The Secret Journey Begins with Becoming a Pirate

Chapter 98: Serious magic mirror divination

   77 Heaton Street. Three o'clock in the afternoon.

   Yier hurriedly finished lunch. Did not clear the table, sitting on the sofa looked a bit distressed. She feeds the claws around her mechanically, while thinking about her own thoughts.

   Lorna is the one who entered the transcendental together with herself, has obtained the second-level secret spell and can be promoted immediately. But there is still no news about my secret spell. And I have not yet been proficient in the skill of ‘dispensing medicine’. It feels bad to be surpassed immediately. Is it true that witches are really hard to find upgrade channels as his father said?

  Look at Ellock again. I don't know where to find the skills, and I don't seem to worry about upgrading myself at all. After having extraordinary items, the combat power exploded. How long did he become a transcendent?

   Although my father said that there is no relationship between combat effectiveness and the time to become an extraordinary person, the experience will never disappear.

   It seems that I have to speed up, if I still can’t find the news of the witch’s secret spell, I’ll look for the ‘anti-will’. According to the way his father Rich said, if you want to keep your heart and not lose yourself, you can also prevent erosion. What else can I do?

   Regarding the question of transcendent items, I can ask the crew of Elok to help me turn the will body crystal into a transcendent weapon.

   But where does the will body crystal come from? Maybe I should go for divination. By the way, I will also divination one more time for the news of the witch's secret spell.

   nodded vigorously, and Il gave all the biscuits in his hand to Claws. Get up from the sofa and walk straight upstairs.

   Walking into the room that looks a little messy now, Il found a crystal ball and a mirror from a pile of herbs. Put them on your desk and sit down on the somewhat gorgeous chair in front of the desk.

   She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm her mood. I wondered what divination method was used this time. The last crystal ball divination failed to obtain useful information. Card divination can not read the information at all. Dream divination sees a gray area.

  What do you use this time?

   Magic Mirror Divination?

   Orthodox magic mirror divination is to break the mirror to the ground, and then analyze the image according to the shape of the broken mirror.

   This method often does not get any useful information, or the information obtained cannot be completely interpreted.

   But there is another way for magic mirror divination, which is to ask an other existence for knowledge through the magic mirror.

   You can also ask yourself directly. For example, you can try to ask about your spirituality directly when you are not very familiar with it at first. Il's prank once was to ask himself who is the most beautiful woman in the world.

   The most important use of this method is actually to ask the gods, but this is very dangerous.

   It is dangerous even to ask the righteous god, because the righteous **** is also a horrible existence, and it is dangerous to'see' the gods. It is best for low-level existence to be farther away from the gods.

   And generally you ask the gods questions, and he won't pay attention to you. The gods are very busy.

   But if it's a Cthulhu, it's a different matter. The most dangerous thing is erosion. The second thing is the evil spirits of Cthulhu.

  Il wanted to use this dangerous magic mirror for divination. Although dangerous, it is useful enough.

   As for whom to pray for knowledge. Il had already had a goal.

  The number one ranked is Luna. Because last time I fortune-telling to the goddess of life in the middle of the night, what I saw in the fortune-telling picture was a round of bright moon and the enlightenment I got. After understanding the special relationship between the Moon God and the Goddess of Life, Yi Er understood that it must be the Moon God.

   Moon God is at least kind and enthusiastic towards himself.

   But pray to the moon god, you should choose at night, when the moon comes out. But today's moon is the slenderest time in a month according to the calendar. It will not show up at night. Now is the time for the moon to hang in the sky. Try if you can respond in a while.

  The second option is Goddess of Life. But according to the last prayer to the Goddess of Life, the Moon God can also reply.

   Although Il understands that this is a better embodiment of the two gods, he still can't understand the situation.

  Pray and pray to the moon **** and the goddess of life. It is best to use the elven script that has the same function as Azerah. This will be more popular with the two spirit gods.

