The Space’s Twelve Zodiac Comes to Farm!

Chapter 903: , A rabbit-like mouse brand snack

Luo Mingchuan's enchanting eyes paused slightly, and for a long time, he raised his eyes and looked at Shui Yunli.

The always graceful and noble Prince Shui seems to have experienced a lot of vicissitudes in the past few days, and all the beards on his chin have appeared, black.

Those nice eyes became a little gloomy.

"It's too late." Luo Mingchuan twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Shui Yunli with a playful look, "My palace is about to win, do you want to let it go?"

"You can't win." Shui Yunli shook his head slightly, closed his eyes and said hoarsely, "Let go!"

"Heh, isn't it because I have nothing to let go now?" Luo Mingchuan looked at his fingers and grabbed it into the void, "All that is at your fingertips!"

"You can't get it, you let go, this son will protect you with the water house." Shui Yunli's hoarse voice sounded, "The wealth of the water house can keep you."

"Heh! No need! That's all you can get at your fingertips. Where is the confidence of Lord Shui, who believes that he can win?" Luo Mingchuan stood up, raised his foot and walked outside, said quietly, " The palace is not so valuable, so let's keep the property of the water family!"

After speaking, Luo Mingchuan strode towards the outside.

Shui Yunli sat on a chair, quietly watching Luo Mingchuan's departure direction.

After a long time, he stood up and walked outside.

As if lead was poured on the legs, every step was heavy.

Shui Yunli didn't know how he left Luo Mingchuan's mansion, his eyes were gloomy as if water could condense.

After Shuiyun walked far away.

Luo Mingchuan stood in an attic, quietly watching Shui Yunli's back.

Until that figure disappeared.

Luo Mingchuan turned around blankly, a hostile spirit exuding his whole body.

early morning--

Bai Lian was awakened by the squeak of Li Mouse.

"Master, master!"

Li Mouse bounced on Bailian's head, looking anxious.

Bai Lian stretched out her hand to pinch Li Mouse who was leaping on her face, rubbed it vigorously, and then threw it out.


Li Mouse was thrown on the wall by Bailian.

Li Mouse:...

Li Mouse was in a daze for a while, turned into a white light, and then bounced on Bailian's face again.

"Master, something serious happened, wake up soon!"

Bai Lian rubbed his sleepy eyes, clutched Li Mouse who was leaping on his face with one hand, and said gloomily, "What's the big deal?"

If there is no major event, then a certain rat will have a major event!

"Suddenly there are some suspicious people in the capital. They are all kung fu, and Ming's soldiers and horses have begun to assemble at the border. The excuse is that the prince of Ming has been insulted by the man and wants to get justice!"

Li Mouse said weakly, cleverly not daring to jump again in Bai Lian's hands.

"Whose people are in the capital?" Bai Lian asked.

"It's the second prince. He doesn't conceal his ambitions anymore. What's strange is that neither your man nor the empress has pursued this matter. They have been pretending to be nonchalant."

Li Mouse blinked his eyes with a look of innocence, his little paw poked secretly and broke Bailian's finger, in an attempt to let his master loose a little.

Otherwise, it should become the first zodiac to be strangled to death by its owner.

Bai Lian threw Li Mouse to the head of the bed and began to tidy up his messy hair. "Huazi, they all know the actions of the second prince, why didn't they take any action?"

"I have adopted it, but it can't be on the face of it, because the people used by the second prince are relatively stable and ordinary people in the middle of the court. Those people seem incompetent and incompetent. In fact, they are secretly shrewd and have no handle. "Li Mouse silently crawled to Bai Lian's side, and continued, "I asked the boys to find their handles, but I didn't find them, because they are really clean. They have never done anything that hurts the world. The only thing is. The black material about the second prince is that his third prince did a lot of bad things."

It is said that the people used by the second prince, in fact, the second prince never let them do anything that hurts the world, and the hands of those people are really clean.

They are just verbal allegiance to the second prince, if the second prince is wrong, they will support the first time.

As for without any handle, why the second prince will be sure that they will be loyal to them depends on the second prince's ability.

"What's the matter with Prince Men's humiliation? Who was bullied by him?" Bai Lian frowned slightly.

Ming Ruofeng was the one who grabbed the blue eucalyptus, and with his scheming, he wouldn't be able to eat it so easily.

Since the death of the old man Tianji, when Li Mouse's mouse brothers found his news again, he had returned to the Ming country in embarrassment.

"I don't know the specific reason. The mice explained that Ruofeng's men murmured a few words, saying that they were calculated by someone and almost died of a big man."

Li Mouse finished speaking in one breath, and then slipped into his purse.

Bai Lian rubbed his temples, so it seemed that there were two groups of people still staring at the beasts, except for Ming Ruofeng, the rest should be Luo Mingchuan.

Luo Mingchuan and Luo Mingrui Luo Mingyang are like the two princes. Every time they see themselves, they are very gentle and treat their younger siblings well.

The prince of the emperor's family does not have the four words of deep brotherhood, but Bai Lian always thinks that the relationship between their brothers is good.

Although the three princes were always hung up and beaten by Luo Gonghua, this did not affect their brotherhood.

Bai Lian didn't have too deep feelings for this person who kept shouting at the four younger siblings, and she didn't meet many times.

Luo Gonghua looks indifferent, but in fact he still likes his family.

Even though he often hanged Luo Mingrui to beat him up, he never thought of hurting his life.

Bai Lian's face is a little dull, and it feels uncomfortable to come to Huazi.

After Bai Lian finished freshening up, she walked towards Li Mansion and ran into Yuyang who was coming to Princess Bai Hua's Mansion.

"Yuyang, what are you holding?"

Bai Lian looked at the food box in Yuyang's hand.

Yuyang said softly, this is a dim sum for elder sister, elder sister try it!

Bai Lian raised her eyebrows, "Okay!"

Yuyang opened the food box, and inside was a very ordinary dim sum. The dim sum was a bit ugly, and it looked vaguely like little rabbits.

"Yeah, this is a bunny! It's so beautiful, Yuyang's hands are so ingenious!"

When Bai Lian saw Yuyang's work, she was full of praise.

"...Sister, this is a little mouse." Yu Yang said blankly.

"Yeah, this little mouse looks alive and vivid, so beautiful, I can see it at a glance!" Bai Lian kept the expression of amazement just now.

Li Mouse:...

The owner of his house is really getting more and more open-eyed to talk nonsense!

"Eldest sister, try it soon!"

Yuyang's swarthy eyes were faintly expectant.

Bai Lian picked up a small mouse snack that looked like a rabbit, and took a bite.

The taste is slightly burnt, the heat is a bit bigger, but it still tastes good, and it doesn't taste bad.

"It's delicious! Yuyang can be a pastry chef!"

Bai Lian gave Yuyang a thumbs up with a positive expression on her face.

"If the eldest sister likes to eat, Yuyang will make it for you every day."

When Yuyang saw that Bailian liked to eat, he was slightly relieved, and said seriously, "Is there anything else I want to eat?"

I like the zodiac signs of the space peasant girl to farm, please collect it: ( The zodiac signs of the space peasant girl come to the field and the literature is updated the fastest.