The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 1535

Women: "..."

They seem to know what Nangong Yan is going to do...

Nangong Yan stretched out two fingers: "A vegetable juice is very delicious! A vegetable juice is very ugly! If you choose a good vegetable juice, then I didn't say anything about the mini game..."

"But if you want to choose the ugly one! Our little game can start..." Nangong Yan's mouth curled up, "The rules are as follows, one cup of ugly vegetable juice is consumed in one go. Who can not lose consciousness, then whoever can do it? You can get the autographs of all the voice actors present today!"

"Lost consciousness?!" Despite the hoarse voice, many people still exclaimed.

Nangong Yan shrugged: "Yes, the ill-drinking degree of vegetable juice is enough to make most people lose consciousness in an instant. Only people with amazing willpower can hold on from that complex taste bombing."

"By the way, among the people who drank vegetable juice for the first time, they were still conscious. Except for me, only Ke Kato and Fairy Yamada. Others, including Yukho and Arisa, the Muse were wiped out. Pour it in one bite!"

Everyone: "..."

This is so scary... So many people lose consciousness after one sip?

Although it's hard for everyone to believe, the rules of the game have come out, and no one thinks that Nangong Yan is teasing them.

You have to know that there are thousands of people in the audience, even if there are hundreds of people who stick to it, the seiyuu's signature will be exhausted!

So everyone is beginning to feel a little entangled. Should we participate in this game?

Nangong Yan added: "Of course, it's up to you to participate in this game, but you still have to decide. I can make the corresponding vegetable juice according to the number of people."

"Now, those who want to participate in the game please continue to stand, and those who do not participate, please sit down."

Seriously... the audience was all standing before, because the atmosphere on the scene made it impossible to sit down.

But now, after Nangong Yan's voice fell, many people hesitated for a moment and chose to sit down.

"Five, four, three..." Nangong Yan started the countdown, and everyone knew that it was time to make a thorough choice.

"Two, one!" Nangong Yan said with some surprise, "Good fellow, there are so many warriors! I have said that, and there are more than half of them standing!"

"Now that it's decided, don't regret it!" Whether you have an opportunistic mentality? Anyway, it was not his Nangong Yan who drank it.

A few staff members were greeted to help him, and then he began to prepare.

I saw a row of juicers neatly placed, and Nangong Yan dropped the materials one by one from a distance.

If you put a scale under the juicer, you will find that the weight of the material in different juicers is exactly the same, not a slight difference.

Everyone was dazzled, and Nangong Yan's hand was indeed enough to attract people's attention!

They couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: The tickets for this concert are too worthwhile!

Chapter 1403 Women: We believe in the power of ugly vegetable juice!

The first batch of vegetable juice was released, and Nangong Yan first poured a cup of delicious and unsavory taste.

Needless to say, Nangong Yan was very satisfied.

The audience saw that his eyebrows were twisted, and they understood that this was ugly vegetable juice.

"It seems to be more difficult to drink than before..." Nangong Yan twitched, "Perhaps it has something to do with my improvement in cooking skills. I adjusted the ratio of ingredients a bit before."

Women: "..."

"It's still too late for you to sit down." Nangong Yan said with deep meaning. "This is the last chance. If you regret it after this, you won't be able to do it. The only thing waiting for you is the ugly vegetable juice."

None of the standing people sat down. They saw Nangong Yan only wringing their eyebrows. Most of them thought that Nangong Yan might be bluffing.

After all, it's so bad that it can make people lose consciousness, so you frowned?

The big deal is to sit down when you see others failing to persevere!

Nangong Yan also thought that someone would have such a mentality, so...

"Next, I will make all the vegetable juices of the people who are sitting, and will be useless even if you sit down~"

Everyone: "..."

Nangong Yan tried his best to make delicious vegetable juice. While doing it, he asked the staff to bring disposable cups to the people who were sitting.

"Good guy! It's the first time to drink such a delicious vegetable juice!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so delicious!"

All kinds of hoarse compliments one after another, can Nangong Yan say...Has he not used much energy in terms of deliciousness?

With so many people at the scene, the deliciousness was too much and not too good, so he pulled back.

But Nangong Yan has strengthened his throat protection. At least after drinking, these people definitely don't need to go to the hospital to see their throats.

The people who were still standing looked at those happy expressions when they drank good vegetable juice, thought about it, and finally sat down again. Now there are almost one-third of the standing people.

Nangong Yan said nothing. As long as someone sits down, he will continue to make good vegetable juice. When there are no people who want to sit down at all, he will do his best to make bad vegetable juice at that time, and don't even want to run!

One after another, until there was no one sitting down, only one-fifth of the total number of people were still standing.

But even so, there are more than a thousand people!

"In order to prevent someone from regretting it, how about drinking vegetable juice together?" Nangong Yan threw out another sentence, "so that I won't be frightened by seeing other people faint..."

As a result, about half of the people were told by Nangong Yan's words to sit down.

Only one-tenth of the people standing...

"Okay, there are only so many people left. They are all persistent people who don't hit the south wall and don't turn their heads." Nangong Yan smiled, "If this is the case, I will start!"

This time, the prepared vegetable juice was just poured into another container, because he wanted to let the rest of the people drink together.

In fact, even if it is delivered to the standing people, they won't drink it first.

After all...Unlucky can't just be your own unlucky, right?

What if you pour it after drinking it yourself, and the other people who are scared don't dare to drink it?

In order to prevent this from happening, no one who is still standing will drink it first!

Soon, Nangong Yan made a sufficient amount of vegetable juice. With the help of the staff, everyone who was still standing got the vegetable juice that looked very beautiful.

Nangong Yan picked up the disposable cup: "In order to prevent everyone from falling to the ground when they faint, please sit down and drink!"

Everyone: "..."

Gong Senkui even secretly asked Ayano, "Miss Ayano, is this vegetable juice of Teacher Nangong really so terrible?"