The Spoilt Village Beauty

Chapter 280: Choose another son-in-law

I do n’t know how long it took, Tao Luer felt that her hands and feet were numb. The man carried her and threw her into a carriage. Tao Luer was thrown in. After a while, she came to a halt and she could hear it in the process Boiling vocals, think of it. But her head was too dizzy. When she finally got up from the carriage, the voice was already far away. Tao Lian gathered the window and found the city gate farther and farther away ...

Tao Er'er carefully lifted the curtain and found that there was a ... familiar back, gray hair, white robe, and lean figure.

"Qin Lao Yao!" Tao Liner exclaimed, the man didn't move, but just answered indifferently, "Yes, remember the old man, I didn't save you."

help me?

Tao Lian suddenly bewildered, but suddenly recovered, "What help me! You just kidnapped me! What's the matter with the wind? The world tells you that you are vicious, I didn't believe it before, but you are actually a poisoned hand under the wind!"

With a chuckle, Qin Laoyao didn't slow down when he turned around, but just glanced back at Tao Li'er. "Why, afraid? I'm a murderer who doesn't blink."

Tao Er'er must have taken a look at Qin Lao Yao and found that this man was no different than two years ago, but why did he kidnap himself? He should not have done anything to the wind. This is Tao Lian's intuition, "You, what are you doing with me?"

Tao Er'er frowned and looked at him, Qin Lao Yao sneered, "Catch you? I'm saving you, I don't know what to do."

Tao Lianer smiled angrily, "I don't care how you can save me."

Qin Laoya didn't speak but ended with the word "fool". No matter how Tao Lian asked, Qin Laoya didn't answer her.


"Sorry, Master, we lost it. The man is really good at it."

A man in black bowed to Murong Wenbin and Murong Wenbin's forehead bulged with blue muscles, obviously angry, but he still asked calmly, "Who is the kidnapper you see clearly!"

The men in black looked at each other, "I only saw the afterimage, the speed is too fast, and I can't tell the difference between men, women, tall, short, fat, thin ..."

Speaking of the back, the man in black gradually silenced under Murong Wenbin's stare. A man in black quickly added, "Master, that person should have no intention of killing Tao Lin'er, he didn't even kill the guardian wind."

If Murong Wenbin nodded his head if he knew it, Tao Lian could not get a big enemy. The kind of enemy who was so big to kill her, he might have really disposed of the wastes before him.

The most important thing now is to find Tao Er'er, "You go find me! Be sure to bring me back safely! Before you get it back, you don't have to come back. Ordinary people go to the capital to turn over, and the other part goes out of the city. Go find it! "


Several people left, Murong Wenbin snorted and sat on the chair, the door was suddenly knocked, Murong Wenbin looked over and found a weak, thin-faced teenager, if Tao Lian was here, you could see that this person It was Yao Da who was missing.

"Yao An, your body is not good, how come you came out." Murong Wenbin frowned, Yao An shook his head, "Grandpa Murong, is it that Tao Liner has an accident?"

Murong Wenbin nodded, and then motioned him to come over to sit, "It's okay to tell you, the pity is missing and was taken away."

Yao An frowned, which made it difficult. "I don't know who it is? Is it possible to find it?"

Murong Wenbin got up and carried his hands on his back, "I don't know, that person doesn't know who it is at all, martial arts is strong, and I don't know if it will be harmful to Panger. The top priority is to get Panger back."

Yao An nodded slightly, then a flash of regret flashed in his eyes, "In this case, the plan will be postponed."

Murong Wenbin said, "Relax, postpone for a while, let them live a few more days, and let them repay their blood sooner or later!"

Yao An nodded, suddenly his face turned white, coughing violently, shaking his hand and pulling out the veil from his shirt, covering his mouth, and waiting for the veil to come, it was already very red, and Qingjun's face also coughed red.

Murong Wenbin frowned, "You have too many lesions, go to the house and lie down ..."

"Grandpa Murong ... cough cough ... I just ... I'm afraid I can't wait for that day ... cough cough ... if I can't wait, I can't see ... Please help me to do justice to the Tao family ... ... cough cough cough ... "

Murong Wenbin frowned, but the tone was solemn, "You can rest assured that I have endured for more than ten years, just wait for that day, you don't have to worry, you will be fine."

With that said, Murong Wenbin recruited someone to send him back to the room, and then left the doctor, "Look, what is the situation with Yao An?"

The doctor was a little embarrassed, "If you go on like this, you can't live ... three months ..."

There was a bit of pain in Murong Wenbin's eyes. Was the Tao family's descendants lost? Wave your hand and let the doctor leave.

The doctor packed up the medicine box and left. Behind the big pillar outside, a small boy suddenly appeared. He was ten-year-old Yao Er and his name was Yao Quan. Yao Quan looked at the back of the doctor when he left. His eyes were red ...

Tao Er'er didn't know how long it had passed. When she woke up, the carriage had stopped. It was just ten o'clock outside. When she lifted the curtain, she saw that the roadside Qin Lao Yao was baking ... buns, that is Roasted buns, you heard it right, either roasted pheasant roasted fish or roasted buns ...

Tao Er'er got out of the car and whispered, "Are you eating this?" Qin Laoyao sneered. "You don't like to eat, and you don't understand it.

Tao Er'er raised her eyebrows ~ ~ Is that true? I do n’t think so, the appetite is a rare experience, but you chew buns all day long. Is n’t it a waste of this skill? Look at me. The dishes in the flavours are awkward, full of color and fragrance, the fresh place should be fresh, the tender place should be tender ... "

"Okay, what the **** do you want to say? Would you like me to take you to a thousand flavors, and then you can inform Mo Li to save you?" Qin Laoyao didn't buy it, and pierced directly.

Tao Li'er was not angry when he was debunked. "What the **** do you want to do? We have no injustice. What do you want to do if you tie me?"

"Everything I said is to save you." Qin Laoyao was too lazy to explain too much, which was too complicated to explain.

Tao Er'er didn't think so, "You said how to save me, I'm safe in Beijing."

Qin Lao Yao chuckled, then suddenly somehow came out, "I just want to say a word to you, give up leaving the king, choose another good son-in-law."

Tao Lian heard Qin Laoya's words for a while and somehow, what's wrong with it, "Choose another son-in-law? Mr. Qin Laoyao Lao, when did you become so interested in other people's marriage? How did you talk to Li Wang Are you going to break us up? "