The Stepmother is Unkind

Chapter 92

The Xie family's motorcade followed the Yan people for more than two hours before they could finally see the fireworks from a distance.

After they got off the boat, they all took the official road. Although the road was a little bumpy, it was generally smooth. However, the road for guests was narrow and difficult to walk, and it was extremely unfriendly to carriages.

Every now and then the wheels would go into the hollows, sometimes the left wheel and sometimes the right wheel, or the uneven ground would keep the carriage bumping.

Xie Ce was the happiest in the first carriage that was heavily protected by the team. He knew that Yin Mingyu was in the carriage behind him, and he was not afraid, so the bumps and shakes were more like toys to him.

Nanny Tong also got into the carriage, and together with Jin'er and Ranliu, the three looked after him.

Xie Ce stood in the middle of the carriage deliberately. When the carriage shook, he staggered and fell into someone's arms. With another shake, he fell to the other side, giggling happily.

Nanny Tong was a little worried because she was being held hostage. Seeing Xiao Langjun so carefree, she couldn't help but smile on her face.

The Xie family guards who were protecting him around the carriage heard the child's crisp laughter, and their expressions were relieved.

Only the Yan people and their party felt insulted after hearing it, but when they were stronger than the other party, they could only continue to lead the way as if nothing had happened.

On the last carriage of the convoy, Yin Mingyu and Yin'er sat on the wooden box, swaying to and fro, completely losing the mood to enjoy the scenery.

Suddenly, the right wheel drove into the pit again, and the two of them leaned to the right side together, holding on to the rope tightly before they were thrown out.

"Mother, maiden..." Yin'er's buttocks were numb, and her voice followed, "Are you okay?"

Yin Mingyu is alright, doesn't he just fly once and then fall down?

Moreover, "Our carriage has been traveling for so long, and those people are cleaning up the traces behind, can we keep up until it's dark?"

Silver nodded.

Yin Mingyu glanced at the slightly rugged mountain road, and sighed afterward: "It is absolutely possible to tie some branches behind our carriage. They don't mention it themselves, and we can't remind you."

Yin'er: "...Yes."

Why not mention it, her wife is so easy to talk to.

A few dozen miles away, Yan Jun and several other young people from the Yan clan were still conscientiously cleaning up the traces, and they never thought of this method.

Finally, the convoy drove outside the village.

Someone in the village saw the convoy from a distance, roared, and the whole village heard it, so many old and young gathered outside the existence.

At first, he looked a little frightened, but when he saw the person in front of him, he became excited and waved and shouted.

The Yan clan people on the side of the convoy also responded with excitement.

Yanxia saw an old woman, called out "grandma", and then ran out with a few strides and hugged her.

The old woman had tears in her eyes, and her thin hands supported his black and thin face, carefully touching it, and then the two hugged each other again and began to cry.

He headed together, and the rest of the Yan clan also searched for their relatives and hugged them tightly.

Everyone in the Xie family couldn't understand the local words of these people, but it was like a scene of reunion after a long absence, which could still be seen.

But it's just because you can see it that it's even more strange, isn't it just half a day's journey?

When Yin Mingyu heard the sound, he turned around and looked forward, wondering why they were so excited.

Yin'er asked, "Miss, what are they doing?"

Yin Mingyu shook his head slightly, "Let's go ahead."

The two jumped out of the carriage, and after they landed on the ground, they slowed down together before taking a step forward.

The guards at the back of the convoy did not follow, but the guards they passed by were paying attention to the young lady and were always on alert.

Xie Ce was lying on the carriage window and looked curiously at the strangers. When he saw his mother coming, he was overjoyed. Just as he was about to shout out, he suddenly covered his mouth when he remembered something, "M... um!"

Yin Mingyu: "…"

Cover yourself, and "hmmm"...

However, Xie Ce's voice awakened the Yan clan people on the other side. Many people looked at the Xie family's motorcade with timid and curious eyes. Some young children looked at Xie Ce with envious eyes.

Yanxia suddenly remembered Brother Jun's instructions, wiped her tears in panic, and called to the others: "It's important, take them to the bamboo building!"

The members of the Yan Clan immediately returned to their starting positions. A few even threw their knives when they hugged their relatives, and hurriedly picked up the knives.

As soon as they came over with the knives, the Xie family guards responded immediately, drawing knives on the ground to protect Yin Mingyu and the carriage in the middle.


The young and old on the Yanzu side were so frightened that they immediately backed away, and their eyes turned terrified.

Xie Ce was not afraid, and was still looking at the carriage window.

His posture of watching the fun is exactly the same as Yin Mingyu, but Yin Mingyu is definitely not as blatant as him. If it is in a place where safety is not guaranteed, it is easy to be beaten.

Therefore, Yin Mingyu winked at Jin'er in the carriage.

Jin'er immediately stretched out one hand and lightly covered Xiao Langjun's eyes, while the other hand hugged his waist and dragged him back into the carriage.

Xie Ce hadn't seen enough, his two little hands were waving and struggling, and a voice came from his mouth, "No..."

Yin'er was under the carriage, very thoughtfully helping them close the carriage window.

Yin Mingyu was at the bottom, and he could vaguely hear what he was babbling inside, which was very funny.

Immediately, she looked at the confronting person, continued to perform her duty as a personal maid, stepped forward and said, "If there is something to discuss, don't use a knife."

Yin Mingyu looked at Yanxia, ​​who seemed to be another talker, and said angrily: "Look at you, you scared the old and the young? Put down the knife now."

Yanxia: "…"

Who was frightened? And why is this maid so invisible?

