The Stepmother is Unkind

Chapter 80

Yin Mingyu yearns for the ends of the earth, but she doesn't yearn for running.

She has seen the most prosperous and bright world, and it is not the capital that she is greedy for.

Xie Qin, a son of a noble family, traveled thousands of miles away for his ambitions, and spared no effort. Yin Mingyu was not. Yin Mingyu did not want to travel through mountains and rivers for Xie Qin.

In order to let the Xie family see her sincerity of filial piety, she rarely got up early, and came to the main courtyard to serve Mrs. Xie.

"Young, young lady?!"

The servants in the main courtyard had long been used to the time when the young lady greeted her. When the old lady at the gate saw her, she subconsciously glanced at the sky.

That's right, it's just dawn.

Yin Mingyu's expression remained unchanged, and he asked, "Is grandma awake?"

The old lady who guarded the door restrained her expression and replied respectfully: "Young madam, the old madam slept late last night and is not awake yet."

Yin Mingyu walked in and said, "It's okay, I'll wait for my grandmother to wake up."

The servants in the courtyard also heard the movement at the door, and when they saw the young lady's figure, they all looked at each other and hurriedly saluted.

When Mother Tong came out, it was a stagnation, but the world she had seen was not comparable to that of the little maids, so she saluted casually, and asked Yin Mingyu to sit in the main room for a while.

"Young lady, drink tea."

Yin Mingyu nodded slightly and commanded at ease: "Bring me two more trays of dim sum, and I'll pad my stomach."

The maid responded and stepped back respectfully. After a while, she came in with her favorite dessert. She put down the plate and didn't retreat, just waited by the side.

Yin Mingyu chatted gently with the maid while eating and drinking: "I can always see you, what's your name?"

This maid is just a little maid in the main courtyard. She was treated so gently by the young lady, and her face was flattered when she replied, "The maid, the maid is called Ranliu."

"Dyeing willows?" Yin Mingyu repeated softly and said with a smile, "The name is so nice, it matches your appearance very well."

Ranliu's cheeks flushed with excitement, and Ai Ai said unfavorably, and couldn't help but show annoyance in her eyes.

Yin Mingyu always watched tolerantly and spoke slowly.

Jin'er and Yin'er stood behind Yin Mingyu, looked at the maid's beautiful face, looked at each other, and both saw it clearly from the other's eyes.

Sympathy for the red silk.

My wife has begun to look for a new beautiful maid so soon, and this hand will be stretched into the old lady's courtyard.

It's fortunate that the lady is not a rambunctious gentleman, otherwise, the maids in the house will have to teach her to harm her with her temperament and change of mind.

They are quite harmonious here. Mrs. Xie came to the main courtyard to greet her. When she heard that Yin Mingyu came early, she was also quite surprised. It is really Yin Mingyu's habit of being on time, and she would never be late.

When she first got married, Mrs. Xie thought she was strict. Now that she understands more, she knows that Yin Mingyu is tired and lazy, and she definitely doesn't want to get up a quarter of an hour earlier to pinpoint it.

At this juncture, she turned out to be uncharacteristically...

Mrs. Xie couldn't help but slow down a lot when she thought of what Xie Qin had said to her yesterday.


Xie Qin's voice suddenly came from behind, Madam Xie paused at her feet, then slowly turned around with a smile, "Dalang..."

Xie Qin immediately noticed an extremely imperceptible evasion in his mother's eyes. After thinking about it, he stepped into the main room and saw Yin Mingyu who should not have appeared at this time.

Mrs. Xie glanced at her son's face, feeling helpless.

When Yin Mingyu saw Mrs. Xie and Xie Qin, he stood up, greeted Mrs. Xie first, and then softly called "Lang Jun".

Xie Qin stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were rather cold, but he couldn't bear to treat her coldly and embarrass her, so he nodded lightly.

Yin Mingyu raised the corners of her mouth. In fact, she really didn't blame her for being fearless because she knew the temperament of the Xie family.

Seeing the smile on her face, Xie Qin immediately turned his eyes away and sat down.

