The Space’s Twelve Zodiac Comes to Farm!

Chapter 904: , Got angry

"As long as it is made by Yuyang, I like it!"

Bai Lian smiled at Yuyang, carrying a plate of snacks, and eating while walking.

Even if Yuyang's dim sum does not taste very good, Bailian is still delicious.

Because she knew that even her father had no chance to eat this dim sum!

Yuyang silently followed Bai Lian with an empty food box, a smile on his always cold face.

However, there was still a trace of sadness in Yuyang's eyes.

He didn't know if the eldest sister in front of him would suddenly disappear, or if he would never see her.

At the same time, he felt that the old eldest sister was too miserable. If he could see the old eldest sister, he would be very happy.

You can not have it both ways.

All he can do is, no matter who the person in front of him is, he must cherish the present moment.

He didn't want to start to regret what he didn't do until after he lost it.

When I was young, my eldest sister was beaten many times to protect them. He didn't protect her until she died, and he didn't do anything.

Yuyang lowered his eyes and looked at Bai Lian's heel, and his whole body was shrouded in a shadow.

When Bai Lian turned her head, she saw a sad Yuyang.

"What's the matter?" Bai Lian looked at Yuyang, "Are you worried?"

Yuyang pursed his thin lips, nodded slightly, and shook his head again.

"Is it about the exam?" Bai Lian handed Yuyang an ugly snack.

Yuyang stretched out his hand to take it, lowered his head and sipped his snack, smiled at Bai Lian pretending to be relaxed, "I'm just a little sad, I always feel that time is too fast."

When I was young, I didn't cherish it, and when I grew up, I couldn't find the old elder sister, and I was afraid that I would not find the current eldest sister.

The most fearful thing is that neither of them can be chosen.

The saddest thing is that everyone is wrong.

"We have to live in the present and catch the person in front of us, so that tomorrow we won't regret that we are an idiot now!" Bai Lian smiled lightly and continued to move forward.

Yuyang took a big step forward and walked side by side with Bai Lian.

The eldest sister is right, cherish the person in front of you.

No matter who the future eldest sister is, at least now, he must cherish the current eldest sister.

If the eldest sister is not the eldest sister in the future, don't regret it.

Yuyang sighed slightly and looked up at the sky, always feeling that God was playing tricks on their family.

It is said that God is ruthless, but it sent the eldest sister and let the family out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Speaking of God's love, it killed the original eldest sister, and let the parents and grandmother waste half of their lives.

Before they knew it, Bai Lian and Yuyang had already arrived at Li Mansion.

The whole family is in the vegetable field at the corner of Li Mansion. The vegetable is cultivated very well, and the seeds will be planted soon.

From a distance, Bai Lian saw Luo Gonghua standing in the crowd, in a white long gown, unparalleled elegance.

"Xiao Bai, why did you get up so early today?"

When Luo Gonghua saw Bai Lian coming, his face was a little bit astonished, and he smiled at Bai Lian in an instant, and ran two steps to Bai Lian's side.

Bai Lian glanced at the three-pole sun, and said calmly, "Probably I didn't sleep well today!"

"I'll give you some calming medicinal materials the next day. Drink more." Luo Gonghua glanced distressedly at Bailian's ruddy face and said, "Dark circles are coming out."

Bai Lian touched his eyes, only to feel a lump of feces.

"Ahem, try Yuyang's snack!"

Bai Lian coughed awkwardly, and then took a snack to Luo Gonghua.

The corners of Luo Gonghua's mouth raised slightly, and he quickly reached out to take it.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

An old father coughed loudly, trying to improve his sense of existence.

"Father, here you are."

Bai Lian consciously gave Li Yongnian another snack.




In an instant, coughing sounded everywhere.

The corner of Bai Lian's mouth twitched, and he quickly distributed the snack in his hand to everyone.

There are only a few pieces for a plate of dim sum, and when you circle it down, you will have the last piece left when it is allocated to Yuhang.

