The Sims System in a Comprehensive Comic

Chapter 98


After listening to Nangong Yan's explanation, the women all looked surprised and then looked at Yang with a smile, and finally they all stepped forward and touched her.

"Xiaoyang's thoughts may not be strange to the cat..." Shi Yu said with a sigh.

"Should it be?" Ying Lili also nodded in agreement, "but as expected, Xiao Yang is still too cute!"

Zhen Bai squatted in front of Yang, puzzled: "Yang, are you going to fight?"

"Zhen Bai, although we don't quite understand Xiao Yang's thoughts, but I think it shouldn't?" Qihai wanted to explain to Zhen Bai, but couldn't explain it clearly.

"Maybe Yang is a little lonely," Nangong Yan guessed, "I haven't seen my brother for another week, maybe I will be a little irritable?"

Nangong Yan's guess was recognized by everyone, and they also thought it was very possible.

"Let me ask Yang!" Nangong Yan came to Yang's side and touched her little head. "Little guy, do you miss your brother?"

"Meow~meow~ (...I don't know, but I seem to be a little worried about the kid, although he has always been very energetic.

"Okay, I see, take you to see him this afternoon!" Nangong Yan squeezed her little paw, and Nangong Yan decided on the afternoon's itinerary.

"Are you going?" Nangong Yan looked back at the girls.

Shiyu raised her eyebrows: "Where are we going? Guarding Miss's house?"

Nangong Yan waved his hand: "How could it be possible that so many of us can't go to her house, it's to go to the pet shop."

Saguri said anxiously, "Brother, are there many people in the pet shop you are talking about?"

"There are not many people, but there are many pets." Nangong Yan thought for a while and explained to Sawu.

"Then I want to go with my brother." Sawu Lori was the first to sign up with her hand.

"I like pets, too." Ying Lili is second!

"Going." Zhenbai was the third.

Nangong Yan waved his hand: "Let's go together! Anyway, the game production is nearing completion, so there is no need to hurry up!"

Shiba, Megumi, and Nanami who hadn't commented also nodded.

"Okay, we'll go after lunch!" Nangong Yan took out his mobile phone, "Hello~? Nana, I'm Nangong Yan, can I trouble you?"

"Ah~ Homura-kun, let's talk, what's the matter?" Oshimori Nana's voice seemed to have been so gentle.

"Yang should be thinking of Xiao Ba. Could you please take Xiao Ba to the pet shop this afternoon?"

"That's it, does Yang Jiang want Xiaoba?" She seemed to think for a while and gave a positive answer, "No problem, You Wu is at home, I asked him to take Xiaoba Xiaoliu to the store after lunch. "

"I'm really sorry, I will trouble you." Nangong Yan was a little embarrassed, and tossed both siblings.

"No, no, don't be so polite, Jun Yan, it's Yang Jiang's wish after all!" She said, her voice was a little embarrassed, "My sister is thinking about my brother, but my Xiao Ba has always seemed a little heartless. !"

Nangong Yan was also a little bit dumbfounded, and could only comfort him: "It should be Xiao Ba who is still young? I didn't think so much. After all, we only wanted to have fun when we were young."

"Maybe... well, there are customers in the store, Yan Jun, come here in the afternoon!"

"Well, then you are busy, bye."


Nangong Yan took back the phone, looked at them and said, "After the contact is over, we can go directly in the afternoon."

"What's the matter? They are all looking at me?" Nangong Yan looked at them strangely.

"When did Yanjun exchange contact information with Miss Yashou?" External representative, Shiyu Kasumigaoka appeared.

Nangong Yan replied without even thinking about it: "The time I bought a toy for Yang, after all, there is Yang's younger brother over there, how could he not leave his contact information?"

Impeccable, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, the external representative, completed his mission and returned to the team.

"Come on, Hui and Qihai, let's cook!" Nangong Yan greeted the two of them, "When we finish eating, we will set off!"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Ying Lili looked at each other, Ying Lili came to Yang's front: "I didn't expect that Xiao Yang, it was you, a little fellow who helped Yan to meet a big beauty, you...cute little fellow! "

Reaching out and rubbing Yang's head, the little guy looked at Ying Lili with a dazed expression: "Meow? (What is this human being talking about?

Item 0091

"Nana, here we are!" Nangong Yan took the lead and led the girls into the pet shop.

"Ah welcome, Yanjun, are you all here?" Oshou Nana greeted, and Oshou Yuwu, who was beside her, nodded to everyone, Nangong Yan also gave a salute.

The little guy jumped off Nangong Yan's shoulders, and a few steps jumped to Xiao Ba's body. The two cats played a little bit as if they were chatting again.

"Yeah, the project is drawing to a close, and it's not that busy anymore. Just when I'm coming to you, I brought them all." Nangong Yan explained a little bit.

"The last time you saw Sagiri, you saw it on the computer, right? She came with us this time!" Nangong Yan said to Oshimura Nana while pulling Sagiri.

"...Hello, you." Sawu whispered.

"Well, hello." Oshimori Nana smiled at Sagiri.

After a brief greeting, Nangong Yan scanned the store and looked back at the girls.

"By the way, there should be people who like pets too? They are here, don't you want to go and see?" Nangong Yan pointed to the surrounding pets and said to the girls.

"Just talk about us, what about you?" Ying Lili also asked him.

Nangong Yan shrugged: "I like cats, but how do other cats compare to Yang!"

"Also, you are afraid that you have forgotten one thing. I can understand the meaning of cats, so I can't keep cats as pets."

Shiyu asked, "It's not just that you can understand the meaning of yang, but can all cats be okay?"

Nangong Yan nodded.

Oshimori Nana said enviously, "I really want to be able to understand the meaning of cats too!"

No wonder you are not surprised after knowing it!

Qi Hai was also surprised: "Like a Beast Whisperer? No, it should be a Cat Whisperer?"

Nangong Yan: "..."

Why do I feel a bit frustrated by this title?

"Even if it is..." Nangong Yan said helplessly.