The Stepmother is Unkind

Chapter 79

Yin Mingyu doubted his ears very much, but Mrs. Xie's expression was different.

After Mrs. Xie finished speaking with a blank face, she drove everyone out of the main courtyard.

The imperial decree has been issued, it cannot be changed.

Yin Mingyu's brisk footsteps became heavy, and he followed Xie Qin back to the East Courtyard before asking, "Langjun, why did you suddenly release Lingnan?"

"The prefect of Nanyue is begging for bones because of illness, the official position is vacant, and there is no suitable candidate. His Majesty appointed me as prefect." Xie Qin looked at her as he spoke, frowning slightly, "Aren't you happy? You didn't mean to stay for a long time. Bored in Beijing?"

Yin Mingyu choked, she said it, but... Yin Mingyu suddenly reacted, "You said you know... Is there a plan to release it?"

Xie Qin nodded.

Yin Mingyu didn't want to go to Lingnan, so he grabbed the matter immediately and deliberately said, "It was not agreed before that our husband and wife should treat each other frankly. How could Langjun not inform me in advance of such a big matter?"

Xie Qin explained patiently: "It's not that I didn't discuss it with you, it's just that I didn't know where to put it out before, and secondly, I listened to what you said, and I didn't contradict it, so I wanted to leave some surprises..."


Yin Mingyu thanked him for the surprise. If Chu He left that day, she knew that Xie Qin would also be sent to Lingnan, and she would definitely stop her mouth and stop talking nonsense.

But at this time, Yin Mingyu could only pretend to be very angry and not talk to Xie Qin.

Since the two got married, Xie Qin had seen Yin Mingyu's angry look, but he had never seen her face so cold, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

He didn't tell Yin Mingyu in advance that Silai was indeed right, so he said nicely, "Second Mother, it is indeed my fault in this matter."

Yin Mingyu turned away.

"Second Mother." Xie Qin supported her shoulder, "Listen to me."

Yin Mingyu continued to twist and found that this action was not suitable for her hard bones, so she raised her hand to cover her ears and said, "I don't want to hear you now, and I don't want to see you either."

Xie Qin: "…"

Yin Mingyu: "…"

It seems a little over.

Yin Mingyu lowered his eyes again and said, "Lang Jun, something happened suddenly, I... I want to be alone first."

Xie Qin frowned and looked at her for a moment, and it became more and more strange. With his understanding of Yin Mingyu, he was so pretentious... It was really wrong.

He also needed to clear his mind, so he got up and said, "I'll go to the front yard first, and I'll come over at dinner."

Yin Mingyu nodded silently, and when Xie Qin went out, she probed to make sure he was gone, and fell on the bed at once.

When Xie Qin went out, the cool wind blew, and his mind instantly became clear.

When he first saw Yin Mingyu's cold face, he was a little flustered for a while, but felt that something was wrong, but now he calmed down, her appearance was more than wrong, it was simply abnormal.

Yin Mingyu can react quickly when he is in a panic when he encounters a bad guy. How could he just be angry and not tell him because he acted like that?

She must have a purpose.

As for what purpose...

Xie Qin gave birth to a guess, and his face gradually darkened.

During dinner, Xie Qin stepped into the East Court again, adjusted his mood, and his face remained calm.

Yin Mingyu had already sorted out his thoughts at this time, so he looked calm, and when he sat down, he asked sharply: "Langjun, what do you plan to do for Xiao Langjun when you go out this time?"

Xie Qin said lightly: "Lingnan has a long way to go, and he is young. Maybe he wants to stay in Beijing."

Yin Mingyu also felt that it was very likely to be like this, and nodded: "It's really inconvenient for Xiaolang-Jun to travel long distances with Lang-Jun."

Xie Qin glanced at her and probed further: "It is indeed beyond my expectation to go to Lingnan, and the hard-working Erniang is going to run with me."

"..." Yin Mingyu sighed, "I feel guilty when I think that neither Langjun nor I can be filial to my grandmother, father and mother."

Xie Qin immediately confirmed his guess, with a cool tone, and asked, "Does Erniang have a good solution?"

Yin Mingyu seemed to have made a very difficult and reluctant decision, and said, "Langjun, why don't I stay in the capital on your behalf and do my filial piety."

Xie Qin's chest heaved slightly, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "I always have someone around me to take care of the internal affairs. If you stay in Beijing to do your filial piety, why don't I take the sapphire and red silk away?"

Qingyu and Hongsi were standing beside them, and when they heard Lang Jun's words, they were all shocked.

And Yin Mingyu looked at Hong Su's pleasing face, and was reluctant to give up, but he still reluctantly gave up his love, and said very understandingly: "Lang Jun is very worried, someone has to take care of Lang Jun."

Sapphire, red silk: "..."

Although the two maids have served Xie Qin since childhood, compared with the stern Lang Jun and the young lady who is easy to get along with without making mistakes, it is natural that the young lady is more relaxed around him.

Qingyu was fine, but Hong Silk couldn't control her reluctance.

Yin Mingyu closed his eyes and stopped looking at the red silk.

At this time, she can't take care of Lianxiang Xiyu anymore.

Xie Qin couldn't hold back and sneered: "You are really virtuous."

Yin Mingyu thought that he was complimenting her, that she was thick-skinned, and that she was not afraid of being stabbed.

Xie Qin was worried that he would continue to look at Yin Mingyu and lose his composure. After barely finishing dinner, he lifted his feet and left the East Courtyard.

Hong Su gave the young lady a lonely look, then turned around and went out with Qingyu.

Jin'er Yin'er then came over and asked cautiously, "Miss, Lang Jun seems to be angry, is it alright?"

Yin Mingyu glanced at them faintly, but said, "If the red silk leaves, where can I find another pretty maid?"

Jin'er Yin'er: "..."

Do you only care about the maid? What about Lang Jun? Lang Jun is angry!

On the other hand, Xie Qin did not go directly to the front yard, but came to the west yard with a cold face.

Mrs. Xie was quite surprised to see him coming here at this time, "Dalang, why are you here?"

Xie Qin said blankly: "Mother, Erniang said that she wanted to stay in the mansion to do my filial piety on my behalf."

Madam Xie was surprised, "This..."

This is something she didn't expect. According to common sense, other people's families are unreasonable elders.

Young wives are not willing to stay with their elders and be restrained.

But taking the initiative to leave this happened to Yin Mingyu is not so surprising.

It's just that her son doesn't look happy.

Mrs. Xie looked at Xie Qin's face and said, "Why don't you and your wife discuss it again?"

Xie Qin said with a cold face, "Since she wants to be filial, my mother might as well give her the Xie family's stewardship tomorrow."

Mrs. Xie: "…"

Your husband and wife are quarrelling, taking me as a trick?