   The banshee couldn't dodge and was drawn into the skirt.

   But unlike the clothes of life in the material world, every part of the life of the volitional body is herself.

   Banshee seemed to want to scream in pain, but apparently the effect of silence was still there and it didn't work.

   Then, the bear's bandage suddenly grew longer, surrounding the banshee's body.

   The banshee can penetrate the wall, but now facing the bandage, it seems to be facing an insurmountable ocean. She rushed across the cage of bandages until the bandages gradually tightened.

   The undead scholar on the side was not beaten by successive blows, but raised his staff again.

   His head was far behind, and his body was shining with a faint green light. It looks very weird.

   At the same time, a faint green flame ignited beside Elok.

   looked around, not only around, but also in the sea of ​​mental power. Elok was exposed to the gloomy flames.

   Fortunately, the guardian skills are all-round guarding. This left Alenk's will body temporarily unharmed.

   He ran to the side in a hurry, trying to escape the range of the fire. But the flame burned on the guardian's light shield like bone gangrene.

   Seeing the mask seemed unable to support, Elok frowned. She shouted "Guardian" again and added another layer of protection for herself.

   Two layers are more secure.

   Say that the little bear is silent. How can I still put skills.

   Nima pit me.

   Now, I have nothing to do with that undead scholar.

   Delayed time, waiting for the bear to solve the banshee.

   You still want to run when the time comes?

  In other words, why hasn't the bear been resolved? Is it so difficult to play at the second level?

   turned his head and saw that the little bear was flying a kite.


   I saw the bandage on his right hand connected to the banshee floating in the sky. The banshee yelled at the bear grinningly. But there was no sound.

   Little Bear is now at the rear of the ship, tilting his head and looking at the burning Elok.

   If you ignore the scary smile of the bear and the ferocious banshee. This picture is pretty cute.

but. . . .

   My day is ***.

   Are you fucking?

   I don’t know if I’m done, come to help. Watching me burn.

   The little bear who had no time to spit out and watch the show, Elok Yuguang caught a glimpse of a huge green fireball coming towards him.

   Relying on the excellent response of being single for many Elok hurriedly muttered "transfer" silently.

   The ability to transfer energy has a significant effect on skills with ballistics.

   Even if it was cast by a transcendent one level higher than Elok, the fireball still turned a little, drawing a beautiful arc in the air. The bear fell behind Elok.

   didn't seem to have recovered from this sudden change, and the little bear was still there in a daze.

   But his open mouth closed fiercely, and the fireball in the air suddenly exploded, breaking into fireworks. Eventually scattered around the ship.

  The fire of the underworld has not been extinguished, and there is a hint of green in the cave that is reflected in it.

   Elok didn't want to be touched by this eerie underworld, even though they didn't look hot. But the guardian of Elok couldn't hold on again, and a hole the size of a bowl appeared. Think about it and know the horror of Underfire.

   He had no choice but to add a guardian for himself again, keeping himself under protection.

   He didn't want to be touched by Netherfire. For fear of unknown damage.

   It seemed that Underfire seemed to feed on extraordinary powers, but after Elok added a handful of fuel, it became more and more prosperous.

   This makes Elok an urgent. I want to quickly resolve this undead scholar.

   He pulled the trigger again, but because there was no bullet, he could only fire a translucent magic arrow.

   The magic arrow hit the door frame behind the Undead Scholar accurately.

   It seems that I really need to practice shooting skills. In this case, even if it gives me a chance, it will waste me.

   Hmm~ Maybe the ability to point directly at the target is more suitable for me.

   too late to continue thinking, Elok once again used the transfer to avoid the attacking fireball.

   Annoyed Elok shouted:

   "Little Bear, are you still not on?"