The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 1833

Rena Kazeha looked at Megumin and couldn't help but said, "Megumin's voice really sounds like Wing Wing!"

"Same as mine?" Huihui was taken aback, and immediately began to look around.

"Don't look for it." Nangong Yan smiled, "Little Wing has gone to school, and it's not time to come back."

Huihui feels a pity, she still wants to see what a person with her own voice will be like!

Fortunately, it is not impossible to see it, just wait for the other party to finish school!

"So, Megumin, what's the reason why you must come over while you are grinding?"

"I haven't seen you in one day, I miss the teacher very much! So I want to come and see you!" Huihui's face was enough to make her say these words without changing her face.

Everyone: "..."

"All right..." Nangong Yan almost didn't laugh. "Then Huihui, you will have fun with me for a few days."

As for the others, Nangong Yan never mentions it, it depends on whether Huihui can hold it back!

Bringing some snacks to entertain them, the girls also chatted with Huihui and Wiz.

Weizi was indeed chatting with everyone seriously, but Huihui glanced at Nangong Yan from time to time.

If Nangong Yan hadn't guessed her thoughts, in the face of this situation, she might have been able to help Huihui have a crush on him!

Of course, this situation only lasts until Huihui eats the first small biscuit.

Facing food, Huihui can't control herself completely!

Chapter 1697 Huihui: Long tattoos are here...

"Is everything from another world so delicious?" Huihui's eyes lit up, this kind of deliciousness is really attractive!

Jian Yamei shook her head: "The best cooking in our world is Yan Jun, that is, your teacher. The cooking skills of other people are all taught by him, so this kind of delicacy can't be eaten elsewhere. "

Huihui looked at Nangong Yan, a gleam of light flashed in her red eyes!

Nangong Yan shrugged upon seeing this: "You can come here anytime if you want to come to Cengfan, even if you don't say'teacher' at you, I won't see you hungry and ignore it."

Huihui: "..."

"Why?" She couldn't help but asked.

Nangong Yan smiled slightly: "Maybe it's because I have a relationship with you?"

Huihui: "..."

Is it true or false?

If it's fate? Is your own behavior considered as fate of failure?

Huihui was also hungry and scared when she was a child, otherwise she wouldn't have become so cheeky.

But in the face of Nangong Yan, she couldn't help thinking...Is she still going to be so cheeky?

Maybe I should change the way...

"I want to be stronger..."

Nangong Yan listened to Huihui's words and looked at her.

"Aren't all your skills now added to burst magic? Simply speaking of attack power, there are probably not many people in your world that can surpass you."

"Plus the awakening magic I taught you, you have the ability to attack twice in a short time, and you have become stronger."

Megumin scratched her head: "Although this is the case...but I still want to be stronger."

Yoyo looked speechless: "Huihui, no matter how strong it is, adding all the skill points to your funny magic will be defeated in one blow?"

A "#" appeared on Huihui's forehead.

"Teacher, let me tell you a yoyo little secret! When we are born in the Crimson Devil clan, there will be tattoos in a certain position on the body! Yoyo's tattoos are there..."

"Huihui!" Youyou exclaimed with red face and angrily, "Why do you know where my tattoo is?!"

Nangong Yan said with a strange look: " Crimson Demons should also have a bathing culture, so does Huihui, who is also a girl with you, know the location of your body number is weird?"

Yoyo suddenly froze: "...Mr. Homura, why do you know the fuselage number?"

"I also found out from the message of the reincarnated person. If I didn't guess wrong, the tattoo that Huihui said was a bar code? The tattoo that comes with her birth coincides with the serial number of the body."


Also, how could this kind of thing be hidden from Mr. Homura...

But when a boy learned about his body number, I still feel very ashamed to think about it!

"But the teacher shouldn't know where Yoyo's tattoo is? I tell you it's..."

Yoyo rushed over and covered Huihui's mouth!

"I will never let you say it!" Yoyo said with a fierce face, "Otherwise I will tell Mr. Homura about Megumin's tattoo on the ass!"

Nangong Yan: "..."

Women: "..."

Yoyo suddenly felt as if something was wrong, and then she quickly reacted, she seemed to have exposed the location of Huihui's tattoo!

Megumin's face turned red quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Don't look at her joking about Yoyo so casually, but if things are on her own, things that should be shy will still be shy!

"That..." Youyou retracted her hand in embarrassment, "I didn't mean it..."

Huihui took two deep breaths... immediately raised her leg and ran!

"The long tattoo is on the base of the thigh! And it's on the inside!"

"Ah!!!" Long screamed, and then very "excited" playing hide-and-seek with Huihui.

Seeing the two people playing particularly "happy", Nangong Yan and the others were speechless again.

And... can Nangong Yan say that he already knew it?

But he didn't expect to let himself know about it in a very reasonable way today, which is really surprising.

When Huihui was exhausted first, Yoyo suppressed her easily, which also made Huihui hope that she could become stronger!