The Secret Journey Begins with Becoming a Pirate

Chapter 62: Misha

   "Be careful!" Florian exclaimed from behind.

   Although the blessing of the guardian success is on Elok's body, the people who attacked are obviously prepared.

   A whip accurately hit the guard's white mask and shattered it into white pieces. After passing through the debris, it hit Elok's back.

   The blood instantly dyed Elok's shirt red, and the leather jacket on his body split from the middle and shattered into two pieces.

   He groaned in pain and fell to the ground.


   Fortunately, Elok noticed the attacker in advance, giving him a little reaction time to cast ‘Guardian’ and a side roll to avoid the key position. Otherwise, this blow would kill him on the spot.

   Enduring the constant pain, Elok knew it was not the time to groan.

   The guardian light appeared again on Elok, it was Florian's belated skill.

   He got up with a grunt and turned to look at the attacker.

   It was a woman with pain. After attacking Elok suddenly, there was no subsequent attacking behavior.

   She stared blankly at the demon lying on the ground with her wide eyes. The lips trembled constantly.

   slowly walked towards the motionless corpse on the ground. In the end, he knelt in front of the corpse, eyes full of tears, shaking his hands and dropping the whip in his hands. Involuntarily hid his face and wept, shaking his head, and muttering silently in his mouth:

   "Reg, Reg. It's not true. Didn't you say that you just went out to buy something? Didn't you let Misha wait for you at home? Didn't you call me when you came back?"

   "Why are you dead? Why didn't you come back? Why? Why?~~~?"

  Misha's voice grew louder and louder, her expression gradually lost control and became hideous, and the madness in her eyes became deeper and deeper.

   "You are all going to die~~~~ah~~"

   She stood up suddenly, picked up the whip next to her, and screamed with all her strength.

   Her hair gradually turned into strips of leather whip, and there were no whites in her eyes, and turned into eyeballs composed of dark purple, dark blue, and dark red. This is consistent with the color of her sing spirit body.

   Her astral body also began to emit a flamboyant light, which was very dazzling. It seems to be burning the last power.

   Her right hand merged with the leather whip in her hand, and the five fingers of her left hand also changed into five ropes.

   There was no longer a trace of calmness in his expression, and he shouted ferociously. And the woman who just kneeled on the ground and hid her face and wept like two people,

   "Damn, she has been eroded in all directions. Get rid of her." Florian's shout came from behind.

   Fuck, this is erosion?

   Is it so fierce? Can you transform? It's all leather whips, how many times has this combat power doubled?

   But time does not allow Elok to think about it.

   He hurriedly stayed far away, and the work of the meat shield was left to the knight to do more insurance.

   As soon as Florian's voice fell, Elok just ran away, and Il's skills followed one after another.

   Fortunately, her reaction was the fastest. She cast the spell "Transfiguration Curse" as soon as she saw Misha going mad.

   Then a white light hit Misha.

   After that, a flash of lightning, a fireball and an ice cone flew towards the crazy Misha from Il’s direction at the same time.

   This is more than double the casting speed just now.

   I didn’t use my full strength just now? Just watched the two of us force forward.

   Elok couldn't help but think.

   Then Elok followed Il's footsteps and asked the banshee Annie to cast a small wildfire. The inclusions are unremarkable in the fireball.

   asked Annie to cast another ice cone. The last is screaming.

   However, the skill still failed to hit and flew in mid-air. Misha was out of the control of the Transfiguration Curse. Zhang Yang's "hair" began to dance, smashing one skill after another into fireworks.

   She opened her legs and ran towards Elok. The whip in her hand suddenly grew longer and struck again towards Elok.

   I don’t want to take another whip. It hurts too much behind. It is estimated that a bowl of blood has flowed.

**** it. Why am I here again? Obviously I am the furthest away?

   Nima, hi~

   After reacting, Elok hurriedly hid behind Florian.

   shouted guard. I applied a light mask to myself.

   took out his pistol, aimed at Misha and fired a shot directly.

