The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 865

Speaking of it, am I considered Homura-senpai right now?

Thinking about it, the little face going out to sea became more rosy.

"Ah! It's the muse!" Shinoda was pleasantly surprised at the beginning of the day, "Sign! Sign! I'll get something!"

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Eri chuckled lightly: "This is the athletic girl Emily said? From this point of view, she always feels a bit like Rin and Runxiang."

The fairy shrugged: "At least I don't feel that she has the shyness of Runxiang, and I have to kick her **** if I kiss her."

Girls: "..."

Chapter 0768 Nangong Yan: Let you become a qualified old Siji!

After that, Nangong Yan and the others saw Shinoda Chu being driven back by Iori.

But it's normal. Nangong Yan is about to go to class. What if she takes the lead and the whole company needs to sign?

Of course Iori can’t let this happen, so when I saw Shinoda’s meaning before, he directly said to other people: “No matter what you think, if you can’t help you want to sign in the next time Thoughts, that’s causing trouble, you know?"

"Not only are we busy, but Teacher Nangong is also busy. They didn't come here to hold the autograph meeting, not to mention the chance to see you again in the future!"

"So, control yourself today, do you understand?"

Of course I understand that even Shinoda Chu didn't react because of a moment of excitement.

"Okay, let's go in!" After Iori finished speaking, Ye Yueshi clapped his hands and motioned.

Then everyone walked into the meeting room.

"I don't know if Miss Ye Yue told you what I am here for today?" Now is the chat time before class.

"Forget it, whether they say it or not, I'll say it again!"

"Xiaoyuan and Feiying Yuedong will usher in the closest cooperation, of course, the purpose is to make RPG games."

"Furthermore, the flying eagle now has two flags. One is naturally the banner of the Nangong Group, and the other is the banner of a different dimension. Since this is the case, of course there must be a'different dimensional speed'! So there is also This is the focus of today’s class, and let everyone get familiar with the latest game engine."

Nangong Yan's series of information bombardment bombed them too much, and many of them were in a state of embarrassment.

Although I heard that my company and Teacher Nangong have a different dimension of cooperation, I never expected that this kind of cooperation and closeness to this point!

Even Taki, who didn't know whether he should watch Nangong Homura just now, was dumbfounded and completely forgot his behavior.

"This girl is the one that Emily-chan said is particularly shy, isn't it?" Hui sat next to her, and she was watching all of Nifumi's every move.

"But she's really shy. It should take a lot of time to get acquainted with her..."

Hui took out her phone to edit...

Then, Fumi Taki, who was stunned, felt as if someone was tapping her arm, and turned her head to see... someone she had never seen before!

Suddenly, Nifumi felt a little flustered.

Before, because my attention was focused on Nangong Yan's body, I didn't even notice that there were other people around me!

How to do how to do? ! Isn't she going to bully me? !

Kato Megumi: "..."

Why does this girl have so many inner dramas? Why do you panic like this when you see me?

A little helpless, but still show her the information she just edited.

The information is not complicated, just one sentence: can you add a friend?

After reading it, Taki Fumi's eyes widened today, and he was in a hurry and almost didn't scream!

Nangong Yan's mouth twitched. What is Hui doing? How did you return the panic of Nifumi...

However, Hui would never do anything that didn't mean it, so Nangong Yan decided to let it go.

In the end, Nifumi took out his mobile phone cautiously, and Hehui added friends to each other.

Nangong Yan also turned on the projector and officially began to give a more detailed explanation of the game engine, so that everyone can learn more.

"Considering everyone’s habits, I haven’t changed the basic framework too much. I have added some more convenient functions, such as this pinch of people, which makes it very convenient for routine villagers or monsters to make, and can save money. A lot of time, of course, quality does not need to worry about."

With that said, Nangong Yan made a character at random, a cute little girl, just so casually, the whole character also looks very delicate.

It doesn't mean that characters can be done at will. If someone is set up, everything that must be done from the inside to the outside meets the requirements, and the work that the person set up has not changed! It is to compress the time of 3D modeling to a considerable extent!

Doesn't the game engine exist for the convenience of making and saving time?

Nangong Yan talked about all kinds of functions, and everyone was enthusiastic about taking notes. Some people even took their mobile phones and started shooting videos.

"Everyone who shoots the video, I don't mind if you shoot it, but it's best not to stream the video, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Nangong Yan focused on what kind of impact this game engine would have if it proliferated significantly.

"What should I say, in order to protect this thing, I have taken quite strict protective measures, to what extent... Let Miss Haizi speak to you in person." Nangong Yan shrugged and motioned to Abogen Haizi to come out and talk about this topic. , He himself said that he was suspected of bragging, and it is not certain whether others believe it or not.

But Haizi was different. All of them knew exactly what kind of abilities Haizi had and how to get along with each other for a long time.

Haizi was not polite, so he threw out a word...

"I tried all my methods and failed to transfer this game engine out of our company."

Just such a sentence, the effect is amazing!

Especially the people in the program group, it is a shocking fact for them.

But the more this is the case, the more it shows the need to act cautiously.

Having said all that should be said, the person who made the video thought about it and deleted the video.

They don't want to disturb their current fulfilling lives just because they cause huge troubles.

"This game engine is the strongest means of transportation for everyone to achieve'different speed' (tentative)."

Many people who listened to him started to laugh.