The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 1174

59 points are left until the next stage of growth

Name: Onion

59 points are left until the next stage of growth

Uh... just like in the game, in this case, things like carrots usually grow in a few hours.

Sowing, sprouting, growing, maturing...By the way, when the seeds are mature, the seeds are all grown, and Nangong Yan can plant them in cycles.

Go get some medicinal seeds and come back another day!

Thinking about it, he began to work on dinner.


"Puff~" Nicole couldn't help laughing. "The school trip was hit by a typhoon..."

Kosaka Honoka: "..."

Sonoda Umi: "..."

Nan Xiaoniao: "..."

"Horanok is too much!" Honoka couldn't help but exclaimed, "How can the once-in-a-life school trip make us encounter this kind of thing?!"

After Nangong Yan's movements, he actually hoped that the typhoon would not come, but no one would know how to do it before then!

"Don't be so serious about the comic..." Nangong Yan smiled, and he could only say that.

Kosaka Honoka: "..."

A little depressed, Hui Naiguo continued to turn back.

Slowly, all the girls became silent, because they all realized that this is definitely Rin's home court!

"These three bear kids are so badly beaten..." the fairy whispered, "If Homura was on the scene at the time, would he be given a set of unrecognizable ones that would make them beaten even their mother would not be recognized? "

Everyone: "..."

Nangong Yan's mouth twitched: "I'm not so cruel yet, am I? But if I'm on the scene, I will ask them, "Rin is not suitable for wearing skirts, are you suitable?" Then they all stunned, and then helped them put on skirts and throw them away. At the entrance of the school, take pictures at the end and post a picture in the school to ensure that the topic is not reduced."

Their faces twitched... well, they didn't get any physical shock, but the emotional shock was enough for them to cry for months.

Rin herself listened to Nangong Yan's words and didn't know whether he should be moved or should be embarrassed. Anyway, the way Nangong Yan said the treatment sounds really dumbfounding...

After the dress made by the Muse and others for Rin appeared on the stage, Maki suddenly smiled and said, "As a result, we can all guess it."

Yes, no matter how bumpy the middle process is in the comics, they all understand that in the end Rin will definitely wear that dress and stand in the middle of the stage as the temporary captain of the Muse.

At the end of this sentence, Rin appeared on the roof of Otonogizaka Academy wearing a skirt, and this shot once again made the girls feel entrusted.

"Now think about it, Rin who played before this is indeed wearing pants." Maki said, she couldn't help turning over the previous content.

"But anyway, the Lin sauce of this remark is so cute!" Hua Yang hugged him, and then kept rubbing up.

Rin originally wanted to struggle, but finally gave up. Wei Wei was a little shy, letting Huayang rub her face.

"Now only Xi's special session has not appeared." Nicole was a little curious, "Is this the rest?"

Nangong Yan smiled secretly: This is actually funny...

Chapter 1060 Takasaka Honoka: Could it be that we have a talent for funny?

Seeing the fifth words that Nangong Yan took out, the women's reactions were also different.

The expressions of the Nine Muses were simply embarrassing, but the others were just suffocating a smile at first, but then they just happily bloomed!

"Hahahaha!!" The goblin laughed, clutching his stomach, "I'm so ridiculous!"

Kosaka Honoka: "..."

"...Is that funny?" The corner of Honoka's mouth twitched.

Ying Lili also has a strange expression: "Your clothes are nothing, but they are quite normal for school idols, but your lines..."

"A perfect counterattack to your heart! Kosaka Honoka!" Xueho reproduced Honoka's lines in the manga on the spot.

"Pink cheerleader! Ayase Eri!" Arisa and Eri came to a perfect match, which also reproduced Eri's lines, and the tone and movements were also vividly imitated.

Ayase Eri: "..."

Amelia hid her mouth and snickered: "Puff~ indeed, these lines are really drama..."

Maki covered her face: "What the **** is'Making you crazy with a stream of temptation'! This is too shameful, right?!"

This line really made Maji feel that she was about to split!

Both Sha Sui looked at Nangong Yan with a weird look, and muttered secretly: "It's really a shame that Teacher Nangong can write such lines..."

Nangong Yan also smiled, where is this?

When they continued to look back, they discovered that the nine Muse members had come to exchange their identities and acted as others. This series of storytelling made the goblin laugh and roll!

"Hahaha~~! My stomach is making me laugh and hurt!" But there is no way, the goblin can't help it!

Hai Wei said with a black line on his face: "I have decided, this scene in the comic will never appear!"

The other eight people naturally agreed, knowing that this kind of thing looks like a sand sculpture, then why do they want to do it?

After that, they couldn't help but laugh at the sand sculpture session again, the punk-style muse of the god-like meow!

Ni can roll her eyes hard: "This whole thing is just a spoof of us? How can we do such a thing?"

Nangong Yan only said: "When you go to the street, you can use sunglasses and a mask and a windbreaker to cover it tightly. Wouldn't you really do this kind of thing?"

Muse: "..."

It seems that there is no way to refute it... After all, sometimes they do have very strange brain circuits!

"Could it be that we are actually very talented for funny?" Honoka said suspiciously.

Maki twitched her lips: "Is it a funny school idol?"

"Uh... forget this!" Honoka scratched her head, the funny idols were terrible!

But leave this sentence aside, the plots of the previous few words are indeed very good to them.

"The second LoveLive competition?" Hua Yang's eyes were shining, "It would be great if it could be held..."