The Ship Girl and the Admiral and the News

Chapter 471

"It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Considering that you have something to do tomorrow, Admiral, how about staying with me tonight?" .

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Bai Yanxi nodded. In fact, including the period of time before the coma, and even now, the time he spent with Richelieu can be described as a handful.

On the one hand, he was busy, and there were more and more ship girls around him. In addition, Richelieu never took the initiative to ask for anything, and his sense of presence was decreasing day by day.

At the beginning, we could run and run together to class every day, but later she was the only one left.

After all, he didn't even go to class before.

"That's it, I'll change my clothes." Richelieu was still wearing a three-color naval uniform at this time. Since he didn't need to participate in the battle today, he should have changed into a private uniform.

There is a two-story free trade area below the deck. She has not seen it since boarding the ship. Just taking advantage of this gap, Goldilocks is going to go shopping with her admiral.

The cabin room where Richelieu lived was much smaller than that of him and Dafeng. After all, it was a standard room and a single room, but it still provided a private compartment for the ship's mother to change clothes.

Taking advantage of her time to change into her regular clothes, Bai Yanxi went to the next room and told Da Feng, telling the girl that he didn't have to wait for him for dinner.

He and Richie stayed out to eat.

As a result, he was told with a chuckle to remember to come back early, otherwise, go to the elder sister's door and knock on the door to sleep.

When he returned to Richelieu's room, Richelieu was sitting on the edge of the bed, tying her blond hair.

"Admiral, help me tie it, I'll take a toner." Richelieu handed the thin red headband to his admiral, and then took out several bottles and jars from the small bag on the bed.

Although Jian Niang does not use cosmetics to enhance her appearance, because she is already very beautiful, cuteness is always a girl's nature, no matter how beautiful she is.

Richelieu knew that he could tie his hair, even the more complicated braids. At the beginning, I also had my own admiral play with it, and the effect was unexpectedly good.

"Okay." He glanced curiously at the bottles and jars that Richelieu was wearing, and only knew some of them, and they were all similar to the brands used by Dafeng.

Maybe it was from her, thinking so, he reached out and touched Richelieu's soft blonde hair.

"Admiral, do you know?" The toner was shot very quickly, but it took a little while to braid the hair. Taking advantage of this time, Richelieu put on a little light makeup for himself, while doing it very casually. a topic.


"I met a little girl with a good personality in the past two days. I'll get acquainted with it later, or I'll introduce you to me after I return to Yuyan?" Goldilocks pretended to be casual.

"Wandering ship girl?"




"The one who runs fast?"

"I hate it, so you all know that?" Looking at Bai Yanxi's current angle, he could only see the back of Richelieu's head, so naturally, she had no luck with her coquettish expression.

"The one I saw the day before yesterday, the one who walked with you... Let's talk about it when we get back to Yuyan, we still have business."


619. Do you like the girly version of Richelieu

The two-story free trade area can be seen by the stairs going down the deck. Further down is the rest area for boatmen, sailors and merchants. There is no need to go, and it is still closed.

Also known as the interior cabin.

Bai Yanxi, the admirals and the ship's mother lived on the bridge on the upper deck, with a wider field of vision and a more favorable space for commanding battles.

After helping Richelieu finish braiding the braid, he quickly brought the girl here. A small half of the commercial area on the first floor has been renovated into a canteen style, and most of the people who eat here are sailors from the original ship.

One with big shoulders and round waist.

There are also snacks and snacks at the entrance of the canteen. Most of the vendors are women, and almost all of them are the wives of these boatmen. Men work hard to earn their hard-earned money, and women like them cook on the freighter, and buy snacks if they don't have enough money.

Logically there shouldn't be any of these.

But there is also the ship's mother accompanying the freighter.

These beautiful girls like delicious food, no matter whether they are snacks or snacks, and they consume a lot of food.

Where there is demand, of course there is a market. Boatmen and sailors earn the hard money on the freighter, and women earn the greedy money of these girls.

quite fair.

As for the negative second floor, most of them are daily necessities and duty-free tobacco and alcohol. If there is anything missing or you want to be curious, you can go, of course, it has nothing to do with the food.

Now this time is dinner time, except for the sailors and boatmen who are still on duty and the ship's mother who is escorting the freighter, the cafeteria is bustling with people.

