The Space’s Twelve Zodiac Comes to Farm!

Chapter 23: ,Do not stay

Stringed all six fish with branches, and Bailian stared at the fish with big eyes.

She, no, take, Huozhezi.

Is it really necessary to drill wood for fire?

Bai Lian's eyes were a bit resentful, and he could drill wood to make fire, but could he catch fire with his thin arms and legs?

Bailian held his chin with a grudge on his face.

"What a big fish!" Yuhang's surprised voice came, and then said with a distressed expression, "Sister, your clothes are wet, are you cold?"

Yuhang Yuyang had already picked a full basket of wild vegetables, and they were still compacted, so he wanted to come over and ask where Bailian could hide.

Unexpectedly, I saw my sister staring at so many fish in a daze!

"Want to eat?" Seeing this cheap brother caring about himself so much, Bai Lian raised the corner of his mouth and said badly, "But we have no fire."

"Huh?" Yuhang's eyes dimmed.

You can only take it back, but you can't eat it if you take it back.

Li Wang will never give them food, they can only eat Wowotou every day...

When Yuhang and Bai Lian were both disappointed, Yuyang of Munner suddenly spoke.

"Yes!" Yuyang carefully took out a cylindrical object from his arms, it was Huozhezi.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Bai Lian stood up and grabbed Huozhezi, and then squatted on the ground to set the fire, with a smile on her face.

It seems that today we can make up for the bony people like Sanfang.

Yuyang Muna watched Bailian lighting up, and did not speak, but swallowed constantly in his throat.

Soon, the fire rose, and Bailian inserted the fish-inserted branches on the ground, formed a circle, and put them around the fire for roasting.

Then he moved out of the fire again, baking clothes.

Yuhang Yuyang sat on both sides of the white lotus, looking at the fish eagerly.

"It might not taste good, there is no seasoning" Bai Lian smiled, thinking that the two children are very cute and simple.

"Guru Guru" Yuhang's stomach made a sound.

"I..." Yuhang's face flushed, a little embarrassed.

"Guru Guru" Yuyang's stomach also made a sound.


"Haha, we'll be one by one in a while" Bai Lian couldn't help laughing.

"At home..." Yuhang hesitated, "what do they do?"

It's not that Yuhang insists on giving them food, but if they find someone stealing food from Sanfang, they will be beaten severely.

Thinking of this, Yuhang shuddered.

"It's okay, sister is here!" Bai Lian patted Yuhang on the back.

Hearing that Bai Lian was so right and strong, Yuhang's tight body also relaxed a little.

Bai Lian suddenly reached out and rolled up Yuhang's sleeve.

Just like myself, there are scars on the tiny arms, and some are still bluish.

Bai Lian was silent, and rolled up Yuyang's sleeve again, the same was true.

"After they hit you, you will come and find your sister" Bai Lian sighed, "Sister has a way!"

"Really?" Yuhang looked at Bai Lian longingly, as if looking at his idol.

Of course his sister is his idol!

Because, no one has ever stopped the so-called family members from beating and scolding for him.

Even if the parents beg them, they won't let themselves go, maybe they will hurt them.

Therefore, he and Yuyang chose to be the same as Bai Lian and remained silent.

Therefore, the three children were beaten the most.

After all, the only ones who can beat parents and grandma are Mr. Li and Wang Clan.

And those who can beat three children are everyone except the three rooms.

"Of course it's true. Didn't you see that my sister asked for so many things from them today?" Bai Lian raised her eyebrows with a look of domineering.

"Hey, my sister is so nice" Yuhang smiled silly, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Because today is the best time he has eaten since he can remember.

"Sister, good" Yu Yang said dryly while looking at the grilled fish.

"Of course, so you can't lose your sister's face like before!" Bai Lian said and shook her head, thinking of the original owner's family in her memory, she was really speechless.

Being abused like this, no one has ever thought of resisting.

It's really useless.

"Yeah!" Yuhang nodded, watching the fish drooling.

He felt that as long as he listened to his sister and didn't use it, he would definitely be able to eat delicious food in the future!

The fire was so big that Bailian knew that they wanted to eat fish as soon as possible, and they could not spend too long outside. The adults in Sanfang were buns, so they had to go back quickly.

Moreover, the scent of fish has already floated out, and Bai Lian is afraid that it will attract the beast. Although she has room to save her life, there are still two minor problems. Bai Lian is not going to expose herself as a last resort.

The fire was very hot, and the white lotus kept turning over the fish, so that it was not blackened.

Zi Zi Zi

The fat on the fish was roasted, and the sound was very attractive, even Bailian was a bit greedy.

After all, from yesterday to now, apart from fruits and wowotou, I haven't eaten any meat.

Not to mention two small ones.

"Okay! Eat!" Bai Lian smiled at the two silly younger brothers who kept swallowing, and then each gave one.

"I... can I eat it?" Yuhang stared at the fish in front of him with a dazed expression.

Is he really going to eat fish?

And still eat the whole one by yourself?

Is this a dream?

"Of course, you see Yuyang has already started to eat." Bai Lian felt a little sad when she saw her stupid brother look like this, and pointed to Yuyang, diverting her attention.

Yuyang stretched out his hand to catch Bailian when he handed it to him, and then ate it cautiously, with his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

Seeing Yuyang's sweetness, Yuhang stretched out his hand to hold it, and ate it with small bites.

"Be careful." Bai Lian also took one and ate, and reminded the two silly brothers.

"Hmm!" Yuhang kept chewing and nodded quickly.

The fish melts in the mouth and is very fresh and tender. Although there is no seasoning, this is the white lotus smuggled out of the space. It has a natural taste.

Although it is a grass carp, it may be because of the space. There are not many spines, but it is very enjoyable.

One bite down, full of fish, fresh and delicious.

A fish is about a catty, and there is not much left after the fire roasting, but the three people are thin and small, and their stomachs are small because of the perennial lack of food.

Therefore, everybody ate a piece of grilled fish, and they were somewhat supportive.

"Why don't you finish eating?" Bai Lian touched her mouth with her hand, watching Yuyang find a big leaf to wrap up the remaining half.

"Tibet, tomorrow" Yuyang Muna was talking, and then put the rest of the fish in his arms.

Yuhang Yuyang is very thin, with a piece of fish hidden in his chest, which looks a little funny.

"It's okay, let's finish eating!" Bai Lian touched Yuyang's head, "My sister will invite you to eat again tomorrow, and if you don't finish eating, you will have nothing to eat if you go back and get robbed!"

Yuyang swallowed, thinking of the Li family, silently stretched out his hand to take the remaining fish out of his arms, and ate it quickly.

Don’t stay after eating!