And Yin Mingyu clearly saw the unpleasant expression he showed brightly, but he didn't care much, and went to bring tea to Mrs. Xie and poured water, "Mother, drink tea."

Mrs. Xie: "…"

Diligence is too much.

Mrs. Xie took the tea served by her daughter-in-law and said kindly: "Second Mother, go and sit down, I have a maid to serve me."

Yin Mingyu nodded obediently and sat down obediently, as if he could not feel the cold air emanating from Xie Qin around him.

Xie Qin looked at his mother.

Mrs. Xie picked up the teacup, lowered her head, and took a sip.

Last night, Xie Qin left the West Courtyard. Mrs. Xie talked with the family head Xie. The head of the family Xie favored Yin Mingyu's attitude of staying in Beijing to fulfill his filial piety. put.

Lingnan is too far away, and they have a lot of concerns.

However, they thought a lot about Xie Qin's release before, but they never thought that their daughter-in-law would be so "filial", and they didn't need their elders to get in the way...

But one side is the son, the other side is the grandson, they are the elders... It's also very embarrassing.

At this time, there were footsteps, some heavier, some very brisk, no need to think about it, it must be Old Madam Xie and Xie Ce.

After a while, the curtain was lifted and Xie Ce ran out first, followed by Mrs. Xie.

Mrs. Xie seemed to have not slept well, her face was tired, and she paused when she saw Yin Mingyu.

When Xie Ce saw Yin Mingyu, his face was full of surprise, "Mother!"

"Hey!" Yin Mingyu responded enthusiastically, waving at him, "Xiao Langjun, come and have some snacks."

She was so enthusiastic that even Xie Ce felt it was abnormal, her footsteps hesitated, and the surprise on her face gradually turned into doubt.

Xie Qin couldn't help but sneer.

Yin Mingyu heard it, but she still smiled, stood up to salute Mrs. Xie, and continued to greet Xie Ce, with a motherly smile on her face, "Xiao Langjun, don't you want to eat snacks?"

Xie Ce bit his hand and did not dare to go over.

Madam Xie rolled her eyes at her and said, "Ce'er, your father is going out, how did your great-grandmother tell you yesterday?"

As soon as Xie Ce heard his grandmother's words, he hurriedly turned his feet, moved away from his mother and ran towards his father.

Yin Mingyu: "…"

What is she usually doing to him?

However, he was young and ignorant, so Yin Mingyu couldn't care about him, and calmly got up and poured tea for Mrs. Xie.

Now it was Mrs. Xie's turn, her eyes were filled with suspicion, "You're doing well, what's your fault?"

Yin Mingyu: "...grandmother, look at what you said, doesn't grandson-in-law want to be filial to you?"

Mrs. Xie respectfully thanked Bumin, "If you live in peace, I will be able to live longer."

Xie Ce stood beside his father, looked at his mother cautiously with round eyes, lay on his father's lap, thought he was whispering, covered his mouth and said to his father, "Mother, it's strange~"

Xie Qin glanced over Yin Mingyu and said lightly: "Your mother is helpless and can't afford to be early. You are still young and don't understand."

Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie all looked at Yin Mingyu. Mrs. Xie didn't know what she was drawing, but Mrs. Xie understood.

Yin Mingyu snorted quietly in his heart, and calmly insisted on pouring the tea before sitting back again.

The auntie and Bai Zhixu also arrived at this time. They had been here for so long, except for the chance encounter on the first day of greetings, this was the first time Yin Mingyu had arrived before them, and they thought they were late for a while.

When Mrs. Xie called them in, the aunt asked with some doubts: "Is the sun coming out from the west today? My niece came so early..."

Jin'er and Yin'er stood behind Yin Mingyu, both embarrassed for their wife.

However, Yin Mingyu sighed without any shame: "Alas - now that I think about it, what my junior has done is really not good enough. In the future, I will definitely reflect on it, make corrections, and do my filial piety well."

She went along and said that the auntie is not good to say anything, but just glanced at her as she walked.

