The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 416

"By the do I feel that this person is a bit familiar?"

"Same eye, seem to have seen..."

"...Is this Mr. Nangong so special?!"

"Fuck! Really! What the **** is this? Let Teacher Nangong run so desperately!"

"Furthermore, Teacher Nangong is still making an anxious call, but don't really have anything wrong..."

"Bah baah baah! Crow's mouth upstairs!!"


Then there are a lot of questions about what happened, and if you know where Nangong Yan is now...In short, it has indeed become a hot search as the fairy said, and it is still getting more and more intense.

The girls looked at each other, and the corners of Ying Lili's mouth twitched: "...I always feel like it has become a major event."

"The explanation must be explained." Shiyu also had a headache. "The question is how to explain? You can't tell the truth, right?"

"No way." Hui shook his head. "The truth sounds a little absurd. Everyone thought we were telling lies."

Yes, I said that because a teacher was afraid of Xiaoqiang, Nangong Yan went to save people with an anxious look...Who believe it!

Only a Xiaoqiang can make Nangong Yan put on this expression to save people? What about a big spider?

"That... I seem to be causing trouble for everyone again..." Kirisu's voice came from Megumi's phone.

"No, but Mr. Kirsu asks you to tell Yan-kun about this. Everyone must find a way."

"I heard it." This time it was Nangong Yan's voice, "Leave it to me, there is no problem."

"Jun Yan has thought of a way?"

"That's right, so everyone just needs to help me spread it out for a while, don't make any rumors over time."

After hanging up the phone, Nangong Yan sighed, "What a coincidence... I was filmed live."

With that said, I opened my blog...

Chapter 0373 Kosaka Honoka: What if you hit it?

"The king asked me to patrol the mountain~"

Nangong Yan, who was about to edit the news, was interrupted by the call.

"Smelly boy! What happened?"

Nangong Yan sighed, "Dad, it's okay."

"It's okay. What's the matter with that video on the Internet? I still know for the first time that your kid can run so fast!"

"Is this the point?" Nangong Yan said with a black line, "When I called my friend, there was a sudden scream from the other side. Isn't that the way I am? But when I arrived, I found that nothing happened."

"Friend...hehe, girlfriend, right?" Nangong Xiao's voice was slightly wretched.

"Of course it's a girlfriend." Nangong Yan curled his lips. "Dad, I should have a rumor if I don't speak for a while, so you see?"

"All right! Explain now, or it should be lively on my side too!"

"By the way, you guys have to come on!" Nangong Xiao laughed and hung up the phone.

Nangong Yan looked at the phone and shook his head with a smile: "Even if you don't say I will."

Immediately after entering the blog, the province was interrupted again.

Next to Nangong Yan, Tong Xu Zhendong's complexion was flushed, but it is no wonder that when the two stood together, Nangong Xiao's loud voice was heard!

Hearing Nangong Xiao talking about his girlfriend, Tongsu Zhendong was a little strange, but Nangong Yan admitted that it deepened this feeling. After the last two "come on", it caused Tongsu Zhendong's face flushed now.

Tongsu Zhendong, who was still holding one arm of Nangong Yan, leaned his head on Nangong Yan's shoulder, and read the edited information by the way.

Nangong: How come I was suddenly searched? I just looked at everyone's speeches and felt that the wind direction was a bit wrong, so I came out to explain.

First of all, the one in the video is indeed me, which is a fact, and then it is about my expression. How should I say, I was really anxious at the time! Imagine that when you called your sister, there was a scream from the other side and there was no movement. What would you do?

I think everyone is similar to me, right? But don’t worry, everyone. I already know the reason. I was frightened by a small animal flying by in front of my eyes. This scream was filled with deep heartache for the phone!

As for why you didn't reply to me, it made me show that expression...Can I say that the phone was broken?

In short, thank you all for your concern anyway! So, let’s prepare a little gift!

lottery! Three people will present a full set of single-page copies of "Monthly Girl Nozaki-kun" autographed by Nangong! Good luck everyone!

"OK, send it." Nangong Yan read it again, then nodded in satisfaction.

"Nangong... Jun Yan, is this really good?"

Huh? Did you call me by name? Well, a good thing.

Nangong Yan smiled and said, "It's okay. I'll be more truthful when I say this. I really want to tell the truth that everyone doesn't believe it, and...then the teacher will be laughed at by everyone?"

"...Every time I do so much for me, but there is nothing I can do for you."

"I didn't do it for reward." Nangong Yan stretched out her other hand, trying to touch her head...

"Kiss~" Kirisu Miadong sneezed cutely.

"...This sneeze is so cute." Nangong Yan still said this sentence.

Kirisu Masuu slapped him, looking a little bit shy.

"It should be a cold?" Nangong Yan tested the temperature of her forehead. "Teacher, go to the bed and let it sit for a while. I really caught a cold."

"Then what about you?" Kirisu Masuu asked instead without moving.

"I..." She glanced across the room, "I will help you clean up the room."

Kirisu's face blushed again, but this time he was embarrassed...

Escorting her to the bed, Nangong Yan looked at the messy house again, and said helplessly, "What the **** do you do to make this happen?"

The cat in the blanket showed only a pair of eyes, and she muffled and said, "Unconsciously..."

"Understood..." Nangong Yan nodded, "I moved this today, and then didn't put it back in place. I moved that one tomorrow and didn't put it back in place. After ten and a half months, I suddenly found that I was too lazy to clean up! I won’t be able to clean up for a while, so let’s do this first...right?"

The last sentence Nangong Yan asked her directly.

However, Kirito did not reply, but retracted his head into the bed.