The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 1456

Nangong Homura looked at Yano Erica's expression... nodded.

Chapter 1327 Yano Erica: What did you do to a girl?

"Miss Yano, do you want to tell me something?" Nangong Homura asked as he walked out of the gate of Musashino, "Of course, thank you, you don't have to, you have already thanked you several times."

Yano Erica: "..."

"But...I haven't formally thanked you, Teacher Nangong."

Yano Erica thanked the air when she was in front of her house, and she was also sideways in the company just now.

Nangong Yan whispered: "I saw it when you thanked you last night, so I will say something to you officially now... please be welcome."

"...I always feel that such an answer is a bit cunning." Yano Erica looked at Nangong Homura's expression slightly helpless.

Nangong Yan smiled slightly.

Yano Erica sighed softly: "Anyway, Teacher Nangong really helped me a lot. If there is anything I can do to help me, please ask Teacher Nangong to speak up."

Nangong Yan shook his head: "As long as those who don’t make trouble know everything, after all, although our world is special, most people don’t know it, of course... Who can believe it."

Had it not been for Nangong Homura to get two balls, even if he teleported directly to the car and saved Yano Erica, wouldn't she have some other reasons?

"Don't take this kind of natural thing as a request..." Yano Erica said weakly.

"That's it." Nangong Homura shrugged. "Miss Yano can get along with me normally."

Yano Erica: "..."

How to put it... Although she also understands that this is a natural answer, she has nothing to help, but she still feels helpless when she actually hears it.

"I'd better send Teacher Nangong home first."

"Are you really planning to give it away?"

"Of course, although Mr. Nangong, your... are very convenient, but what I should do remains the same."

"Okay." Nangong Yan spread his hands, "It just happens to see if you will be distracted today."

Yano Erika's mouth couldn't help but twitched... How big was her heart to continue to wander today after she had just escaped yesterday?

But she also knew that this was Nangong Yan's ridicule, so she didn't plan to complain.

As I drove on the road, I glanced at the co-pilot's Nangong Homura from the corner of his eye, Yano Erica asked unintentionally, " our world always so special?"

"Yeah..." Nangong Yan replied, "But I only discovered it a month ago. Before that, I thought I was special. But when the angels, demons, dragons and other things came out, I I just feel that our world is so special that it won’t work, maybe something will come up someday."

Yano Erica: "???"

She just wanted to know if there has always been a "magic" in this world, and the result was unexpected news!

It turns out that the world I have been living in is so different from what I understand?

"By the way, angels and demons are native species in our world, but they usually live in different spaces, but giant dragons are pure alien creatures."

"Of course you don't have to worry too much. With me, the dragon will not'play' wantonly in this world."

"... Teacher Nangong, who are you on earth?"

Detective... ahem! This terrier seems to have played...

"Well, I'm just a little stronger ordinary person."

Yano Erica curled her lips, with an expression of "I believe you are a ghost".

"Open your mouth."

"Huh?" With a question, her mouth just opened a little bit along with the question, Yano Erica felt a kind of food stuffed in her mouth.

It's Yokan...

"Not bad, right? The secret yokan in Gantuan, the red bean used in it was obtained from me, so I often get these desserts."

More than good? As a sweets party, Yano Erica knows best that the yokan she has in her mouth is the best she has ever eaten!

But Teacher Nangong...what did you do to a girl?

Nangong Homura was eating her own yokan, and at the same time he handed the other half of Yano Erica to her mouth: "Do you want more?"

Yano Erica: "..."

want! Why not!

Then, the half of Yokan left in Nangong Yan's hand was gone...

"Teacher Nangong, what you mean by Gantu'an..."

Nangong Yan smiled and said, "There is a shopping street near Dongjing Women's University. Gantuan is there. I am friends with the Kanban girl in that store, so when she makes desserts, she always leaves some for us..."

Yano Erica raised her eyebrows: "Could it be that that shop is also the family of that kind of magician?"

Nangong Yan shook his head, "No, there is no such kind of family, at least I have never seen it... Why not say that I am the only one among humans? When I perceive the world before, I did not find anomalies, it is not hidden. Too deep means nothing at all."

Perceive the whole world... This sentence is too easy, right?

Anyway, she knew that Nangong Yan was definitely not an ordinary person.


"Miss Yano, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow...wait! Your Yokan!"

Hearing these words, Nangong Yan almost "turned back and smiled" and threw another sentence: It's your yokan!

However, he felt a little pain in this scene, so he just waved his hand and said, "I'll give you it! Goodbye~"

Yano Erica: "..."

Looking at the box full of desserts in front of the co-pilot, she always felt that her identity as a "sweet party" had been exposed!

"No... Maybe, Teacher Nangong likes sweets too?"

But remembering that when she opened the car door by herself this morning, there was still a smell of ham that kept coming out, she was not so sure.

If Nangong Yan knew what she was thinking now, it would be a result of facial twitching.

The smell of ham left in the car is really nothing.