The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 1625

Waiting for the meal... Lala chose this time, and I always feel that the meal time may be as long as an hour.

But Nangong Yan still canceled the barrier on Lala's tail.

Seeing Lala turned around, her tail like a succubus fluttered back and forth, staring blankly at the sight of those who didn't know.

Yukiso Ogizou turned her head to look at Dongma and Sa, and found that she was still calm and calm. It was strange that Dongma and Sa had already known it? Or is it that even aliens still can't arouse her interest? Or she didn't take it seriously at all?

Xigang Lisha almost crossed the table to get started, and Nangong Yan stopped her in time.

"Student Yangang should stop, Lala's tail is a weakness."

"Ah... it's rude." Yan Gang Lisha retracted her hand, "but Teacher Nangong, since it is a weakness, is it really good to say it so directly?"

Then her eyes also revealed the meaning of "or, you are kidding us."

Nangong Yan shook his head: "It's okay. If Lala can be caught in front of me for her weakness, then I don't have to be confused."

"Teacher Nangong is really unexpectedly confident~" Li Gang raised her eyebrows.

Mito Ryoko smiled and said, "As the contractor of Princess Lala, Nangong-kun really needs to protect Princess Lala."


Risa even wondered if Mimon Ryoko and Nangong Homura played them together?

Princess Lala? Marriage? Isn't it all true?

Sure enough, some things still require simpler and more rude methods.

With a move of Nangong Yan's heart, a crystal ball appeared in the center of them.

"Those who want to know, concentrate on the crystal ball."

Yui Furukawa and the others subconsciously focused their attention, and then they were immersed in the picture that rushed into their minds.

There were five people staring at the crystal ball, Yui Furute, Yukiso Ogiso, Risa Ayoka, Miyo Sawada, and Ryoko Mimon.

And the rest... continue to eat, they all know anyway.

Nangong Yan said to Asuna and Haruna, "Let’s eat first, just like you guys before, it's over in a while."

Yuki Asuna looked at the women, then turned to look at the other tables, and found that no one was paying attention to their table at all. She couldn't help but sighed: "The power of Teacher Nangong is really amazing."

"I'll teach you tonight." It is also customary to lead the girls to the beginning. For them, Nangong Yan didn't even intend to hide it.

"Huh?!" Xilian Temple Haruna exclaimed and waved her hand quickly, "No way, how can we..."

"Don't worry about learning." Ying Lili said while eating, "It is a special fate to be able to get together with Homura, let alone Homura now, even we believe in this fate."

Nino nodded: "Homura's existence is too special, and most people have no way to interact with him. What's more, in the special period of school trips like you, you just crossed the gender and Homura into a group. This This kind of fate is really amazing, so Homura didn't hide some things from you, right."

Haruna and Asuna couldn't help looking at Nangong Homura, and then got an affirmative answer from him.

Yuki Asuna: "..."

Xilian Temple Spring Dishes: "..."

"Is that so..." Asuna looked at the girls again, "Everyone has such a fate with Teacher Nangong?"

Sanjiu said faintly: "At the very least, everyone is sitting at this table. As for the others, they won't have too much intersection with Homura in the future."

Haruna blushed suddenly! She remembered that except for these people who had come into contact with Nangong Yan for the first time today, all the rest of them liked Nangong Yan, right?

In other words... will you like Teacher Nangong in the future?

Thinking of this, Haruna's face couldn't help but become redder!

"Haruna? What's the matter with you?" Asuna stretched out her hand and shook in front of Haruna. "Why is her face so red? And lost her mind?"

Haruna stopped talking, and finally reached Asuna's ear and whispered what she had just thought.

Then, Asuna started to heat his head, a little embarrassed to look at Nangong Homura.

Nangong Yan: "..."

Ying Riri shrugged and continued: "Don't think too much now. Homura never forces anyone. If you think too much, you will feel uncomfortable when you get along with Homura."

"Yeah." Yihua smiled, "We all slowly fell in love with Yanjun...Of course, Nino is different. She is a face-controller. Maybe the first time I saw Yanjun I secretly moved my heart!"

"Yi Hua!" Nino was angrily, reaching out to grab Yi Hua, but Yi Hua's flexibly dodged Nina's grasp.

"Don't hide!"

Yihua laughed: "Why don't I hide?"

Immediately, the two of them chased and fled, and started to run in circles around the table, leaving everyone speechless.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Xiaogizeng Xuecai saw this scene after she woke up, feeling a little confused about the situation.

Nangong Yan just wanted to answer, and the others have slowly recovered.

According to different personalities, their reactions at the moment are different.

But in any case, there won't be too many things that need to be explained.

Chapter 1489 Nangong Yan: I was too weak before

After Yihua and Nina returned to their seats, Nangong Yan looked at the few people who had just recovered.

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Although it's unbelievable..." Furukawa Yui said with a complex face, "But this ability to put a lot of pictures into his mind is really not something ordinary people can do..."

Nangong Yan shrugged: "Technology is also OK, but there is no such safety."

Xiao Mu Zeng Xuecai looked at Nangong Yan and said, "Why would Teacher Nangong tell us this kind of thing when we first met?"

The answer is what Ying Riri and the others said to Asuna and Haruna just now, Nangong Yan asked them to look at the crystal ball again, and then snapped their fingers, and the content was poured into their minds in an instant.

"Fate..." Mito Ryoko thought for a while, they are indeed very destined to get together.

If Nangong Yan and Lala do not intersect, Ryoko Mito will not have as much understanding of Nangong Yan as it is now, so even if they see it, it is hard to say whether they will come together naturally as they did today. .

Others too, it is also possible to be able to share with Nangong Yan and people close to him in the joint school trip of the three schools.

"In fact, in addition to this, there are other reasons."

As soon as Nangong Yan spoke out, the others looked over again.