Yuhang smiled and stretched out his hands, waiting for his eldest sister to share a snack for him.

"Sister, Yuhang doesn't like to eat!"

When assigned to Yuhang, Yuyang said blankly.

We are the last one, we must leave it to the older sister!

"Yuhang, don't you want to eat it?" Bai Lian asked Yuhang with the last piece of snack.

Yuhang curled his mouth, rubbed his hands, and silently retracted his hands.

"I don't like to eat, I get fat after eating, and I'm easy to choke to death!" Yuhang glanced at Li Yongnian who was gobbled up.

Li Yongnian:...

I always feel that this tortoise son is connoting him!

"Sister, you can eat the last piece!"

Yuyang blocked Yuhang's face blankly, blocking the expression of Yuhang's grievances.


Bai Lian put the last piece of snack in his mouth and chewed slowly.

For fear of choking myself to death!

"Xiao Bai's dim sum is so delicious!"

"Yes, yes, the dim sum made by my girl is so delicious!"

"The dim sum made by Lian Mai is exactly the same as the dim sum shop."

"This little bunny is so good!"

The voices of praise sounded one after another, all praise Bai Lian.

The old man Wang licked his fingers and muttered, "Why has the level dropped so much?"

Isn’t my apprentice the best at making dim sum?

"This was made by Yuyang, not mine." Bai Lian scratched her head awkwardly, and immediately corrected their mistake.

"This is not a rabbit, it's a little mouse." Yuyang added blankly.

"Ah, that's it!" Li Yongnian smashed his mouth, "It's too anxious, Yuyang pays attention to the heat the next time he does it!"

"There are too many sesame seeds in it, it's greasy!" Li Zhao commented.

"Very good, but the shape of this mouse is a little hard to describe." Grandma Ciying touched her chin, nodded at Yuyang kindly, "But it's okay to eat, and I can swallow it."

"Xiao Bai, if you encounter something bad in the future, don't eat it if you can't eat it anymore." Luo Gonghua looked at Bai Lian distressedly, "Don't wrong yourself just to take care of others' feelings."


"That, it's actually quite delicious, no grievances." Bai Lian scratched her head and glared at Luo Gonghua where Yu Yang couldn't see it.

Luo Gonghua smiled at Bai Lian dozingly, and didn't feel that what he said was wrong.

Luo Gonghua completely forgot the words he had just thought of to praise Bai Lian.

If Bai Lian hadn't said that she didn't make this snack, Luo Gonghua would have praised that this snack was better than Qiongye Yuye!

"Xiao Bai, I came here to discuss something with you." Luo Gonghua said gently.

"whats the matter?"

Bai Lian suddenly thought of what Li Mouse had said. A group of masters were hidden in the capital, and the border was also in chaos.

"Brother Sanhuang has done some unreasonable things recently. My father is very angry and irritated, so I want our father to go to the palace to accompany him to speak." Luo Gonghua said softly to Bai Lian, "I'm afraid of us. My father is lonely in the palace alone, so our family will stay in the palace for a few days, okay?"

Li Yongnian rolled his eyes, who is your father!

Brother Luo's carefree appearance, if the third child did something damaging, he would at most interrupt the third child's leg, he would definitely not be angry!

"No, there is no plow in the vegetable field in the house. I can't get out of it!" Li Yongnian waved his hand and pointed to the plow lying on the ground.

"There are cows, father, you don't have to worry about it." Luo Gonghua glanced at Li Xiaoniu who was lying and basking in the sun.

Li Xiaoniu thief glanced at Luo Gonghua, turned around silently, **** facing Luo Gonghua.

"That won't work, just let the calf pull the plow, what should I do if I get tired?" Li Zhao's and Grandma Ciying said at the same time.

Li Yongnian: "...This is the reason!"

I like the zodiac signs of the space peasant girl to farm, please collect it: ( The zodiac signs of the space peasant girl come to the field and the literature is updated the fastest.