The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 723

"But it's really abnormal..." Ayano also muttered for a while, and it was the first time she saw Nangong Yan's ability in this respect!

I kept sighing in my heart: Surprising and frightening people all the time...

"But really..." Jin Ji nodded, "If Homura sings like this, this song is indeed very suitable for them to sing."

"Don't learn from me!" Nangong Yan continued, "Sing the whole song by one person, don't sing the same song by several people."

Maki gave him a glance: "Don't worry, it won't!"

After that, they studied the singing method of this song again, and the three of Miao, Xiaojing, and Li also pondered to play this song by themselves.


The combination of Nangong Yan and the girl with a soft tone was chosen by everyone to sing again!


One song ends.

Hui looked thoughtfully.

It stands to reason that this time I asked Wei Lai to sing, but in fact, all the women didn’t hold on to hope...Because the male and female duet songs, only the feelings of Nangong Homura are guessed based on usual observations. It is likely that the feelings invested are not rich enough, or That is not correct enough!

However, this guy is always so unexpected!

Now as soon as the women close their eyes, they only need to recall the melody of "Fighting the Fireworks"... the scene of a man and a woman holding hands and watching the fireworks together will come to mind.

If the emotion in the singing is not in place, this effect will not be achieved at all.

Thinking of this, they looked at Wei, who was chatting with Mio and the others, with a somewhat complicated expression.

Is she hiding too deep? Or... even she didn't know that she felt a little special about Nangong Yan now?

The first type was eliminated decisively! Weicai is not such a deep-seated mansion!

Hui looked at Wei and asked, "Wei-chan, what kind of feeling did you sing this song with?"

"Huh?" Wei scratched his head, thinking for a while, "just the kind of happiness when watching fireworks?"

Women: "..."

Are they thinking too much? But the emotion contained in the song is not entirely happy...

Chapter 0643 Kirisu Miharu: Ah! ! I fight with you! !

Wei continued to think, as if thinking of something again.

"And when I sang with Homura-senpai, I seemed to remember the memory of when Homura-san helped me cook."

Nangong Yan: "..."

Is there something wrong with what you think? !

"Well, and when Homura-senpai pointed me to play the guitar... When Homura-senpai gave us a new song... When Homura-senpai came on stage to perform with us... When Homura-senpai touched his head..."

The only one broke his own hands and pointed them.

Nangong Yan: "..."

Women: "..."

Weihelu was also taken aback by the words of Wei. A lot of things were experienced by the four of them together, but I felt that they actually had them too.

Unconsciously, the experience of getting along with Nangong Yan has completely integrated into their daily lives, and these memories are completely indelible.

After that, the people named before Nangong Yan cooperated with Nangong Yan one by one.

Even the black cat is the same! But if the black cat wants to sing better, then the singing skills naturally need to be strengthened.

Nangong Yan also agreed with her to instruct her to sing.

On the second day of coming to the island, everyone felt very fulfilled all day long. After all, it was really enjoyable and very happy to play!




A tiptoe figure began to patrol the corridor.

Of course, to say it is a patrol, in fact, it is to observe if there is anything weird!

And the point of observation...Are there other options besides the door of the room where the fairy is?

The door was pushed and closed.

Door frame! Well, no exception! Door panels! No exception!!

This figure tapped three times on the doors of several rooms.

Then, the doors of the five rooms opened...

"Okay, since everyone is here..."


"Hui, what's the matter?"

The intensity of these voices, naturally only these few people can hear.

"Zhen Dongjiang hasn't come out..."

Ying Lili: "..."

"I'm going to call her! I've said it all, what is going on with the withdrawal now!" The words didn't mean that Zhendong was asleep, but instead felt that she had withdrawn.

Ying Lili moved lightly to the door of the room where Zhendong and Meichun were, and gently turned the doorknob away.

Then he walked slowly to the bed and frowned as he watched Zhendong and Michun with their eyes closed in the bed.

Poke out a finger to test Ma Dong's breathing rate, followed by Ying Lili suddenly breathed out towards Ma Dong's face!

Zhendong's breath changed instantly!

Ying Lili's expression suddenly became sinister!