The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 373

"Yeah! Our Yinggao campus festival should be the earliest! Brother Yan must have time to see it?" Xiao Jing asked expectantly.

"As long as you are on stage, how can I not go?"

"Great~ We will definitely practice hard!"

Will definitely practice hard? Nangong Yan twitched at the corner of her mouth...I would still believe you if we didn't have Wei Helu...

"Ah, I will look forward to it..." I can only say this.

Afterwards, they had a brief chat, but they also said goodbye to Nangong Yan on the phone, and by the way they also praised Nangong Yan’s tea eggs...

Finally the phone returned to Sagiri's hands.

"It's gone..." Sawu's voice contained a faint reluctance.

"Yeah, the family has never been so lively before...but there will definitely be many opportunities like this in the future." Nangong Yan was also a kind of comfort.

"Huh? Why is she here?" Nangong Yan found the figure of Tongsu Zhendong.

"What's wrong? Brother?" Sawu asked strangely.

"It's okay, I saw Mr. Kirsu."

"Ms. Kirisu?" Sagiri repeated, and the three of Fumino Fumino, Ogata Rizuki, and Takemoto Junka were attracted by Sagiri's words.

"Did Nangong see Teacher Tongxu?" Wen Nai couldn't help asking.

After hearing Funno's words, Sagiri remembered who Mr. Kirsu was.

"I'm thinking about whether to go over and say hello... She seems a little weird."

It was a bit strange indeed, his expression was a little nervous, as if he was hiding from someone.

"But should be'at home' now? Is it okay to just show up like this?" Sawu immediately remembered this setting, reminding Nangong Yan.

"...It's okay! Anyway, I can make myself disappear under surveillance at any time."

"Oh... go, brother, anyway, you can't worry about it, right? In case Mr. Kirisu meets a stalker or something, you can protect her..."

Nangong Yan smiled, Sawu has a lot of things to consider now...

"Then I'll hang up first."

Nangong Yan walked towards Tong Xu Zhendong, and when he approached it, Nangong Yan also heard a footstep behind Tong Xu Zhendong.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Saguri said casually, did he get it right? By the way, it's only dusk now? Such blatant! what is this? Is the pervert possessed at the time of the devil?

However, Kirisu Masuu gives people a feeling that all the charm is overflowing. Thinking about it this way... it's not surprising to meet this kind of person.

Nangong Yan is getting closer and closer to Tongxu Zhendong, and the guy behind her seems to know that this alley is not monitored, Nangong Yan has heard that the pace is getting faster and faster!

Nangong Yan walked two steps quickly, Tong Xu Zhendong was jumped under the shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him first, and after a closer look, it was Nangong Yan that he relaxed.

"Stalker?" Nangong Yan asked.

"I don't know..." Kirisu shook his head, "I went back to my mother's house yesterday because I had to go to work tomorrow. I just came back by tram, but when I got off the bus, I felt that someone was following me... It seemed to be closer just now."

"...I can tell you very clearly that there is definitely someone behind you." Although there are other possibilities, Nangong Yan doesn't mind to guess this strange stalker maliciously in such an unmonitored alley.

Kirito shivered and hugged Nangong Yan's arm.

At this time, a man who seemed to be in his forties ran out of the corner in a nearly running position and appeared in front of the two of them.

He is dressed in formal attire, glasses, and carrying a briefcase, and he looks very gentle overall.

And there are many professions that fit his image, such as teachers or company managers, etc... But the look in this person's eyes is too dark, and when he is slightly breathless, he sees Nangong Yan and Tong Xu Zhendong, but also vaguely screams. A bite.

How to put it...Although there is no evidence to prove that he has a problem, judging from his series of performances, there is absolutely no good intentions!

"What are you doing with her?" Nangong Yan stared at this man fiercely.

"Who followed her?" Why is there still a sense of righteousness? Doesn't this match your current gentle image?

Nangong Yan sneered, did not speak, and took out the right-angled iron water pipe.

Tongsu Zhendong and that person were shocked, thinking that Nangong Yan was about to move the guy! As a result, Nangong Yan didn't... he started directly, broke the water pipe straight, and then slammed it to the ground!

哐~! A loud noise! It proves that this water pipe is not a good product!

This guy on the opposite side is going to die! When I saw a beautiful woman following on her whim, why did she come up with an evil star? !

Nangong Yan took out his phone, took a picture of him, glanced at him, and then curled his lips... the more you look, the more it looks like the wisteria in the academy's apocalypse.

But just to talk about the aspect of this gentle scum, if this is still integrated into the world of the academy, Nangong Yan is going to be crazy!

"I remember the way you look... It's a very simple thing to find you in various ways through this photo, so I advise you not to do anything out of the ordinary... Otherwise, this stick It’s not smashed to the ground!"

boom! ! Click again! The concrete floor near the focus point was blasted with cracks by this blow!

The man fell to the ground with a look of horror, a real diabetes collapse!

"Ah~~!!!" Howling, fleeing with both hands and feet!

Nangong Yan tugged at the corner of her mouth and released the water pipe.

Nangong Yan grinned at the somewhat worried gaze of Ms. Tongsu, "I just forgot to release my strength, and my hands were numb."

Actually, it’s not forgotten... Because Kirisu Masuu is holding one of his arms and he doesn’t use much skill. The effect of this blow is mostly caused by brute force. Such a reaction force is relatively large, and he cannot use the reaction force. Unload it all over, so as not to hurt her.

Kirisu Madong pursed his mouth and smiled, then he sighed in relief and patted his chest.

"I said, teacher, why did you come to this alley?" Nangong Yan can finally ask questions.

"Of can I go home when a stranger follows." Her mouth addiction also returned.

Nangong Yan shook his head quite literally: "There is no surveillance on this road...If you don't meet me, guess what will happen?"

"Um..." Kirisu Matsumoto was dumb, "I made a mistake... I forgot about it. I should go to a crowded public place."

Seeing the embarrassed Tongsu Zhendong, Nangong Yan couldn't help but touch her head: "Normally this is fine, but it is inevitable that there will be people who will not give up. At this time, you should follow the road to the police station, but it is unavoidable. There are still people who don’t give up...Call me."

"My home is nearby, and I almost never go far. Give me a call and I will rescue you as soon as possible."

Kirisu Shinwon was stunned... he was touched? Have you been touched by a boy? As a teacher, I was touched by a boy who was still a student? Have you been touched by someone other than your family?

For a time, my thoughts were a bit complicated.

Chapter 0334: Don't underestimate the teacher! perhaps……