The Son of Finance of the Great Age

Chapter 45: Iberian ham

  Chapter 45 Iberian Ham

"Let's not talk about it!" Zhong Shi suddenly lost his interest. Feelings are such a mysterious thing. If there is fate, you can know at the first glance that you are a person who can stay together for a lifetime. If you don't have fate, no matter how long you get along That's all. Just like the lyrics sang: "If you are destined to meet thousands of miles away, if you don't have the destiny to meet across the face."

  According to Zhong Shi's current situation, there is a 40-year-old soul in his teenage body, and the experience of half a century has already made his heart as calm as water, and there are no waves. Coupled with his narrow range of communication, it is difficult to meet the right person.

  But it is still too early to say these things at this time, Zhong Shi is not in a hurry, but Liao Xiaohua in front of him has reached the age of marriage, and Liao Chengde is also having a headache about this matter.

Hong Kong people are under a lot of pressure to survive, so the age of marriage is also delayed accordingly. The average working class will not consider these things until they are about 30 years old, but this problem does not exist in the Liao family, and Liao Chengde is eager to embrace his grandson. Twice urged Liao Xiaohua to settle down with his girlfriend.

Liao Xiaohua is just at the age of being playful, and he can't resist some temptations at all. In addition, he is a famous golden bachelor in the city, so there are countless women who have posted him, so many that Liao Xiaohua himself can't count them, and there are many of them. Little famous actress.

The 1980s was the time when the battle between Asia Television and Wireless TVB was the most intense. Both sides were backed by wealthy businessmen, and the quality of the TV series produced was also extraordinary. The rivalry between the two tigers led to the vigorous development of TV series. The company started to dream of being a star.

  Most of the kings and queens of later generations made their debut at this time, appearing in the TV series of the two companies. However, in the late 1980s, with TV series such as "SH Beach" and "Legend of the Condor Heroes", TVB became popular with a group of young stars, firmly suppressing ATV.

Few of these handsome men and women who work hard in the entertainment industry can withstand the temptation. As long as many actresses have a little bit of fame, they will turn their attention to those wealthy people in the city, such as Liao Xiaohua, who are both young and handsome. , is naturally their top choice.

   "Old Liao, you made a lot of money today!" Zhong Shi tidied up the sundries, greeted Andrew, and left the futures company.

   Beside him is the respectful Liao Chengde. Behind him followed the conscientious Lu Hu and Liao Xiaohua who were automatically ignored by everyone.

  When Liao Chengde thought of holding a grandson, he became very angry, and Liao Xiaohua's eyes became unkind. On the other hand, Zhong Shi and the others didn't talk to Liao Xiaohua very much, and it was obvious that his qualifications were still far behind.

   "Zhong Sheng, thanks to you, I made a small profit. Today's supper is my treat!" Liao Chengde smiled openly, slapped his chest and boasted.

   "So stingy? You have earned at least several million! Just use some food from the food stall to prevaricate me?" Zhong Shi laughed and teased.

  Hearing what Zhong Shi said, Liao Chengde blushed, but fortunately it was already dark at this time, so he couldn't easily see it. He groaned for a long time, but didn't say anything.

   "Why don't you go to the Gaddi's Restaurant in the Peninsula Hotel, the French snails there are the most delicious." Liao Xiaohua's eyes lit up, and he suggested hastily. He is the best at eating, drinking and having fun. Seeing that his father couldn't explain why, he decided on his own.

"You just know how to eat! If you spend half of your energy on eating, drinking and having fun, I will burn the incense!" Liao Chengde glared, and said angrily, "You don't even think about when this is, don't you?" Do you want our group to change into suits first and then drink red wine?"

  Listening to Liao Chengde's words, Liao Xiaohua realized that it was late at night, and those famous restaurants had already closed their doors. Apart from some tea restaurants, the only food stalls open at this point, he touched his head in embarrassment, his face a little embarrassing.

   "Zhong Sheng, Liao Sheng, I have a good introduction!" After a long silence, Lu Hu suddenly said.

   "Oh? Really? Tell me!" Everyone was used to the usually taciturn Land Rover, but today they suddenly heard him make a suggestion. For a while, everyone was not used to it, but it also aroused everyone's interest.

   "This is Central. Apart from the restaurants that do business during the day, there are also some restaurants that cater to customers late at night, but the price is a bit..." Lu Rover seemed hesitant to speak, and he didn't know where he got the news.

   "As long as the food is delicious, I'll treat you!" Liao Chengde's performance opportunity came again.

   "It's a Spanish restaurant! It's called Esid or something. I just heard it from my friends, but I haven't tried it myself!" Lu Rover scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

   "Spanish restaurant?" Liao Xiaohua's eyes lit up as soon as he heard it, and he swallowed wildly unconsciously. His actions were naturally stared at by everyone.

  The wronged Liao Xiaohua muttered in a low voice: "Why are you staring at me, as long as you eat it, you will be full of praise!" But no one listened to him, but told the driver to go.

   This Spanish restaurant is also located in Central, and it is located in Pacific Place. The price of the location is not cheap. It seems that this restaurant may really be a good restaurant.

