The Son of Finance of the Great Age

Chapter 539: The first loss in history (3)

  Chapter 539 The first loss in history (3)

  After Soros finished speaking, John Mark immediately understood the meaning of the other party. This is Soros's intention to use the hands of the SEC to clean up the bell stone.

  After the stock market crash in 1929, the U.S. government learned from the painful experience and began to crack down on all kinds of shady things in the capital market. The Securities Act of 1933 and the Exchange Act of 1934 established the Securities and Exchange Commission, the SEC. The agency that governs capital markets has almost unlimited powers and is directly accountable to the president. It can investigate anyone and any object, and the parties must not refuse.

  The most powerful thing is that the class action rights and defense evidence provided in these two laws can completely destroy almost any institution suspected of insider trading. The so-called class action right means that if a shareholder lawsuit is successful, all stakeholders must handle it according to the case; while the burden of proof is to shift the burden of proof to the defendant, if the defendant cannot prove his innocence, Will be found guilty, that is, "suspicious".

  Since the promulgation and strict implementation of these two laws, the capital market in the United States has taken on a new look immediately, and an orderly financial market has also promoted the rapid development of the real economy. What I have to say is that the United States was able to recover from the Great Depression and occupy the position of the world's number one power for decades, which is inseparable from the prosperous financial market. Much of the credit for making financial markets so prosperous goes to these two laws.

  Of course, this does not mean that there is no insider trading in the US capital market. In fact, no matter which country or market, there are people who take risks every day, and dirty transactions happen all the time. But here, once targeted by the SEC, the price to be paid is probably the heaviest in the world's financial markets. Even if it is a super large consortium, if it is investigated by the SEC, although they can hire the best lawyers in the United States, in the end, few consortiums dare to go to court and have a verbal battle with the prosecution. They can only accept the prosecution's settlement conditions in private, pinch their noses and pay a large sum of money to "confess themselves as unlucky."

   And if the SEC focuses on Zhongshi, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the other party, especially if the SEC has enough evidence. John Mark instantly thought of a plan to kill someone with a knife.

   "Tom, take line three."

   After telling Soros his strategy and getting the approval of the other party, John Mark called the chief risk control officer of Stanley, Tom Dorel, and started a secret three-party telephone conversation.

  Tom Dourrell is in his forties, with a slightly thin body, wearing a pair of plain glasses, and looks very bookish. He was hired by Stanley from the position of a university professor. As a professor of statistics, he originally had a bright future in academia, but the temptation of a salary of millions of dollars a year was really hard to resist, so he came from Kang Nair University jumped ship to Stanley Corporation as chief risk control officer.

  As one of the few high-level executives in the company without factions, Tom Doyle only focuses on obeying orders from the board of directors and the CEO, and embodying these orders in his work. Originally, he had some complaints about the trading department's involvement in higher risk fields, but the huge profits made by the trading department forced him to keep his mouth shut. As a result, due to the deterioration of the subprime housing mortgage market, some transactions appeared. Loss, and it was an extremely huge loss, this time he was immediately pushed to the forefront.

  Factually speaking, a large part of Tom Dourrell's responsibility is caused by John Mark. After all, it is impossible for him to violate the strategy specified by the company's top management. But after this incident, the responsibility can only be attributed to himself. After all, he can't blame the company's top management for a problematic strategy. Otherwise, how can he explain the previous super high profits?

Tom Doyle is already very aware of his current situation. Although he has stayed on the university campus for a long time, it does not mean that he does not understand these complicated struggles. Although his heart is very sad, this is the reality of the Wall Street workplace. normal. In fact, he was already ready to pack up and leave, at worst, he would return to school and continue to be a professor.

  After receiving the call from John Mark, Tom Dourrell thought that this moment had finally arrived, and his original anxiety was instantly wiped away. What was supposed to come finally came, he said to himself. But soon, he realized something was wrong, because this was not a call between two people, and the lit button showed that there was another person online.

  Maybe a lawyer, Tom Doyle took it for granted, but now it doesn't matter, Tom calmed down a little, and said calmly: "John, what is it, are you planning to fire me?"

Didn't wait for the expected affirmative answer, replaced by two chuckles, Tom Dorel immediately blushed, as if feeling insulted, he stood up and closed the door of his office, and then said to He yelled viciously into the phone: "Damn it, John, what the **** do you and your lawyer mean? God, don't you even have the grace to do that?"

  Hearing Tom Dourrell's angry voice, John Mark and Soros realized that something was wrong, and they stopped laughing at the same time. After coughing lightly, John Mark said in a serious voice: "Tom, calm down, my buddy. This is not a call to fire you, and I won't be so unmannered. Let's meet, the other online is George. Soros, I believe you know him?"

"Soros?" After hearing John Mark's explanation, Tom Dorel's anger subsided a lot, but when he heard Soros's name, he was stunned, and after lifting his glasses on the bridge of his nose , he asked subconsciously, then realized something was wrong, and hurriedly said hello, "Hi, it's Mr. Soros. It's a pleasure to talk to you."

Although Soros is famous, Tom Dourrell will not naively think that the other party is planning to poach someone, but he is confused about the specific purpose of the other party's visit. After greeting Soros politely, he said softly He muttered, "Whoa, what the **** is going on, how did hedge funds get involved?"

"Hi, Tom, I'm glad to be able to speak with you too." Although Tom Dourrell's voice was low, his words were clearly captured by the two people on the other side of the phone, and John Mark coughed awkwardly One sound, without explaining anything. It was Soros who spoke with great interest, "Tom, maybe you will find it very strange why I am online. To be honest, there is a good thing to be entrusted to you. If you can complete it smoothly, your livelihood for the rest of your life I won't worry anymore."

   Thanks to book friends yuerwa, Ye Gonghaolongsa, and cpower for voting monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)