The Son of Finance of the Great Age

Chapter 2: a butterfly

  Chapter 2 A Butterfly

  Butterfly Effect (ButterflyEffect) is a concept in topology. It is defined as a phenomenon that a very small disturbance of the initial value will cause a huge change in the system. The most common statement is: "A butterfly in the Amazon rainforest in South America, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas two weeks later."

   This is just an adjective. In fact, thousands of butterflies in the Amazon River Basin are flapping their wings all the time, so people in Texas don't have to do anything else, they have to hide in the basement all the time.

  Since Zhongshi traveled to 1984, he has been thinking hard about the problem of space-time tunnels, but with his years of hard-earned professional knowledge, he can't explain this supernatural phenomenon at all.

  The only reasonable explanation is that because of the disturbance of the magnetic field caused by lightning, a certain wormhole suddenly collapsed under the impact of powerful energy, which happened to **** the soul of Zhongshi into it, and traveled to the past 1984.

When Zhong Shi opened his eyes, he found that he was already in the Chinese mainland in the 1980s. A yellow kerosene lamp was lit in a house made of yellow mud, and there was a musty smell in the surrounding air. Electrical appliances—the radio is making a familiar voice "China People's Broadcasting Station..."

"Where is this?" Zhong Shi was startled, and was about to raise his head to take a closer look, when suddenly a pain piercing his heart and lungs came from his head, making him limp and weak, and his body that had just lifted up a little bit fell heavily on the ground. on the bedding.

  A nauseating dizziness filled the whole body, Zhong Shi shook his head with all his strength, and managed to drive out the discomfort. Only then did he feel that his whole body was very hot, and he wanted to remove the heavy quilt on his body, but he had no strength at all. "Is anyone there? I want a drink of water." He shouted this sentence in English.

Either it was his attempt to get up, or the English sentence he yelled, which alarmed a little yellow dog in the yard. The little yellow dog raised his head, heard the movement in the house, and immediately turned to the woman who was drying corn at the door. The man yelled twice, then rushed into the house wagging his tail happily.

"Huh? Wake up?" The woman who was busy with farm work heard the barking of the little yellow dog, quickly put down the farm tools in her hand, wiped her clothes with both hands casually, and walked into the kitchen in three steps at a time. .

The little yellow dog ran to the bed and acted coquettishly, but as soon as the beast caught Zhong Shi's gaze, it stopped acting and squatted there blankly. After a few seconds, it began to "bark". " barked wildly, retreating outside while calling out.

"Dead dog, what's your name? You don't even know Xiaoshi? If you keep arguing, you'll be hungry for two days!" The woman who came out of the kitchen yelled dissatisfiedly, holding a thin white porcelain bowl in her left hand and A paper bag was hurrying towards the bedroom.

The little yellow dog must have understood the woman's yelling, stopped the instinctive yelling, lay down on the ground aggrieved, and expressed his inner uneasiness with a "wow" sound. When Zhong Shi on the bed looked at him, the little yellow dog immediately avoided it. Open his eyes and turn his head to the side.

"It's fine when you wake up, thank God, eat this 'Analgin' quickly, sleep well, sweat all over, and the disease will be cured!" The woman entered the dark room and put the bowl on the bedside After stretching out his hand to test the temperature of Zhongshi's forehead, he was visibly relieved.

   After speaking, she opened the paper bag in her hand, took out a pill the size of an adult fingernail, and handed it to Zhong Shi's mouth, motioning him to swallow the pill.

  She spoke a very strange dialect, but Zhong Shi could still tell it was Chinese. Since the woman entered the room, he shut his mouth tactfully, did not say a word, and watched her every move carefully. When the pill was brought to his mouth, he opened his mouth obediently and swallowed it.

  As soon as the pill was ingested, a nauseating bitterness immediately spread from the tip of the tongue, making Zhong Shi frowned uncontrollably. "Be patient, just swallow it!" The middle-aged woman lifted Zhong Shi up, and handed the white porcelain bowl to his mouth, "Quick, drink some sugar water!" The woman looked at Zhong Shi with an expression on her face. Showing a concerned look, this look is very familiar to Zhong Shi, and he has often seen it in his mother's eyes, but the woman in front of him, who is not close to him, why does he show this look.

   Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Zhong Shi took a big sip of water and swallowed the pill.

  The middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Zhong Shi had taken the medicine, put Zhong Shi back on the bed, helped him tuck the kicked quilt, and then said softly:

   "Sleep well, and get better tomorrow!"

   After finishing speaking, she wrapped up the remaining medicine, carefully put it in her arms, then picked up the white porcelain bowl, and tiptoed out, not forgetting to call the little yellow dog who was still lying on the ground and whining in a low voice.

  With a "squeak", the wooden door was closed from the outside, and the dark room fell into silence again.

"Where is this place? Who is that woman? What did I eat just now?" These questions kept swirling in Zhong Shi's mind, but before he could figure it out, the power of the medicine flooded his head and made him fall into a drowsy sleep past.