   Fortunately, Il has a little bit of research on the elves, · and Andy learned. This is why she and Pastor Andil became good friends.

   Ranked third is the legendary and extraordinary founder-Prophet Azeroth. A book from Listwell mentioned the magical ritual of praying to Azeroth. Any transcendent can pray to Azeroth. Azeroth is kind to the transcendent and will not cause any harm.

   But Azeroth does not reply to every one. But at least it will not cause erosion.

   Il had never prayed to Azeroth, but listened to his father. There is really no danger in asking him for divination.

   As for the others, Il didn't even think about it. Let's not talk about the evil gods, just talk about the remaining righteous gods, and Yi Er will not deal with them.

   It’s daytime, and it’s not the best date to pray to the Moon God. Will praying today be blacklisted? Or is it to pray directly to Azeroth?

good idea!

   Il picked up the "Book of Fortunetellers" from the desk and turned to the page where he asked the prophet Azeroth.

   carefully contrasted the spell that had never been seen before. In the occult, he represents "insight and omniscience."

   Following the detailed steps in the book, Yi Er first picked up the mirror, and then picked up the ink on the desktop with the leaves of the clear tree, a specialty of the elves.

   picked up a small brush, dipped it lightly, and began to paint the incantation that represents insight and omniscience on the mirror.

After    was completed, Il first laid the magic mirror flat to let the ink dry.

   Taking advantage of this time, Il picked up the book again and became familiar with the full name of the **** belonging to the prophet Azerah:

   "The mysterious power will be used by me.

   The explorer of endless knowledge; the forerunner of extraordinary power; the pioneer of legend.

   Azeroth. "

   Hmm~~~Weird name of God. Quite irregular. Il thought of it.

   Is the last abbreviated God's name directly Azeroth? It's a bit perfunctory.

   But you really can’t express your naive views to the founder of an extraordinary field, can you? If you don’t understand, it means that you don’t know enough and are ignorant. It is by no means that the names of prophets and gods are irregular.

   silently write down the name of Azeroth. Il waited until the ink on the mirror was dry and checked again and found that there was no problem. After checking the spell in the book again, there was no difference. Il nodded.

   Everything is ready now. I have to think about the arrangement of divination sentences.

   Fortune-telling like tossing a coin requires an affirmative sentence For example: tomorrow is a good day.

   The positive is affirmative, and the back is negative.

   But to roll the dice requires interrogative sentences. For example: how is the weather tomorrow.

  The larger the number, the better the weather, and the smaller the weather, the worse the weather.

   Like dream divination and crystal ball divination, some more accurate sentences are needed as clues to enter the dream or see the picture in the crystal ball to give enlightenment. The divination sentence should be a clue plus a direct inquiry about what you want to know. For example: there are no clouds in the night sky today, what will the weather be like tomorrow.

   The magic mirror divination is more similar to a magic ritual, you must first arouse the attention of the person you want to ask, and then pray for the answer.

   Yier slightly decided the divination sentence: Great Prophet Azerah, I beg you to tell me the answer to this question: Where are my extraordinary weapons? Where is my chance of becoming a second-level witch?

   Do what you say, not choosing the right time to pray.

   For example, it is best to pray to the Moon God at 12 o’clock in the middle of the night, while the God of Order is at 12 noon. As for Azeroth? I don't know, nor does it say when is the best time to pray for Azeroth. That is now, now is the best time.

   Yiel put the magic mirror on the desk and stood there, sitting awkwardly, and began to whisper the name of Azeroth:

   "The mysterious power will be used by me.

   The explorer of endless knowledge; the forerunner of extraordinary power; the pioneer of legend.

   Azeroth. "

   Just after reciting the complete name of the god, the entire bedroom space suddenly darkened. Only this part of the desk still has light, and the remaining part completely disappeared into the darkness. Even Il's feet have completely turned into darkness.

   is like sitting alone in the dark universe.