The Spoilt Village Beauty

Chapter 254: Yao Oya 2

Dongfang Qi naturally tried many methods, but none of them worked. The thing that annoys him the most is this time. But he heard that the proposal for the expedition was made by Murong Wenbin!

God knows how angry he was when he just knew the news. At the same time, he also raised a lot of fear for the old fox Murong Wenbin, unable to understand what he wanted to do.

"Your lord, I think this Murong Wenbin clearly wants to betray us. Isn't the thing he proposed this time worsening us?" Heilong couldn't help but said his suspicions in his heart. Wen Bin didn't like it. He relied on a huge industry in Fengguo, and their territory was arrogant. He had long seen him as unpleasant.

Dongfang Qi glanced at him and didn't speak. What's the use of saying these words at this time? Murong Wenbin was right. He had to find a way to leave Donglin now, otherwise Fengguo would always be subject to Donglin, or ... he was abandoned!

How could Dongfang Qi allow such things to happen? Feng Guo contributed to this situation with one hand. If those old guys dare to give up on him and wait for him to go back, they must take care of them!

"His Royal Highness Qi, King Lan on the east begs to see." A subordinate noticed suddenly outside the door, and a surprise flashed in the eyes of Dongfang Qi, "Who do you say?"

"Mo Lan, the King of Lan, who came to the east, came to see."

Hearing the name of his subordinate, Dongfang Qi frowned and waved his hand, "OK, you go down, let King Lan come in."

Heilong frowned, "Why do you come here at this time, prince, Lord? It's impossible to come down to the ground? Let's stop seeing it, lest you be mad at yourself."

Dongfang Qi frowned, "Where are there so many words? Go out!"

Dongfang Qi scolded the Black Dragon and sat in a serious room with Mo Lan. When talking about Mo Lan, he was very excited. When Murong Wenbin told him that year, he felt so angry in his heart that Murong Wenbin had been pressed for so many years. He has had enough for a long time. He is the prince of the Feng Kingdom. He wants to talk to Mo Lan, the prince of the East Kingdom, to find a valid reason. This is just right. I found it myself.

"Button"-knocking on the door sounded, the guard outside the door said, King Lan was here, Dongfang Qi quickly asked someone to come in.

The door opened, and Mo Lan entered, and saw the majestic Eastern Qi, glancing gloomy eyes, a slight tick in the corner of his mouth, and went forward to salute, "King Qi, hurriedly went to the door, rude."

Dongfang Qi also looked at Mo Lan up and down, feeling a little excited, nodding, not changing his face. "You're welcome, I don't know that King Lan has suddenly visited. If you are far away, please sit down."

Then he turned around and had a tea party.

During this period, Mo Lan did not respond. He just waited for Dong Qi to tell him to finish, and Dong Qi explained all things well. Then he looked back at Mo Lan, "I wonder if King Lan came here today?"

Mo Lan said unhurriedly, "There is indeed something."

Dongfang Qi raised his eyebrows, "I don't know what is going on, do you need King Lan to come to your door?"

Mo Lan put down the teacup in his hand, his long narrow eyes resembled a machete, and Lingli showed through. He looked at Dongfang Qi and inadvertently said, "Will Qi King live in the east?"

Dongfang Qi noticed that there were words in Mo Lan's words, and the excitement in his heart calmed down a little bit, and nodded with Mo Lan, "It's okay, but the hospitality to the east is a little unaccustomed, why, so enthusiastic, even the king is out of the city Not allowed? "

In the speech, Mo Lan smiled, "King Qi was misunderstood. This is the time when the envoys of various countries returned to China. The father and the emperor heard that Feng Guo had some conflicts with other countries. Some Xiao Xiaoren took the opportunity to pick up the leak, the father emperor is thinking about the safety of King Qi. "

He heard Mo Lan take a bite from a father emperor, and Dong Qiqi smiled in the corner of his mouth with a smile. Fear that those little mice will fail? King Lan might as well give back this king's words to the East Emperor. "

Mo Lan didn't smile, his thin lips squeezed lightly, and Dongfang Qi saw him not talking, and then said, "Have your grandfather mentioned this king with you?"

Hearing Dongqi Qi's words, Mo Lan was stunned for a moment. When Dongqi Qi saw him, he knew he was asking abruptly, his eyes narrowed, and the hand holding the tea cup blocked his eyes, but the deep meaning was probably only him. I can understand that Mo Lan didn't know how to answer, and asked directly, "Qi seems to have a good relationship with his grandfather."

This sentence is an interrogative sentence, but Mo Lan was tentative, so he asked very determinedly. Dongfang Qi heard the meaning, and he was a little bit more worried about Murong Wenbin. "Naturally, it is impossible that Wang Lan has not heard Mr. Murong mention it. Is it? Our relationship ... is not ordinary. "

The last few words are meaningful, and Mo Lan understood a little bit, "Grandpa said something to me, maybe I think I haven't known King Qi before."

In the discourse, Murong Wenbin was excused, but Mo Lan already had deep doubts in his heart. When did Murong Wenbin establish a relationship with King Qi, the noble country of Feng Guo? The relationship is superb and King Qi admits so happy?

Mo Lan then said again, "King Qi, you can't leave East Lin now. The meaning of the father emperor has two meanings, do you understand?"

Mo Lan decided not to go around the bend again, Dongfang Qi saw him unable to breathe and snorted, "What does King Lan want to say?"

Mo Lan raised his head and looked directly at Dongfang Qi. "My meaning is very simple. King Qi wants to leave Donglin safely and safely. With his own strength, it is definitely impossible. Without the help of Donglin, it is difficult to go to the blue sky."

Dongfang Qiwen sneered, "So what is the purpose of King Lan today? Ha ha, did King Lan forget, Mr. Murong and I ..."

"The thing that went on the expedition was mentioned by the grandfather." Mo Lan blocked Dongfang Qi in one sentence. Dongqi Qi narrowed his eyes. "So what?"

Mo Lan was not in a hurry, "How? King Qi should know best in his heart ~ ~ The relationship between Fengguo and Manyi in recent years is very strong, but on the contrary, the relationship between Manyi and Donglin is getting worse, If there is no action of Feng Guo, who believes? "

Mo Lan said clearly that Dong Qi's expression remained unchanged, "What does King Lan mean?"

Mo Lan lifted his chin slightly, and two pairs of eagle eyes stared at each other, "I mean, it is absolutely impossible for King Qi to leave the east side in such a simple way. Has King Qi thought about it, except Murong Wenbin, find another helper ? "

Mo Lan's final purpose was finally revealed. Eastern Qi Ding looked at Mo Lan for a long time, and finally laughed suddenly, the entire room echoed with the laugh of Dong Qi. Mo Lan still didn't change his face, but just looked at the East with a faint smile. Qi, Dongfang Qi finally stopped laughing, got up and walked in front of Mo Lan, raised his right hand into a palm.

A surprise flashed in Mo Lan's eyes, and he lifted his right hand.

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