The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 1913

Fortunately, when observing Yuanshen, Nangong Yan could see in which universe she became a god, otherwise she would have to ask her in person.

And now, Nangong Yan intends to go to the earth of the universe first.

Glancing at the girls who were still playing games, Nangong Yan left a triggered projection and crossed the world directly.


Madoka Magica world, the earth.

As soon as Nangong Flame arrived, he noticed the curse aura all over the world.

Although it is not as rich as it was in the Witch Age, the intensity of the curse has indeed decreased, but the amount is a little too much.

To put it simply, it is as if the witches are scattered into envoys, there are a lot of them, but not strong enough.

So for magical girls, hunting this kind of beast is much easier than hunting witches.

"But cursing this thing is really troublesome. It's still a problem if you don't get the source of all evil." Nangong Yan shook his head, determined the location of the target, and disappeared in one step.

"Who?!" Xiao Meiyan looked at the sudden appearance of Nangong Yan warily, her pupils suddenly shrank when she discovered that this was a man.

There are only magical girls in this world, no magical boys, so the sudden appearance of Nangong Yan in this way naturally scared her.

Nangong Yan waved his hand: "Don't be nervous, Xiao Meiyan, I'm here this time to have a little chat with you."

Xiao Meiyan still didn't relax, she looked at Nangongyan and said coldly, "I don't remember that I have seen you."

With that, she subconsciously activated the magic.

Everything around was stopped, but she knew very well that Nangong Yan was not stopped!

Xiao Meiyan, who could stop even during the night of the Witch, gradually sank her heart.

Nangong Yan was a little bit dumbfounded: "Don't be nervous, I'm not here to hurt you... Forget it, you may not believe me when I say that. Let me show you something first."

Under Xiao Meiyan's vigilant gaze, Nangongyan took out a laptop.

A question mark slowly appeared above Xiao Meiyan's head.

"I'll show you the video. I think you will be familiar with the content of the video." After Nangong Yan finished speaking, she opened the animation of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica".

There is a subtle difference between the animation style and their own. At the very least, let her know that the content was not filmed in secret.

Along with Madoka’s nightmare in the animation, Xiao Mi Homura’s eyes were completely attracted...


Four hours passed...

After watching the entire animation of "Magic Girl Madoka Magica", Xiao Mi Homura even feels like she wants to cry!

Because she once again saw the scene where Madoka was forgotten by the whole world.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Meiyan looked at Nangong Yan, but the man's actions at the moment made her face twitch...Nangong Yan was drawing on Kubi!

And there is more than one Chubby, and there are quite a few Chubbys around him all painted in different styles by Nangong Yan. The one he is working on, the color looks like it had just been fished out of a cesspit!

As for why these Chobes didn't resist, a kind of power that Xiao Meiyan was familiar with spread over them... that was the power of time.

"Yeah~ are you finished?" Nangong Yan said hello while continuing to draw on Chobe.

Xiao Mi Homura doesn't know what to say. Judging from the content of the animation, this man obviously knows about the magical girl, and even the story between her and Madoka knows clearly, otherwise this animation will not appear. .

She also knew that what she had just watched was an animation.

So she didn't know how to speak for a while, and Nangong Yan didn't urge, but grabbed another Kewpie and continued to stop, painting...

"Who on earth are you?" Xiaomeiyan asked this sentence in a complicated manner.

Nangong Yan put away the pen, and nodded with satisfaction looking at his work.

"I am Nangong Yan, and my specific identity is a person from other universes."

"Other universes..." Xiao Meiyan repeated these words again.

Nangong Yan nodded: "The endless parallel worlds form a multiverse. I am a person outside this multiverse."

"As for the purpose of my coming here... You should see the barrage during the animation, right?"

"Barrage?" Xiao Meiyan frowned, "Is it the words that keep appearing in the animation?"

"Well, your story was made into this animation by my friends and I. The animation has been shown to countless people. Those bullet screens were sent by them while watching the animation."

"It's just that because the animation is only playing up to the tenth episode, no one has sent a barrage in the next two episodes."

Nangong Yan continued: "Through those barrages, you should be able to understand that even in my universe, Chubby's actions are enough to make it a public enemy of the whole people, so after I really discovered your universe, I have been planning to come over. Helping."

Xiao Meiyan digested what Nangong Yan said, and then said after a while: "Then you're late... Madoka has solved everything."

At the same time, she added silently in her heart: Madoka also gave everything for this...

Nangong Yan shook his head: "I don't think I'm coming too late, but I specially waited until Madoka became a **** before coming here, otherwise she would have missed this opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Xiao Meiyan almost laughed, "Do you think that is an opportunity for Madoka? That is the strongest curse!!"

"Isn't there me?" Nangong Yan sighed softly. "As long as there is my help, this will be a total opportunity for Madoka to make her reappear in this world and reappear in people's memory. Not difficult."

Xiao Meiyan couldn't believe it: "Madoka has become a high-dimensional existence, and it is impossible to reappear in people's memory. There is absolutely no way to do it!"

"Don't be so absolute, why should I come here if I'm not so sure?"

With that said, Nangong Yan raised his head...

"So, Madoka, would you like to believe me a stranger?"

Chapter 1777 Lu Meiyuan: I have no way to replace the function of the incubator

Xiao Meiyan's spirit fluctuated very violently in an instant, and she immediately looked in the direction where Nangong Yan was looking, but she found nothing.

Just about to cast a suspicious look at him, Nangong Yan snapped his fingers, and pink fluorescent light gathered in front of him, and finally Madoka's figure appeared.

"Madooka!!!" Xiao Meiyan didn't plan to think about anything at this moment, and rushed directly at Madoka!

Madoka didn't avoid this pounce, and opened her arms to catch her.

"I didn't expect to meet again so soon, Homura." Madoka smiled softly.

Nangong Yan touched his nose, this name is really...