The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 1808

"But this kind of power does not mean that transfer can be transferred..." Nangong Yan shook his head. The concept of Chubby’s ability was transferred to Yuanshen."

"Either way is not something that can be done right away..."

Women: "..."

Lukoya said: "This matter is not in a hurry. No matter what you do then, Yan Jun can see Madoka who has become a **** as long as he goes to the opposite world? She should be ubiquitous."

"No." Nangong Yan shook his head again.

"Is it wrong?" Lukoya couldn't help but stunned.

The girls were also taken aback, they felt that there should be nothing wrong with what Lukoya said...

Upon seeing this, Nangong Yan could only explain: "Although I haven't found the real world before, Madoka is a person in all parallel worlds."

"This again represents...Ah!" Qianhua was quite confused at first, but suddenly she figured it out!

"If Madoka becomes a god, there will definitely be a world that can't find the person "Lumeyuan"! Since Yanjun said that all Madokas in parallel worlds are still there, it means Madoka hasn't become a **** yet!"

The women suddenly realized when they heard it, this is indeed the truth!

And there is another proof that the world timeline of "Magic Record" is very forward, and even the time flow of parallel worlds is not the same, so Madoka hasn't become a god.

As long as Madoka becomes a god, then she is above time, even if she goes back to the past and observes the world of "Magic Record" by observing parallel worlds, it will be easy and enjoyable.

I just don’t know how long it will take for Madoka to become a god...

"So you can only do those things after Madoka becomes a god... No wonder Homura said that it wasn't something that could be done right away." Thor suddenly said.

"Yeah." Nangong Yan was helpless, "After all, there are too many parallel worlds, and Xiao Meiyan is in constant reincarnation. The workload of trying to find the true world is simply unimaginable."

"So I can only wait for Madoka to become a round god, and then go to talk to her about Chobe."

"Jun Yan! Take us with you then?" Hui Naiguo looked at Nangong Yan expectantly.

Kirino also had a similar expression.

"I'm going to talk business." Nangong Yan rolled his eyes, "Don't pick that time when you want to see idols."

"Yan Jun is right." Hai Wei also said, "I can understand the mood of Madoka you want to see, but the timing is really not right."

"嘁~~" Hui Naiguo was a little unwilling to hear this, but she also admitted that what Hai Wei said was a little bit reasonable...

Nangong Yan couldn't help smiling and said: "When I think of a way out, it should be fine to share part of the things that Yuanshen should do to the artifact, and then I can invite her to be a guest."

"Is that so..." Tongno nodded, "Senior, please come on! In order to make the dark world brighter!"

Nangong Yan smiled and rubbed Tong Na's head: "I will try my best. After all, it is a multiverse trouble... It's easy for me to break it, but it's not easy to treat it."

The girls understand that the two are equivalent to the difference between killing and saving, and the difference between killing a strong person and saving a dyingly ill person!

"But fortunately, I don't know how long it will be until Madoka becomes a god. Maybe I can easily handle these things by then."

The girls believed Nangong Yan's words very much, because he had not grown to this level for more than three months!

Nicole muttered to herself: "At that time, Homura has completely saved a dying world, and at the same time Madoka can also be free from endless busyness."

Xi smiled slightly: "Although Homura likes to make fans shed tears, he is actually a person who does not like tragedies. Even though Madoka's becoming a **** will make the world a lot better, it will not solve the evil race of Kewpie, tragedy. Maybe it will be staged."

"Mr. Yan, don't force yourself too much." Hui also looked at Nangong Yan and said, "Just let the flow go."

"Don't worry about this, I have always been like this." Nangong Yan smiled freely.

Looking at the door of another world, Nangong Yan directly closed it.

The world of "Magic Record" is now not only the timeline relatively advanced, but also the time flow is twenty times slower than the world of Nangong Yan, so there is no need to pay too much attention.

What needs attention now is the question of Madoka becoming a god. Nangong Yan intends to observe whether Madoka has disappeared every few days. Except for this, everything else is not important for the time being.

"Homura, you now have another title." Emily said suddenly.

Nangong Yan: "???"

Emily smiled and shook the mobile phone in her hand: "Because of Kodori, now countless people want to send blades to the'Old Thief Nangong'~"

"It turned out to be like this." Nangong Yan nodded suddenly, "but I forgive them generously. Who made them cry so badly today?"

Ying Lili curled her lips: "Don't talk about forgiveness. Before you find that world, you really have to carry this pot on your back."

Because there is no way to prove the existence of a world that is not found, Nangong Yan can't even think about it until he finds this world!

Chapter 1674 Emily: You can run a marathon with those people!

" Cordoli..."

"Obviously I guessed it, but seeing Kodori's last hair also completely turned red, I almost didn't cry to death!"

"What's even more hateful is that the old thief Nangong deliberately gave a close-up! There is no way to ignore the picture that makes the hair completely red!"

"Kodori: I once vowed to be with him forever, and being able to swear this way makes me extremely happy."

"Enough of you upstairs! Don't you think everyone is crying badly enough?!"

"William: I once vowed to be with her forever, and being able to swear this way makes my heart at peace."

"Someone really picked..."

"Codory: I used to think I liked this person."

"Forget it... William: I used to think I valued her very much."

"Kodori: I am extremely happy to be able to feel this way."

"William: It makes me very happy to be able to feel this way."

"Kodori: He once said to me, I will make you happy."

"William: I once told her that I will make you happy."

"Kodori: It makes me very happy to hear him say that."

"William: To be able to say that to her makes me satisfied."

"Codory: That person gave me so much happiness."

"William: I got so many things from her, but I..."

"Kodori: So I'm sure, now matter what others say, I must be the happiest girl in the world!"