This time period is the end of the US capital market. Even at four or five o’clock in the middle of the night, the Escheid restaurant is full of people. Many young talents in high-end suits and briefcases are sitting at the dining table with various expressions. While exchanging something in a low voice with the companions around him, there was something faintly looking forward to on his face.

For those who hang out in the American or European markets, the biological clock has been completely reversed. This is their evening, the time to enjoy dinner, and today is the weekend, so many people can't wait to come here after work. Looking forward to a hearty meal.

Although there were a lot of people, after Liao Xiaohua showed the VIP card, the four of them found a seat easily. After the four of them sat down, Liao Xiaohua didn't look at the menu, so he told the waiter: "Caviar, Harmon, Borscht, salt baked sea bass, prawn paella, red wine, cheese cheese for dessert, that's all!"

After he finished ordering, he realized that the other three people were all looking at him, and the eyes were full of that. Even though he was so thick-skinned, he couldn't help showing a trace of shame. He coughed lightly, and then he said: "You see What? These are all Spanish delicacies, and it's rare for me to come here!"

   But seeing his familiar posture, it was hard for the other three to believe what he said. Liao Chengde sighed lowly, closed the menu, and said to the waiter in a dejected tone: "It's the same as his menu!"

"Zhong Sheng, what about you?" Lu Hu said nervously to Zhong Shi, it was the first time for him to come to such a high-end restaurant, and he didn't even know how to put his hands, so Zhong Shi became his backbone .

   "I wonder if you have any good recommendations?" Zhong Shi also closed the menu and said to the waiter with a smile.

   "Sir, this restaurant's specialty is paella, I strongly recommend you!" The waiter spoke fluent Cantonese, and it was obvious that he had been in Hong Kong for a long time.

"Is that so?" Zhong Shi pondered for a while, and then ordered: "Foie gras, ham, medium-rare grilled steak, fruit salad, tiramisu, and a cup of espresso for after-dinner drinks, thank you. Also, give this gentleman a paella!" He pointed to Lu Rover.

   "Except for the main meal, I am the same as this gentleman!" Relieved, Lu Rover quickly closed the menu and nodded to the waiter.

  The formal full course meal of Western food is quite different from Chinese food, and it is divided into starters, side dishes, main dishes, desserts, drinks, etc. But at this time, there is no need to pay so much attention. Everyone is already hungry, so they don't have the heart to abide by these tedious details.

  When the waiter served several plates of thinly sliced ​​ham, Liao Xiaohua's face revealed an intoxicated look, and he impatiently stretched out his hand to one of the plates, ready to pinch it with his hands. As he acted, he said: "This is the famous Iberian ham, very expensive and rare!"

   "How do you reach out?" Liao Chengde tapped the knife and fork on his hand, reminding Liao Xiaohua. What he didn't know was that the etiquette of Spanish dining is to hold ham, shrimp and other foods with your hands.

   "What? Is this Iberian ham?" Zhong Shi looked at the thin plate in front of him, really surprised.

  Why is this ham so famous? This kind of ham is a Spanish national treasure delicacy. It is pickled from the hind legs of the unique "black-hoofed pig" in the Iberian Peninsula. This kind of pig is raised in the oak forest and feeds on acorns. The content of cholesterol will be reduced, and the fat will become clean and transparent, and the fat is distilled oleic acid, similar to olive oil, which is a very good fat.

  The black-hoofed pig will be used as food when it grows to about eighteen months old. The cut hind legs are marinated only with coarse sea salt, then placed in a refrigerator at 4 degrees Celsius, dehydrated, and then placed in a low-temperature storage room to dry in the shade for four to six weeks.

  After the above steps, the ham will be hung to dry in a ventilated drying room. Under the influence of the climate at the junction of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, the ham will lose about one-third of its weight and emit fragrance. The air-dried ham must be placed in a low-temperature and high-humidity cellar for final aging at low temperature. This time is about 14 months. It has been at least 24 months by the time it matures, and some even have to experience 30 months. months, basically it takes years to produce a ham.

  The mature ham is crimson in color, with faint fat around the muscles, surrounded by clouds, and looks like a work of art. It is fat but not greasy, thin but not woody, melts into **** in the mouth, and leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

  The best way to eat this kind of ham is to eat it raw, and only by eating it raw can it be worthy of its supreme taste. And in the eyes of the Spanish who pay attention to etiquette, eating Iberian ham is grasped with hands, never with a knife and fork.

The reason why Zhong Shi knew this was entirely because an official in the later generations of China was sacked. He mentioned this kind of meat in his confession. However, the high-ranking official insisted on cooking and eating. There was even some anger between the father and son, but the piece of ham was cooked and eaten in the end.

  Some gourmets at the time commented on this official’s reckless behavior: “Don’t overcook it! That’s too! Terrible! Trash! It’s over!”

  When Zhong Shi saw this passage, he laughed for a while, but when he saw the real body of Iberian ham, his interest was immediately aroused! (Please click, please recommend, please collect)

  (end of this chapter)