Of course, if anyone doesn't like a lot of people, or if the destroyer girl is afraid of life, there is also a special contact number here. With some extra fees, meals can be delivered directly to the room.

Admiral Bai, who was standing at the door, glanced in. Su Qinghua had been drinking too much wine, her face was red, and she was rolling up her sleeves and punching with someone.

He can directly hear the clear and good voices of the two brothers.

"Is the Admiral hungry?" Richelieu, who had changed into a three-color naval uniform and was wearing a long white dress, asked such a question. The temperature difference between day and night at sea is large, so she not only wore thick pantyhose, but also put on an extra coat.

The soft beauty reveals a little handsome figure, which is better than most ship girls.

Well, it's normal for men to like either a sweet and gentle girl, or a beautiful, strong and handsome girl.

Bai Yanxi felt that Richelieu had brought some of them on both sides, at least the one he built.

"No, I just found that Su Beiguo was drinking and fighting with people, so I took a look." He shook his head and continued: "Let's go shopping?"

In fact, Dafeng had already brought Akagi and his lover here before.

Therefore, Admiral Bai had a good understanding of the layout of the first floor, but it had been almost ten days since boarding the ship, but Richelieu had never been there once.

Either participate in the **** formation, or rest in their own room.

The ship's physical strength is very good, but she can't stand the high-intensity fast sailing and fighting every day. Not to mention that Richelieu's level is not high, although she is protected by other high-level ship girls in the team... but she is also under a lot of pressure.

Richelieu never said anything about these things, and has been working **** his own.

Thanks to this, her level has also increased quite quickly. Before she set off, she was at level 30. But now, after ten days of work, she is more than half of level 30.

Before reaching the Pearl Harbor waters, it is expected to hit level 40.

The easily obtained resources are not distressed, and the oil bombs are full. Anyway, as long as he doesn't build on it, Bai Yanxi has enough resources on hand for a long time.

Including younger sister Feng, they may consume a lot of aluminum.

The company also considered the composition of Admiral Bai's current combat power, and aluminum materials were the most among the four resources.

"Let's go shopping, or you can eat the main food first if you're hungry." He asked the Goldilocks next to him. The deep-sea core in the body is rhythmically rhythmic. Since it was forcibly guided out by Lexington, this piece of debris has not been silent again.

Thanks to this effect, Bai Yanxi could clearly perceive the positions of Dafeng and Lexington, and the two fragments of theirs conveyed a slightly different feeling.

If I had to describe it, my sister Feng's piece was undoubtedly bigger, and the feedback was stronger.

In addition, there is Akagi.

The eldest sister has also formed a deep-sea ship girl personality that has not yet been integrated due to her close contact with the high-intensity deep-sea material field. If she understands Bai Yanxi's side, she can also have a very weak deep-sea feedback.

"Then... let's go for a walk." Richelieu smiled with curled eyelashes, it was the first time she came here.

"Do you like sugar? The snacks here are mainly sweets or meat. If you don't like it very much, let's eat more meat."

Bai Yanxi knew that Richelieu liked candy. Anyway, among all the ships he had seen, either liked candy, or especially liked candy and sweets.

For example, Dafeng is the latter.

And Richelieu is the former. At least when she is playing games in the living room, she will always take a piece from the coffee table and put it in her mouth from time to time.

The number of girls in the family is increasing day by day, and Dafeng may be the one who suffers the most. The girls' snacks have begun to be consumed in large quantities by the girls. Originally, if you buy it once, you can eat it slowly for a week, but now it is only two days later, and it has to be replenished once every three days.

In the past, Dafeng used to go out to buy snacks, and once a week, he would go shopping with his lover, but now he has started shopping online, and he starts buying the next batch after a day or two.

"Eat some candy, sweet." Richelieu slung over his admiral's arm very easily and naturally. At this distance, Bai Yanxi could easily smell the faint fragrance on her body.

Different from Akagi and Dafeng.

Richelieu, who came down from the battlefield, was stained with the salty smell of sea water and the smell of gunpowder from artillery shells.

But now she is wearing private clothes and a coat, and there is no doubt that she is a soft girl who wants to be taken care of.

There was a smile on his brows.

Perhaps this is what makes the ship girl fascinated.