Bai Zhixu followed behind his auntie, observing everyone's expressions.

As soon as the auntie was seated, she looked at Xie Ce and said, "Ce'er, your father is going out."

Xie Ce didn't have any idea about it. He only knew that his father was going to go out. In his impression, going out was a very common thing, so he lay on his father's lap, resting his chin in his small hand, and replied, "En."

The response was very light, not much reluctance.

Madam Xie looked at it, frowning slightly, feeling uncomfortable.

What Xie Qin said yesterday, she was still a little hesitant, but looking at Xie Ce's appearance at this time, if they haven't seen each other for a long time, wouldn't the father and son who finally got close to each other have to be completely separated?

Mrs. Xie raised her eyes, met her son's gaze, coughed lightly, and said, "Second mother, I heard from Dalang, you are a filial child and want to stay in Beijing to do your filial piety."

When Mrs. Xie heard the words, she turned to Yin Mingyu and asked incredulously, "You want to stay in Beijing?!"

My aunt and Bai Zhixu did not expect that Yin Mingyu would not go out with Xie Qin, and looked at their husband and wife in surprise.

Xie Qin lowered his eyes, raised his hand and gently stroked Xie Ce's head.

Yin Mingyu didn't explain, and smiled and acquiesced.

At this time, Mrs. Xie said again: "Since you have filial piety, we, as elders, can't stop it..."

Yin Mingyu showed a slight look of anticipation.

Madam Xie said, "From today onwards, learn to be a housekeeper."

Yin Mingyu paused, her eyes dazed, she... did you hear it right?

Xie Qin looked away from her face and glanced at his mother lightly.

Mrs. Xie paused, then changed her words, and said, "I'm too old, it's time to enjoy the filial piety of my daughter-in-law. You stay in the capital, just take over the stewardship and teach me to rest."

Yin Mingyu: "...?!"

housekeeper? !

Behind Yin Mingyu, Jin'er and Yin'er were almost as shocked as her. If their wife took over the stewardship of the Xie family, how could could they still have a little leisure? !

Yin Mingyu suddenly thought of something and turned to Xie Qin.

Xie Qin held Xie Ce on his lap and looked back calmly, without showing any complacency.

Madam Xie frowned, looked at their expressions back and forth, wanted to say something, swallowed it back, and fell into deep thought.

Bai Zhixu clenched his mother's hand tightly, not allowing her to interrupt, and then his eyes kept moving, feeling both excited and nervous inside.

oh my god!

She didn't expect that her cousin would have such a development, and she tried her best to restrain herself and not disturb her.

Is this how my cousin feels when she is watching the fun? I know it's not very good, but it's very exciting...

Mrs. Xie looked at Yin Mingyu and said, "My father and I thought about it earlier. Although Nanyue is a large state in the south of the Five Ridges, the state city is not a barren country, and it is not enough to endure hardships, but it is a bit remote. No better than the capital. Our elders are not by your side, we can’t control you…”

Mrs. Xie deliberately paused for a while, then smiled: "But if you think about it clearly, and you are willing to stay in the capital to be filial to your elders and take care of Ce'er, that's fine, we don't have to be embarrassed."

Yin Mingyu weighed the pros and cons of housekeeping and outsourcing in his heart.

She is already familiar with the Xie family. The housekeeper has to work harder, but she doesn't have to do everything herself;

As soon as Yin Mingyu thought about how she was about to fall apart on the carriage, she was instantly biased.

And Mrs. Xie looked at her and thought about it, and she pointedly said: "Dalang is the prefect of a state, and there must be someone in the mansion to take care of it. We can't take care of it from far away. In can only be considerate..."

Hearing this, Xie Qin frowned slightly.

Mrs. Xie naturally knew her son's character, and also knew that her son was extremely self-sufficient in women's sex, but she had to remind Yin Mingyu that this situation is very likely to happen when men are outside.

Xie Qin... He didn't refute his mother's words, but stared at Yin Mingyu. He also wanted to know how Yin Mingyu would choose.

