The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 444

Nangong Yan turned to look.

"Ha, it's Teacher Nangong! And the Muse! What is this going to do?"

I don't know him, it looks like he's a fan.

Nangong Yan shrugged and said as he walked: "Look at the composition of this member, guess what we are going to do?"

"I'm not going to have a concert, right? I know!" The man hammered his palm, "Teacher Nangong, I'm leaving! I'm going to show off with everyone!"

After speaking, there was nothing. Nangong Yan thought for a while, then turned around and asked, "What is he going to show off?"

Nicole replied in a dubious voice: "Probably guessed that we are going to dub, and show my guess."

Nangong Yan was also speechless: "I thought he would ask for a group photo, but it would be nice to have more fans like this, at least sensible."

Others nodded in sympathy, and they recognized you on the street at a glance. It proved that they paid much attention to you. There is no requirement for ordinary chat. Such fans are really good.


After Nangong Yan took all the girls, people in the dubbing department, and voice actors to say hello one by one, it didn't take long for the director to officially announce that the preparations were over, and the recording of the first segment began.

Because it was the first time watching Muse and the others participated in this kind of formal dubbing work, there were dedicated staff to tell them about the various processes.

Although Nangong Yan had said it several times, the women still listened to her very seriously. This was an attitude.

Nangong Yan asked, "Are there any lines that need to be changed?"

The director shook his head: "No, you are the professional teacher of the script, Nangong, you have all edited it, so we are just going through a process here."

"I have to say, it's really a good work..."

"Thanks for the compliment."

About three minutes later...

"OK! Attention from all departments! The first act, the trial recording begins!"


"Yes! Although it's a trial recording, it's great! Next, it's official!"


"Miss Sonoda Umi, the voice of this place looks calmer again."


"Okay! Great! Go on!"


In less than two hours, this stage of dubbing was successfully completed.

The director smiled and walked over and held Nangong Yan's hand: "Teacher Nangong, you people are really amazing! Comparing with a professional voice actor is really not bad! Especially Teacher Nangong, you can actually do it in your fine-tuned state. Zero mistakes, great!"

"Thank you." Nangong Yan smiled, "It's just that we are the ones who don't want to fail the last."

"...Yes, this work can be said to be the same as your children, and it is only natural that you don't want to fail."

After greeting each other for a while, Nangong Yan and his party left.


"How does it feel to work with other people for the first time?"

The girls listened to Nangong Yan's words, smiling, and Eri directly said: "It feels good, is this kind of efficiency for formal voice actors? Have you learned it."

"Yes, this time in the actual combat, a lot of the skills taught by Homura have been integrated. When I dubbed Mitsuba, I felt that I had grown a lot!" Qihai looked happy, and now she can say very proudly. , I am already a qualified voice actor!

"This time everyone's income is really not less..." Nangong Yan continued, "Of course, the Muse, Xuesui and Arisa are basically all left to the guardian."

No one else has any special feelings. Maki is the one who doesn’t miss this amount of money. Erri and Xi are still calm, Nicole and Haiwei look the same, and Xiaoniao’s part-time job is also accustomed to this situation, Rin and Huayang appear Don't care so much.

Xuesui and Arisa seem to have no real feelings because of their younger age...Do they make money? Although I still have to hand it over to the parents, I do earn money!

Only the ear is fruit...

"Oh... I really want to have more pocket money..." Hui Naiguo sighed.

"Why do you want so much money? Buy food?" Hai Wei frowned.

Earnago began to pretend to whistle.

"My sister is probably tired of eating meatballs..." Xuesui vomited.

"No way! No matter how delicious things are, you will get bored every day!" Hui Naikao pouted.

"So...Honagao, have you measured your weight recently?" Hai Wei's eyes trembled.


"I think it's better to measure..."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome." Nangong Yan shook his head, "Let me check it out."

"Let's take a look..." Nangong Yan carefully glanced at Hui Naoko from top to bottom, and compared with the body shape of Hui Naoko in her mind when she performed for the first time.

"It seems... it's a little rounder?" Nangong Yan twitched.

Honoka's eyes are dead...

"What's the point?" Hai Wei Ke wanted to ask thoroughly.

Nangong Yan thought for a while: "The clothes for the first performance, should I still be able to wear them hard?"

"Isn't that already pretty bad?!" ×N

Nangong Yan scratched his head. He remembered that by the next semester, Hui Naiguo's clothes could not be worn at all...

"It should be Yanjun's fault?" Hai Wei glanced at him again.


"It's so delicious, who doesn't want to eat more?"

Nangong Yan: "..."

The pot is coming from the sky again...