   It has been two months since he came to this world, and Zhong Shi has a preliminary understanding of his situation. He was actually reincarnated into a boy with the same name. It was 1984 A.D., in a small village in the northern part of Jiangzhong Province in mainland China, eight-year-old Xiao Zhongshi suddenly had a high fever one night two months ago, and he was raving nonsense. His family members were distraught, but The hospital in the village was not open, so they had to wait until dawn before sending Zhong Shi, who was dying, to the clinic. After a few minutes of examination, the doctor randomly prescribed several antipyretics and asked the family to take the child back to the hospital. go home.

  The doctor knew in his heart that the little boy was brought in too late. He had a high fever for so long. His brain was probably burnt out, and he might become an idiot when he woke up in the future. The doctor didn't dare to tell Xiao Zhongshi's family about the result, so he sent them away with a few hasty orders.

  In this day and age, under this kind of medical environment, even county hospitals dozens of miles away dare not easily perform caesarean section operations. Tragedy like Zhong Shi is not uncommon in various places in rural areas of the mainland.

  By chance, Zhong Shi's soul was attached to the poor boy's body. The previous Zhong Shi, who had a high fever, had lost consciousness for a long time. As for why Zhong Shi could enter Zhong Shi's mind, Zhong Shi was no longer surprised. He even encountered the time travel thing, so it was nothing to be reborn as a human being again!

  The Zhong family is just an ordinary family. Zhong Shi’s father burns bricks and builds houses in the countryside for a living, while Zhong’s mother does farm work at home, raising some chickens and ducks. There are many people with the surname Zhong in the whole village, so the village is called Zhongzhuang.

  Before Zhong Shi was usually a little muddled and his mind was not very bright, so even when he was seven or eight years old, the Zhongs and his wife did not let him go to school.

  The most famous place in Zhongzhuang is Zhong Shi’s uncle’s family. Since his family gave birth to a college student who studied at Yenching University, the whole family has a high status in the village.

  The only college student in the village is Zhong Yi. Zhong Yi just returned to the village after the summer vacation, when he heard that his cousin Zhong Shi, who used to follow behind him, had a serious illness and became a little demented. Many people don’t know him anymore. He liked this little cousin very much, so he often ran to Xiao Zhongshi's house, trying to wake up his memory.

  Who would have thought that after getting along for a long time, Zhong Yi discovered that this little cousin is a genius, and he can answer the questions that he specially asked for the test, and even the math problems that only junior high school students can solve. Not only that, but a sentence or two of English came out of his mouth from time to time, and even he, a top student at Yenching University, couldn't quite understand it.

   Regarding these, Zhong Shi explained that after a high fever, many strange fragments appeared in his mind, and even he himself did not know why. Zhong Yi asked carefully, but in the end she found nothing. She could only think that this little cousin suddenly became enlightened and learned without a teacher!

   This kind of explanation is naturally unreasonable, but in the countryside, there are often ghosts and gods. It is very reasonable to push something that cannot be explained to the ghosts and gods. Zhong Yi comforted herself in her heart, thinking that this little cousin was lucky enough to escape from death, and suddenly became enlightened. He must have been protected by the gods to become what he is today.

  College students in the 1980s did not believe in materialism as much as today's students. What's more, Zhong Yi was born in a rural area, and he firmly believes in the theory of ghosts and gods.

   Zhong Shi naturally fully accepts Zhong Yi's statement. Since he was reincarnated, it was the first time he met someone who saw through his abnormality, and he was unavoidably a little uneasy. He was overjoyed to think that this enthusiastic cousin would find a perfect excuse for himself.

  Before reincarnation, Zhong Shi was a staunch materialist. Although there are still countless unsolved mysteries in the universe, most of his mentors and classmates at Caltech are Christians and firmly believe in the existence of God. But after studying in China for so long, he has long been thinking of materialism and atheism, and it is difficult to accept the teachings preached by Christianity. But now if you ask him whether there is a **** in the world, Zhong Shi will definitely not deny it.

After Zhong Shi became clear about his situation, he was troubled by a common question of a reincarnated person. This question was whether he should use his innate information advantage of knowing what was going to happen in the next thirty years to obtain for himself benefit.

  Although his previous life was also very rich, he was just one of the crowd after all, working for companies and rich people to earn some commissions. Now God has given him a chance to choose again, and he no longer wants to spend his whole life for others.

But the problem has arisen again, the current him is a variable in the process of history, just like the butterfly that may cause a tornado in Texas, if the variable is too large, it will cause uncertainty in the development of history, so he is not sure about the future There will be a slight advantage to speak of.

  After much deliberation, Zhong Shi decided to retreat behind the scenes and pushed his cousin Zhong Yi to the front. The two brothers joined forces to build an invisible wealth empire! After figuring it out, Zhong Shi began to teach his cousin some knowledge of the international financial market and celebrities who would become famous in the future, intentionally or unconsciously.

   All of this, Zhong Yi is still in the dark, without knowing it.

  (end of this chapter)