The Son of Finance of the Great Age

Chapter 685: The most short squeeze in history (10)

  Chapter 685 The most short squeeze in history (10)

   "1000 euros?"

   "God, why don't you rob?"

   "Damn, this is absolutely impossible!"

  One stone stirred up thousands of waves. As soon as Wei Dejin finished speaking, there was an uproar in the audience. These fund managers, disregarding their dignity, accused the Porsche Group of taking advantage of the fire. If it wasn't for the fact that everyone was more or less self-cultivated, there would have been a lot of scolding at the scene.

   "Hey, it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree, we'll pay this price."

Wei Dejin glanced at the crowd coldly, with a disdainful expression on his face, "We didn't buy or sell by force. If you don't want to buy, then everyone will break up at most. Hehe, we don't care, I'm just afraid that you won't be able to make peace at that time. Cang, don’t blame the Porsche Group for not giving you a way out if you’re in big trouble.”

  As soon as his threatening words came out, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became suffocated, and the noisy voice disappeared without a trace. Only then did fund managers realize that they seemed to have no choice.

   "Wolfgang, is that what you mean too?"

At this moment, Soros, who had been silent and cold-eyed all this time, said, "This is really a bit strange, the Porsche Group is not short of cash, and after your operation this time, I believe that most of them will not fight against you again, even It will help you acquire the Volkswagen Group smoothly. I really don’t understand why you are willing to take the risk of offending most of the hedge funds and forcefully raise the selling price. You must know that this small profit is very likely to plant disadvantages in the future hidden danger."

  Soros was naturally very angry, but he didn't let this emotion out too much, because he knew very well that this kind of endless debate would not help solve the problem at all. After observing for a long time, he decided that Wolfgang Porsche was the one who finally made up his mind, and Wedekin was just a marionette, actually just attracting fire for this real boss.

"Me?" Wolfgang Porsche shrugged when he heard the words, spread his hands, and made a helpless expression, "The final decision on this matter has been delegated to Mr. Wedekin by the board of directors. You just need to talk to him. .But Mr. Soros, where did you hear that we have no shortage of cash?"

  Although the Porsche Group is a listed company, Porsche firmly controls the absolute controlling stake, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is Wolfgang Porsche. Soros naturally scoffed at this statement, but another sentence from Wolfgang Porsche caught his attention,

   "Are you out of cash? Uh... I seem to understand something."

   "What do you understand?"

Wolfgang Porsche straightened up immediately, his expression visibly tensed, and after a quick exchange of glances with Wedekin, he asked a little awkwardly, "What nonsense are you talking about? Why, don't you ask commercial spies to investigate us? internal financial situation?"

The reactions of these two people were so intense that all the fund managers present saw that something was wrong. They looked at each other and could see the confusion in each other's eyes. There was a moment of silence in the venue, and even the sound of a needle being dropped could be heard clearly. .

"Of course not, how could I do such a thing?" Soros smiled, confidently, "It's just that your reaction just now confirmed one thing for me. I think, if the guess is correct, how many times will this event The short-squeeze show shouldn’t come from your Porsche Group, right?”


"how can that be?"

   "What do I say, how can the people who build sports cars be so clever, it turns out that someone is planning behind it!"


  As soon as Soros finished speaking, the scene exploded again. Many fund managers had suddenly realized expressions on their faces and started discussing in a hurry. This news undoubtedly had a great impact on them, and it also relieved many people a lot. It turned out that they did not lose to the people who built sports cars.

  But the next question immediately appeared in their minds, who designed this conspiracy that almost swept the whole world?

   "Hey, a hedge fund guy is not as good as a sports car guy, I feel really sad for you!"

Wei Dejin's reaction was quick, and he retorted almost immediately, "Look at you people, who claim to be the smartest people in the world, but in fact, who is begging for mercy now? Is it us who build sports cars? See clearly, we beat you top elites in what you do best!"

   "Arguing is useless!"

Soros had a clear understanding of the situation, so he naturally wouldn't be as knowledgeable as him. He looked directly at Wolfgang Porsche and said solemnly, "Also, the option contract you have is supposed to be assigned to you by someone else. For this reason, you You paid a high price, but because the price of multiple short squeezes can make up for this loss, you made a deal with him. The fact is that, as you expected, the Porsche Group successfully carried out the largest-scale operation in history. A lot of squeezes. Right?"

   Regarding his words, Wolfgang Porsche was silent, and Weidekin also shut his mouth embarrassingly.

"I think this gentleman must have taken a lot of cash from you, so you inadvertently leaked the fact that you don't have enough cash. But you can rest assured that you can take enough cash from us today. But Porsche Mister, have you ever thought that after a lot of work, in the end, it's all at the expense of others!"

   "How did you make it cheaper for others?"

Wolfgang Porsche finally spoke, "Don't try to mislead or provoke me. I had a full discussion with my financial advisor before taking this decision. They all agreed that this plan is absolutely foolproof. Hehe, at this point, besides obediently taking out the cash, is there a second way to go?"