Yin Mingyu had already begun to imagine the scene where she was vomited. Even when she heard Mrs. Xie's words, she thought of her own feelings.

Her intentions are already very obvious.

Yin Mingyu raised his head and slowly said, "Mother, I am willing to stay in Beijing."

Xie Qin's face instantly turned extremely ugly.

Mrs. Xie, Mrs. Xie and others were speechless.

Xie Qin's chest was full of anger, but he held Xie Ce in his arms and tried his best to control his emotions.

The first time the auntie and Bai Zhixu saw Xie Qin like this, they couldn't help holding their breath, and when he disappeared into the room, they regained their breath, and then looked at Yin Mingyu with some admiration in their eyes.

The only one who was not affected was Xie Ce, who stood on the ground, touched his stomach, and said innocently, "Ce'er is hungry..."

Madam Xie waved to him and said, "Ce'er, go have breakfast with your great-grandmother."

Xie Ce went over immediately, put his little hand on his great-grandmother's, and asked, "Grandmother? Mother?"

Madam Xie said: "They don't lack a bite to eat, let's eat ours."

After she finished speaking, she took a deep look at Yin Mingyu and led Xie Ce to breakfast.

Mrs. Xie also recovered her thoughts, sighed, and said, "I don't force your father and I, you can discuss it with Dalang."

Later, Mrs. Xie also left.

The auntie tutted twice and wanted to say something, but before she could speak, Bai Zhixu interrupted, saying goodbye to Yin Mingyu and dragging her away.

In less than a stick of incense, only the three master servants Yin Mingyu and a few maids in the main courtyard were left in the house.

Yin Mingyu lowered his head slightly solemnly, and all the maids in the main courtyard did not dare to make a sound to disturb him.

Jin'er and Yin'er glanced at her lady's expression and looked at each other. Finally, Yin'er stepped forward and asked for instructions, "My lady, shall we go back to the East Courtyard?"

Yin Mingyu nodded, got up and took a few steps out. When passing by the maid Dye Liu, he suddenly stopped and looked at her carefully.

Ranliu was confused and apprehensive, "Young Madam?"

Although her appearance is not as beautiful as the red silk, but she looks pure and lovely, if she can look at it every day, it will definitely be very pleasing to the eye.

Yin Mingyu followed his heart, and immediately turned around and went to look for Mrs. Xie.

Ranliu was puzzled, and turned her deer-like eyes to the maidservant of the young lady.

Jin'er and Yin'er: "..."

They know their wife too well, like they are plain looking, they can only do coolies if they don't treat them differently.

But no matter how good she looks, it's useless, how good Lang Jun looks, and how good the red silk looks, it won't delay her finding the next one...

And as soon as Yin Mingyu went in, he diligently took over the work of the maid cloth and served Mrs. Xie for dinner.

"Grandma, you eat."

Mrs. Xie didn't move her chopsticks, glanced at Yin Mingyu, and said with disgust, "You have the skills to please me, so you might as well coax Dalang, that's serious."

"It must be coaxed." Yin Mingyu took another pair of chopsticks for the old lady to simmer the mushrooms, and said jokingly, "At this time, the grandmother's meal is more important."

Madam Xie taught her to speak nauseously, and said angrily, "You can either sit down for a meal, or go back, don't make trouble here."

Yin Mingyu saw that Mrs. Xie was not as unhappy as she said, she sat down generously, and filled herself with a bowl of bamboo leaf porridge with a smile.

Seeing that his mother ate the same porridge as him, Xie Ce took a spoon and ate it, then showed her the empty spoon.

Yin Mingyu saw it and praised without hesitation: "Okay, eat more."

So Xie Ce scooped another spoonful with a smile and ate it in big gulps.

Yin Mingyu was hungry when he saw how delicious he was eating, so he picked up a spoon and ate.

Mrs. Xie saw that she and Xie Ce seemed to be the same carefree and carefree, and shook her head slightly.

Yin Mingyu drank half a bowl of porridge, looked at Mrs. Xie's expression, and said tentatively, "Grandmother, Qingyu and Hongsi followed Langjun to serve, and grandson-in-law's yard is not enough..."