  The magic arrow hit Misha's leg and only caused a small amount of damage to her. Even the blood couldn't flow out.

   instead inspired her madness. She yelled frantically again, ignoring Florian who was in the middle and accelerated towards Elok.

   Fuck, did I kill your mother? Are you so cruel?

   No, I killed his man. This seems to be ruthless.

   Florian didn't find a chance just now. Now Misha was approaching herself. How can I give up the opportunity. He hurriedly picked up the hammer beside him, regardless of the three-seven-twenty-one yelling:

   "For the glory, go!"

   then caught up. He lifted the sledgehammer and hammered it straight towards Misha's head. Want to solve the battle with a fatal blow.

   Unfortunately, Misha's "hair" is not vegetarian. The long side of Feiwu became longer in an instant, and Florian, who was rushing in astonishment, was tied firmly. Then he threw it far away at will.

Behind   , Il still released the not so powerful skills one after another, which only brought Misha a harassment effect.

  Misha tied Florian and continued to rush towards Elok. There was no plan to solve this knight first.

How to do? How to do?

   Elok anxiously to the ants on the hot pot. He ran back quickly, trying to get away from Misha behind him.

   It's a pity that even if Elok runs at full speed with the speed strengthened by energy transfer, the distance is still gradually narrowed.

How to do? What skills do I have?

   Open the door, only to escape. Surely this can't be solved. Florian is still in his hands, I can't just leave it like that. It was not only a person, but also a pocketbook for I and Il.

   Energy transfer, how many times can I use so many whips? Let me run faster at most. Eat a few more skills.

  Guardian, I am adding it. It is also a defensive skill. The whip broke. Hey~ This skill doesn't seem to be very powerful. Nor can it be said, it can provide me with precious time. It can also reduce damage.

   The overture of the undead, the attack of the banshee is like a tickling. It takes a long time for the undead to transform.

   reappeared yesterday. . Elok suddenly stunned. Stop.

   I killed his man to make her crazy. you said···

   It's too late to think, Misha is getting closer, and Elok's dead horse becomes a living horse doctor.

   He said silently "Yesterday Reappears". The target was the Regg who had just taken off the mask in his memory.

   In Misha's line of sight, the villain running ahead suddenly became the tall man who was thinking about it all night.

   Her raised right hand gradually lowered. Seeing the lover in front of him, the pace gradually slowed down. Mutant hands were placed in front of his eyes as if stroking his face, as if he couldn't believe that the person in front of him was not dead.

   A little light gradually returned to his eyes. Frozenly walked towards Reg. UU reading, she slightly opened her mouth to say something.

   Elok only felt his heartbeat accelerate to the limit. The hot blood rushed to his forehead.

   He gasped heavily and swallowed. Seeing the terrifying monster in front of me muttered "calm down, calm down, calm down" silently in my heart, trying to calmly deal with it.

   The heartbeat remained unchanged, and he felt the sweat flow down instantly, making his eyes a little bit unable to open. The hot blood flowed to the brain, but it calmed him down.

   "Rig. Is that you? Reg." Misha's trembling voice came.

   swallowed another mouthful of saliva, Elok took a breath and said softly:

   "Yes, Misha."

   The adrenaline secreted violently made his hands tremble slightly.

   He took out a black bullet from his left pocket and slowly filled it behind the Hunter's Hammer.

   "It's me, I'm back. Misha. As I said, I'll find you when I come back. Just let you whip me." In order to buy time for himself, Elok said again.

   "No, you are not. You will only call my master." Misha suddenly exclaimed with excitement. "Call my master. Damn Reg."

   "Master, master. It's me, Reg. I really am Reg. It's me who came back." Elok hurriedly squeezed the hammer with his slightly trembling right hand while shouting loudly.

   "I'm just going to buy something. Misha, I love you. Master, love me hard." Elok said disgustingly, looking at Misha's three-color changing eyes.

   He raised the musket and his right hand became steady. It was facing Misha's head.

   "I became like this, do you still love me?" Misha put down her hands, her expression gradually became flat by Elok's words, and asked slowly.

   "Of course, I love you."