   Speaking of which, Wolfgang Porsche seems to have admitted that someone is planning behind it, but he no longer cares about the fact that Soros exposed it, and simply tore his face.


The reason why Soros said this was naturally because he was prepared, and immediately shouted decisively, "Perhaps you should know that when this gentleman transferred the option contract to you, the agreed price was the price after the option was exercised. Otherwise, this cannot explain why you have cash problems at all. You must know that you just borrowed more than 10 billion euros from the bank a few months ago. But you may have overlooked that the price of this option contract, you did not follow Disclose the relevant regulations. In fact, if you disclose, I will not be involved in this long squeeze.”

   "Stop talking nonsense!"

Wei Dejin said with a sneer, "According to the regulations of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, options contracts with full margin paid do not need to announce their positions. If you don't even know this, then I can only say that you are amateur enough. Maybe you You should learn the trading rules again and come talk to us again so that you don’t waste each other’s time.”

"Option contracts with full margin do not need to disclose the position, but the transaction is close to or at the strike price, which needs to be disclosed, because it will directly affect the prices of other options in the market. I am afraid that you have overlooked this point. If the Frankfurt Stock Exchange investigates you based on this point and decides that you are manipulating the stock price, I’m afraid you will be doomed.” Soros naturally thought that Wedekin’s words were worthless, and Wolfgang Porsche and Wedekind were dumbfounded when he said something. After speaking, he said with a smile, "Of course I won't waste each other's time. If you two are not sure, you can ask a lawyer or your financial advisor now. But I want to remind you that even if we end up It may be difficult for the Porsche Group to be immune to debts being pursued by the exchange.”

  As soon as he said this, the other fund managers and others all had strange expressions on their faces. As for Wolfgang Porsche and Weidekin, their faces changed drastically. They didn't care about the occasion, and started whispering under the watchful eyes of everyone.

   "It seems that there is no such article in the regulations of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange!"

   While the two were whispering, Alan Howard walked up to Soros and said quietly.

"Of course I know that there is no such rule!" Soros reprimanded angrily, "Allen, now we are passive and can only scare them. Do you really plan to equalize the price at 1,000 euros per share?" warehouse?"

   At this time, he is still playing with his mind, which shows Soros' cunning. Alan Howard understood in an instant, his face turned blue and then pale, and sat back in his seat awkwardly, but he felt uneasy in his heart. As long as Wolfgang Porsche and Wedekin make a phone call, Soros' words will be ruined.

  And when other fund managers saw the conversation between Soros and Alan Howard, and then saw Alan Howard's reaction, how could they still not understand? But since it is beneficial to their own side, they will naturally not point it out.

   After a while, Wolfgang Porsche and Weidekin finally finished their discussion, and they sat down again. Wolfgang Porsche is still in the posture of an old god, and Weidekin said:

"Gentlemen, after careful consideration, we believe that the price of 1,000 euros per share is neither fair nor sincere. In order to avoid default, we have decided to sell 5% of the Volkswagen Group to everyone present at today's closing price Shares, to help you close your positions smoothly. Of course, if there are any legal issues in the previous or current transaction process, I hope you can help us solve them.”

   As part of the compromise, the Porsche Group hoped that the hedge funds would use their public relations prowess to smooth over the so-called "disclosure" problem, which in fact did not exist.

   At the critical moment, the layman was bluffed after all!

   "Of course, everything is on me!" Soros stood up and laughed loudly, "Although the price of more than 800 euros is still expensive, we admit defeat this time. Guys, do you still have any objections?"

  Soros is naturally satisfied with this result, but he is not sure whether the others are satisfied. But just after he glanced around, everyone else avoided his majestic eyes. Although the price was not low, it was the best price Soros could get.

   "Okay, since there is no objection, let's sign an agreement!"

  Soros was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and immediately said to Wolfgang Porsche and Weidekin, "Thank you this time, I believe you will definitely win the Volkswagen Group."

  The two top executives of the Porsche Group were also smiling, unaware that they had been put together unknowingly.

   "I have one last question!"

   Just after everyone put pen to paper on the agreement, Soros suddenly said, "You two, can you tell me who helped you design this multiple short squeeze?"

   "Sorry, I can't reveal the other party's identity!" Wolfgang Porsche straightened his face and refused without hesitation.

   Not only Soros, but other hedge fund managers are also full of great curiosity about this last suspense. But when they heard that Porsche didn't reveal anything, they were all very sorry, but there was nothing they could do.

   "It doesn't matter, even if you don't reveal it, I can guess who he is!" Soros said swearingly, "In addition, two, I would like to advise you again, seeking skin from a tiger will never end well!"

   Thanks to the book friend 13036697866, oh my god, it’s so difficult to name it, and the flying pheasant voted for the monthly ticket!



  (end of this chapter)