The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 191

Chapter 0172 Nishikino Maki: Absolute sense of sound? !

After the barbecue feast, everyone returned to the villa.

The little guy on Nangong Yan's head, facing the Qin Blow, asked, "How is the progress of the Qingyin Department?"

"Xiaowei only got the guitar last weekend. Xiaowei just finished the exam this month. There is no chance to practice." Qin Blowing shook his head and said.

"Eh heh..." Wei touched the back of his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"What about everyone's level?"

Tian Jing Nakaru, Akiyama and Qin Buki looked at each other, and then smiled helplessly.

Akiyama Mio came out and explained: "Yi's guitar was mastered very quickly before, but because of the make-up exam, I forgot all the guitar skills..."

Everyone: "..."

What is the reason for this? ! Out of brain memory? !

"But the three of us still have no problem!" Akiyamami added.

"So, there is only a small problem..." Nangong Yan nodded, "By the way, it's okay to read the score, right?"

Akiyama Mio didn't speak, but her expression was a bit awkward.

Nangong Yan closed his eyes, thought about it, opened his eyes and looked at Muse.

"Do you want to practice singing?"

"Huh?" ×9

Nangong Yan asked again: "Only since I can't read the scores yet, but can quickly master the guitar skills, it should be quickly mastered by watching someone play it once? That proves that she is a genius!"

"I'm... a genius?" Wei Meng blinked, pointing to himself and repeating, then his eyes sparkled, "I'm a genius!"

"Ah..." Tian Jing Zhongrui had no expression on his face, "As long as you master it and don't forget it, that's a genius."

"Why..." Wei was hit again and collapsed on the sofa.

"Yi, you really can't play anymore now?"

"Um... I'll try it!" Rubbing her head, only took out her own baby guitar "Jita".

"Mrs. Kitty... please advise!"

Nangong Yan: "..."

"Gita?" Tong Nai asked puzzledly, "Who is Gita?"

"Gita is Gita!"

Tian Jing Zhongrui covered his face: "It's the only name given to guitar..."

Everyone: "..."

"By the way! Miao-chan's bass is called Eliza Beth!"

"That's not it!" Qiu Shan Mio exclaimed in despair!

Qin Blowing stopped Qiu Shanmin from continuing to fry the hair: "Weijiang, let's go ahead and see if you remember some tricks."


I tried the tone first, but frowned and said, "It's half of the half tone."

After adjusting, she tried again: "Hmm! No problem!"

Nishikino Maki: "..."

"Absolute sense of sound?!" Zhen Ji looked incredulous.

Nangong Yan smiled at her and said, "Unexpectedly?"

"...No, it's just a surprise when I heard it." Maki shook her head, "Think about it carefully. Just now, she said that she masters the guitar very quickly, and she definitely has musical talents."

Everyone couldn't help nodding their heads as they listened to her, and they were all full of surprises. It seemed that the only thing that looked cute and had an absolute sense of sound was indeed a bit of a contrast.

Yui has already set up his posture, brewing for a while, then scratching his head, after playing a short simple tone...

"I only remember this..."

Everyone will fall! Seeing her brewing for a long time, I thought there was a show! In this state, she really can't think of absolute sound!

"Eli-senpai, can you lend me the computer?" Nangong Yan asked.

Ayase Eri raised her eyebrows. Nangong Homura used to call her "Ayase-senpai" before, but it was a little surprised to be called her suddenly like that.

But she didn't say anything, just handed him her laptop.

"As I said just now, do you want to practice singing? This is a good practice place! There are not too many people, and it is suitable for overcoming the nervousness and shyness."

Hearing Nangong Yan's words, the members of the Muse looked at Hai Wei and Hua Yang, and Hui Naigo directly pushed Hai Wei...

"Oh! Hai Wei is so brave this time! Not bad! I'll play "We Are the Flowers of the Future" with Wei's guitar and Xiaozhen for a while, and then you can try it out!"

Hai Wei: "..."

Of course, Nangong Yan saw that she was pushed out, but it would be boring to say that she was broken!

Honoka and Bird behind Haiwei were both suffocating a smile, and Tojo Nozomi knocked them amused.

"That... What is the song "We Are the Flower of the Future"?" Qiu Shan Mio asked, "I have never heard of it."

"It doesn't matter if you have heard of it. There is a score here. Come and see if you can play it? Then we will play together once. After I demonstrate, let Wei play it in person. How about?"

The three of them looked at each other, nodded silently, and leaned over to look at the score.

Nangong Yan thought for a while and asked Qin Blowing Jing: "Xiao Jing, is there any projection equipment in the practice room where you are going to practice the ensemble?"

"Huh?" Qin Blow was stunned for a moment before returning directly, "Yes, Brother Yan, it's just a simple projector and a projection screen."

"Well, that's okay, just to project the score for you, I can't let you memorize it now, right?"

"Han... Didn't you just say that Wei can't read the score? How should she play that song?" Saori couldn't help asking.

Nangong Yan glanced at it only, and suddenly smiled: "Don't you know if you try?"

"Mr. you know something again?" Shi Yu asked suspiciously.