Mrs. Xie looked at her, wanting to see what she had to say.

Yin Mingyu smiled a little embarrassedly, "Grandmother, the dyed willows in your yard, the granddaughter-in-law looks very pleasing, can you..."

Her intentions were beyond words, and Madam Xie was so angry that she couldn't help poking her in the forehead, "Dalang is right, you are a helpless person!"

She felt sorry for her son and grandson.

This is heartless, thinking about the maid in her yard at this time!

When Xie Ce saw his great-grandmother poking at his mother's head, he first opened his eyes wide, then covered his mouth with his two little hands, lowered his head and smiled secretly.

Mrs. Xie noticed his small movements and became even more powerless, seeing what her great-grandchildren were brought to.

"Let's go! Don't be mad at me here!"

Yin Mingyu looked at the porridge bowl and said, "Anyway, let your granddaughter-in-law finish the porridge."

Mrs. Xie remembered the half-empty dessert plate in the main hall, and rushed people mercilessly: "Hurry up and disappear from my eyes."

Yin Mingyu got up reluctantly.

When Xie Ce saw it, he scooped up a spoonful of porridge and ate it even more deliciously, his eyes curved into crescents.

Yin Mingyu: "…"

This kid has learned to watch the fun and eat at such a young age...

Yin Mingyu missed the well-behaved and quiet little baby back then, and left hungry.

When she passed Ran Liu again, she gave her a pity and kept going out.

Jin'er and Yin'er followed their wife honestly. Although they respected their loyal master the most in their hearts, they still secretly murmured in their hearts: You should teach her wife that she can see and touch, and that she will only take it to heart if she hangs.

When the three returned to the East Courtyard, they did not see Xie Qin in the East Courtyard.

Jin'er and Yin'er were still a little worried, so they said, "Madam, if there is a shameless person in Lingnan, climb up on Langjun's bed and have another son and a half daughter, I'm afraid it will be bad for you, Madam."

Yin Mingyu leaned on his chin and lost his mind.

People's hearts are the most difficult to control, especially in this age, if a man is intentional, he will not care about his wife's thoughts at all. After all, it is common for powerful men to have three wives and four concubines.

However, Xie Qin's personality is already extremely rare. She doesn't want to work hard, and she doesn't need to take the initiative to break up with Xie Qin.

Still have to coax.

Yin Mingyu got up, "Prepare the ink."

After a while, Yin Mingyu walked to the study, rolled up his sleeves slightly, racked his brains, picked up a pen and wrote a love poem.

Yin'er followed Yin Mingyu, the master, and he didn't have much literary talent, but he still understood the truth. Seeing that the ink was drying a little bit, he asked, "Ma'am, is this considered a banquet?"

And if you get angry, you go to coax, why bother?

Yin Mingyu wiped his hands with the handkerchief and said, "You don't understand, this is not a love poem, this is a knock on the door."

She picked up the paper, shook it, taught the ink to dry faster, and asked the two of them, "Who are you going to deliver?"

Yin'er shook her head without hesitation, she was afraid.

So Jin'er could only take on this important task, and came to the front yard with the knocking letter from her wife, waiting for Langjun's call.

In the study, Xie Qin heard that Yin Mingyu's maid was coming, and there was no fluctuation.

What is "filial piety" is just an excuse. In the final analysis, she doesn't care at all.

That being the case, he didn't need to force it.

Xie Qin said coldly: "No, teach her to go back."

The servant took the message and went out to convey it, and Jin'er had to give him the envelope and let him present it to Lang Jun.

The little servant held the envelope in both hands and turned back to the study.

Xie Qin looked at the envelope and didn't want to pay attention.

But he didn't say how to deal with it, and the little servant's hand began to tremble slightly while holding the letter.

After a long time, Xie Qin said, "Bring it here."

East Court—

Yin Mingyu was lying on the couch, holding a picture book in his hand, choosing carefully.