During the conversation, the two came to a stall selling apple candy. The owner of the shop was a woman who seemed to be in her late forties, probably the family of a sailor boatman.

Apple candy is very expensive. It would be better to say that all edible goods on ocean-going freighters are much more expensive than those outside, especially those for ship mothers.

A monopoly is formed. An apple candy can be bought for fifteen in the city center of Yuyan, and it will be tripled and sold for fifty.

Two at a discount of 90.

"It's a bit dark, why are you staring at the Jianniang pit?" Admiral Bai complained with an apple candy in his hand. Before boarding the ship, Akagi had reminded him to prepare a sum of cash.

In this lack of network environment, mobile payment has become an empty talk, and it is the same in Pearl Harbor.

"Jianniang is rich, and high-level jianniangs get money quickly. Most of them don't care about that, and the apples inside are not fresh anymore." Richelieu also complained.

Then the two looked at each other and laughed in unison.

In terms of compatibility, the fit between the two is quite high. As the first large-scale construction in life, Richelieu, who was born from the subjective, can be said to combine all the beautiful concepts of Admiral Bai.

Who makes the first time always the most important and memorable.

"Why do you laugh like a little girl, and there are traces of sugar coating on your mouth. Chuixue often does this. I'll wipe it for you." .

Lexington said that wearing a handkerchief would be more delicate than a paper towel, and it would be more pleasing to the favored ship girl.

A handkerchief is a personal item after all.

taught in the subjective world.

"Chuixue did this on purpose when she was by your side. That girl is very clever." Richelieu's pale cheeks flushed slightly, and he allowed his admiral to wipe away the traces from the corners of his mouth.

Although she is rich in theory and very smart, she has no experience in actual combat after all, and she still blushes when it is time to blush.

"Then you did it on purpose?" Putting away the handkerchief, he deliberately teased Richelieu again.

"Yes, these behaviors of the ship's mother are essentially to please the admiral and build a deeper relationship. And a little trace of sugar coating on the mouth, no matter what, it is better than eating meat and eating a mouth full of oil and then being wiped. Okay."

"It's okay to be full of oil. If you really wipe it, you have to wash the handkerchief and give it back to me."


Richelieu gently bumped his admiral with his shoulder to express his dissatisfaction, and then took the apple candy in his hand, knowing that he didn't eat much sweets, and the two apple candies were actually bought for her.

"The Admiral was joking like a little girl just now... Don't you like me like this?" Goldilocks asked again after biting the second one.

"I like it." After being asked by Richelieu for a while, Bai Yanxi replied.

Who told him to take the unavoidable bias and think of the girly version of Richelieu.

His face is not as mature as he was in his twenties, and his body is much thinner than it is now.

When he laughs, he is childish and looks as big as Akagi or his younger sister Phoenix.

"But the girl's version of Richelieu is also great, what do you think..." He happily told Richelieu the thoughts in his mind just now.


As a result, Richelieu rolled his eyes in a beautiful way.

As an admiral himself, he always used sister control to flaunt himself, but in the end, he didn't like the little ones.

Take a look at Secretary Jian Taifeng, and then look at Akagi, there is a girl who has a close relationship with him who looks like she is in her twenties.

The most mature looking people in the family now are Lexington and herself.

All in their twenties.

"It's not that I have any dissatisfaction with you, let's talk about it. If there is a girl version of the ship's girl Richelieu, out of curiosity, I should have a chat with him to see what kind of character it is."

In fact, so far, many juvenile ships have been discovered. They are no different from the adult version under normal conditions, but their minds will become much more naive.

more in line with appearance.

Such as Washington, Rodney, Veneto.

"The character of the ship girl will also change with the change of experience. After all, Admiral, you just want to get a girl version of Richelieu, right?" Richelieu glared at Bai Yanxi next to him.

"Ahaha, just kidding, let's talk about it when we really find out, I haven't heard of a girly Richelieu." The two chatted for a while and ate a lot of expensive snacks.

Admiral Bai and Richelieu, who had already had their stomachs filled, had another dinner in the cafeteria of the business area on the first floor, before finally returning to the bridge rest area on the upper deck.

"Let's play games again?" he asked Richelieu, who was still in high spirits. The girl took a shift today to rest, and this is when her spirits are high.