The Space’s Twelve Zodiac Comes to Farm!

Chapter 902: , Stop it

"So, are you going to rebel?"

Shui Yunli's hoarse voice sounded, his eyelashes drooping slightly, looking at the ground.

In the past, he knew that Lin Yuan was in bad health, and he also knew that he was the fetal poison that came out of his mother's womb.

Therefore, the royal family has been looking for the Valley Master of Medicine King Valley.

After finally finding the trace of the Master of the Valley of Medicine King Valley six years ago, Luo Gonghua took someone and rushed over in person.

Not only was the toxins removed from his body, but he also got a prince.

Shui Yunli also teased Luo Gonghua, double happiness, not only healed his body, but also picked up a wife for nothing.

Unexpectedly, Luo Mingchuan was also because of this rebellion.

What happened back then was too long, it was a secret in the palace, and no one dared to talk about it.

Everyone knows faintly that it is because the concubine in the palace is jealous of the hand of the empress.

But who it is, cannot be confirmed.

Because the concubine who died at that time was not only Jing concubine, but also several other concubines.

Unity is talking about the death of illness.

Now that I think about it, it was probably Emperor Luo's people who found out that other concubines had done bad things to Empress Luo, so they died at the same time.

The other concubines have no princes, but no one remembers them.

Concubine Jing's son Luo Mingchuan survived because of a word from Queen Luo.

At that time, Luo Mingchuan was too young, and Emperor Luo didn't take it to heart. He thought that the child had grown up, and no one said it, and no one remembered that matter.

"Yes! This palace is going to rebel!" Shui Yunli squinted his eyes, with a sullen face, "Can this palace be the prince, not the emperor? Why is Luo Gonghua's life so valuable? Others Is his life so cheap?"

Shui Yun moved away from the corner of his mouth, his voice slightly bitter, "You have nothing to do with him..."

The remaining Shui Yunli didn't finish speaking. What he wanted to say was that the relationship between the princes was not incompatible.

"Haha!" Luo Mingchuan sneered, and his beautiful peach eyes narrowed dangerously. "If it wasn't for my young age at the time and deliberately pretending not to remember the past, you think the one sitting on the dragon chair Will keep the life of my palace?"

Emperor Luo has four princes, and three of them receive exactly the same treatment. Luo Gonghua's treatment is something no one has.

Even if Queen Luo treats them equally, they are not real sons, and the treatment to them and Luo Gonghua are naturally different.

The harshness has not been criticized, but the traces of the dagger inserted on the wooden window were so dazzling that Luo Mingchuan still remembers it.

He remembered the crazy look in his mother's eyes, the feeling of the dagger brushing his ears, and the indifference of those people turning things in his palace.

At that time, he always had a dazed expression.

In the eyes of others, he is ignorant and ignorant.

In fact, he was puzzled.

I don't understand why the mother and concubine have to let the empress and empress die, or why he should be the prince.

Until he saw the always serious father smile at Luo Gonghua stupidly, letting the little Luo Gonghua slap him on the face.

An emperor had no dignity when facing his most beloved son. He even knelt on the ground and let the young Luo Gonghua ride on his neck to pee.

He had never seen this kind of treatment.

In the past, he thought that his father had always been serious, and he had never liked unbehaved children.

Now it seems that he just likes the son named Luo Gonghua.

"Come on! You can't win."

Shui Yunli sighed, a gloomy breath enveloped his body.

In the past, he had the best relationship with Linyuan, and he thought it was good for Emperor Luo to dominate Linyuan's mother and son alone. At least in the eyes of his friend, Emperor Luo was also very good.

He had never paid much attention to the other three princes, only knowing that they were not as favored as Linyuan, and could not threaten the identity of the prince Linyuan.

Speaking of which, Shui Yunli sometimes felt that the princes of this generation looked quite harmonious.

Except for the three princes who often do things that hurt the world, everything else is pretty good, at least no one wants to rebel.

Emperor Luo only favored Empress Luo alone. He had set up a harem for many years. When others saw Empress Luo's exclusive pet, they knew that it was meaningless to fight for favor.

So the harem is still quiet.

The three princes combined can't compare to a Luo Gonghua's position in the heart of Emperor Luo, so no minister stood in line and stood wrong.

It is always right to stand firmly on the Prince's side.

The Shui Family stood firmly on the prince's side, because everyone knew that Emperor Luo would definitely not abolish the prince.

It seems that everything is wrong now.

On the surface, no matter how harmonious it is, it is only temporary. As long as it is an emperor, where can there be brothers who do not fight for the throne?

"Who said this palace can't win?" Luo Mingchuan's enchanting eyes looked at Shui Yunli, and the corner of his mouth was slightly hooked, "Shui son, do you want to take refuge in this palace? This palace can not only sit on the dragon chair, but also give you Endless life!"

"Life is just a few decades, it's bitter enough, why live a few more years?"

Shui Yunli looked at Luo Mingchuan expressionlessly, and looked straight at Luo Mingchuan with hollow eyes, losing all the stars.

He thought that as long as he gave Luo Gonghua hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, after Dean Yang moved into the Shui family, he would be able to sit back and relax after his father came and got a son.

Now it seems that I just thought too much.

All he wanted was the wealth of the Shui family, nothing more.

"Young Master Shui, you said it was too late. You gave this palace so much money. This palace has long turned them into strong soldiers and horses." Luo Mingchuan turned his head and didn't look at Shui Yunli, his voice was tinged. Hostile, "Shui Family, can only stand on this side of the palace."

"Haha." Shui Yunli smiled hoarsely, "Lin Yuan already knows your plan, you have already defeated, and the Shui Family can only stand on Lin Yuan's side."

"Who said this palace is going to be defeated?" Luo Mingchuan narrowed his beautiful peachy eyes, his coquettish eyes moved slightly, "No matter how powerful he is, doesn't he have weaknesses?"

Shui Yunli frowned slightly and warned, "You stop! You can't move his people, otherwise, you will--"

"What will it be?" Shui Yunli's coquettish eyes bend, and a layer of mist is cast on her coquettish eyes. "Will it be like the mother concubine of this palace?"

Shui Yunli was silent for a while, staring at Luo Mingchuan's misty eyes for a long time.

You can hear a needle drop quietly in the room.

Shui Yunli even heard Luo Mingchuan's dull gasp.

"You let go, can't you?"

Shui Yunli spoke suddenly, his voice was very soft, so soft that he couldn't hear him if he didn't listen carefully.

But every word entered Luo Mingchuan's ears, he wanted to ignore, but he couldn't ignore it.

The hoarse voice sounded a little irritable.

He said several times to let himself stop, but this time the tone was the most plain.

Only this time, Luo Mingchuan heard Shui Yunli's helplessness and-pray.

He was begging to stop.

"Why is the eldest master of the Shui family so innocent?" Luo Mingchuan's enchanting eyes looked away, not looking at Shui Yunli, and said coldly, "Are you so innocent when you were in business?"

"My son seldom loses money when doing business, only here with His Royal Highness, the loss is a mess." Shui Yun said away.

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