Yin'er was embarrassed to look at the thing in her hand, glanced at the sky, and asked a little impatiently, "Ma'am, dinner is over, won't Langjun come back?"

Yin Mingyu turned the page unhurriedly, "knock on the door letter, of course I will go, can you teach angry people to come to me on their own initiative?"

When Yin'er heard it, it seemed that this was the truth, and she said with admiration, "It's still lady, you can bend and stretch."

When Yin Mingyu listened to her words, it didn't seem like a compliment, but he didn't care about her. He clicked on the page of the album and got up.

Yin'er hurriedly taught people to carry the lantern.

Yin Mingyu stepped into Xie Qin's yard in the front yard for the first time, and began to look left and right from the door.

Even in the dark, you can see that this yard is quite elegant, unlike the East yard, where all her sheep were bald, and Xie Qin never even said a word.

The servant in the front yard didn't dare to stop the young lady, and was afraid that Lang Jun would be angry, so he carefully asked the young lady to wait a moment, and he went in to report.

Yin Mingyu saw that he didn't know how to work around, so he turned his head and gestured to Jin'er and Yin'er.

Jin'er Yin'er stepped forward, stood beside him on the left and right, and whispered, "Aren't you going to pretend that you can't stop it?"

Servant: "…"

Yin Mingyu had already pushed open the study door and walked in.

The little servant held back for a while, and shouted dryly: "Young Madam! Young Madam! The little one has to report!"

Although the acting was extremely poor, Jin'er and Yin'er still gave him encouragement, and then restrained him and walked away to guard.

In the study, Xie Qin sat behind the desk and looked intently at the scroll in his hand, but Yu Guang noticed Yin Mingyu's series of movements when he entered and closed the door.

Anyway, that's his temperament, Yin Mingyu didn't care, and went straight to him, bypassing the desk.

Xie Qin didn't say a word, made an inhuman and indifferent gesture, and silently ordered the guests to be expelled.

Yin Mingyu chuckled and put a hand on Xie Qin's shoulder.

Xie Qin still didn't give her a direct look, and said calmly, "Come back, I'll go out alone."

Yin Mingyu ignored it, squeezed directly into the middle of Xie Qin and the desk, lightly mentioned the sur skirt, and sat directly on Xie Qin's lap.

Xie Qin was startled, looked at her, and subconsciously supported her waist with one hand.

Immediately, Xie Qin reacted again, turned his head and retracted his hand, frowning and scolding: "Yin Mingyu, this is the study."

Of course she knew it was the study.

Yin Mingyu raised his hand, gently wrapped his arms around his neck, and chased his eyes, "Langjun, if you are angry, will you punish me?"

Xie Qin held her arm and said coldly, "Go down."

His hands didn't work at all, and he was very duplicitous.

Yin Mingyu shook his head, instead of calling him "Lang Jun", he called him by his name, "Xie Qin~"

Xie Qin: "…"

The strength in the hand is getting lighter.

Yin Mingyu called a few more times and called his name in his ear.

Xie Qin's hand holding her arm tightened slightly, but his face was still tense, "Yin Mingyu, it's fun to play with people's hearts?"

Yin Mingyu came here with Huairou's heart in his arms, naturally he didn't recognize it, and whispered softly next to his ear: "How can I play? What am I like? Don't we all treat Langjun honestly?"

Xie Qin tensed up, unable to hide his anger, "So you have no heart?"

Yin Mingyu said aggrievedly: "Lingnan, thousands of miles away, Lang Jun has to rush to take office, how can I bear it?"

She lifted her white and tender wrist to Xie Qin's eyes and slapped her back, "Xie Qin, are you willing to let me travel so hard?"

So you'd rather the husband and wife be separated?

Xie Qin finally didn't ask about this fact, just squeezed her wrist and scolded softly: "Squeamish."

Yin Mingyu immediately caught his softening and lowered his head.

"Don't be fooling around in the study." Xie Qin hugged her and got up.

Yin Mingyu hung on him, smiling unabashedly.

Xie Qin caught sight of it, patted her lightly, and said in his heart, "It's not over.