Yin Mingyu asked him with a smile, "Where are we going to resettle? It's getting late and everyone is hungry."

Yanxia was not able to handle things without Yanjun, glanced at the long knives in the hands of the Xie family guards, and stepped forward, "You come with me."

He continued to lead the way, instead of leading the crowd into the village, he led them around the village to the west.

Yin Mingyu glanced at the clothes of the old and young, and then looked at the shiny knives in the hands of Yanxia and the others, thoughtfully.

The convoy stopped in front of a row of bamboo buildings. There were eight bamboo buildings, all of which were backed by green hills. They all looked similar. The first floor was erected and climbed up the stairs.

In fact, it's pretty elegant when you look at it this way.

However, Yin Mingyu still showed dissatisfaction and pointed directly to Yanxia, ​​"Invite our young lady and Xiao Lang to come over as guests, and let them live in such a place?"

Yin'er agreed with a look of disgust on the side: "That is, our Xie family's sheep live better than this."

Xie Ce stuck his little head out of the carriage window again, and solemnly agreed: "Yes!"

In the carriage, Ranliu didn't dare to move, and looked at Jin'er eagerly, hoping that she could control Xiao Langjun.

She is in a state of panic now, for fear that she will not do well, so that the young lady will be discovered, so she does not dare to show her face.

But Xie Ce always wanted to probe out because Yin Mingyu was outside. He was very good. After answering a sentence, he lay on the carriage window and stared at them with wide eyes.

Yin Mingyu didn't teach anyone to restrain him, and continued to find fault with Yanxia: "Young Madam and Xiao Langjun live alone, there are so many of us left, there are differences between men and women, where can we live?"

At the beginning of Yanxia heard that Yin Mingyu and the others were not good enough to live, and her face was a little ugly. Later, when she heard that she couldn't live, she glanced at the guards and entourage of the Xie family, and it was indeed a little crowded.

Do they really think they are guests? Dare to pick and choose?

Yanxia imitated Yan Jun and lowered his face, and said coldly, "You can live wherever you want, little..."


The Xie family guard held the knife handle in his left hand and drew the knife in his right hand.

Yanxia immediately choked as if strangled by the neck. After a while, he continued to say weakly: "We have no other place for you to live."

Yin Mingyu understood, and turned to the question of the residence with understanding, and then asked another question, "Is there a pantry? Are the water and ingredients ready in advance?"

Yanxia was at a loss, "Dining room?"

As soon as Yin Mingyu heard his strange Chinese accent, he changed his words: "Guozao."

Yanxia understood now, pointed behind them, "Isn't the pot there?"

Yin Mingyu and Yin'er looked at the small pot, which was only twenty inches in size, and looked at Yanxia in silence.

There are hundreds of them, what can this little pot do?

Yin Mingyu touched Yin'er and motioned for Yin'er to talk to them, but she turned around and waved her hand to let everyone settle down.

Yin'er was not polite, stepped forward and said to Yanxia and the others: "We have our own cooks, we don't need you to cook, and we are not used to what you cook. There are so many of us, at least seven or eight cauldrons. All right, immediately find someone to set up a stove in the open space."

Yanxia and the others looked at each other in dismay.

Seeing that they didn't respond, Yin'er frowned and pinched her waist, deliberately asking very rudely, "Why are you so rude, I'm talking to you!"

She was standing behind the guard with the knife, and Yanxia said with some fear: "We don't have any extra pots, so why don't we take them down from the house?"

Yin'er came to Yin's house when she was very young, and she only vaguely remembered some episodes of the poor family. She couldn't imagine how many pots she had to remove from the stove, but these people were "evil" to them, and she was naturally Arrogant tone: "Then you will tear it down!"

At this moment, Ranliu got out of the carriage, and when she heard Yin'er being so fierce, she subconsciously stopped in her footsteps.

Jin'er got off the carriage first, stretched out her hands, and reminded softly, "Young Madam, please slow down."

The young lady was on the side, the fingertips of Ranliu's outstretched hand were trembling slightly, but it still landed firmly in Jin'er's palm. With her strength, she slowly stepped off the carriage.

Xie Ce was carried down by Nanny Tong, and was curiously watching Yin'er's unusual appearance.

And Yin'er intensified and forced: "Within half an hour, you must see a new pot."

Yanxia was annoyed, "You..."


The Xie family guards pulled out all the knives, and the tip of the knives pointed at Yanxia and the others.

Yin Mingyu leaned on the carriage, and used the wicked's tone to use evil to defeat evil, and said lightly: "Since we have invited our young lady and Xiao Lang to come, you must teach us to feel at home, otherwise, we will lose both... Those people in your village... tsk tsk tsk ."

She tutted and shook her head, her face full of pity, and told them plainly what "bringing wolves into the room" was.

Yanxia and others' faces changed dramatically, and the eyes of Xie's family were all alert for a moment.

After Yin Mingyu finished frightening, he smiled and said kindly: "I just said the worst result, we respect each other more, it will not happen at all."

Yanxia and the others still couldn't relax, their expressions were serious.

After Yin Mingyu finished speaking, he went to resettlement, while Yin'er stayed and continued to ask: "Is there any clean water? Our young lady and Xiao Lang must drink mountain spring water."

"The stove is built, and the ingredients can't be delayed. The fresh vegetables will be delivered earlier, and there must be meat. We want to live, so kill them now."

"Our cattle and sheep must also be fed. It must be the freshest grass and be well prepared."

"and also…"

Everyone in the Yan clan looked at her lips opening and closing, and their minds became more and more dizzy. They didn't understand why they were so troublesome.

But their future patriarch was still sweeping the floor and couldn't hear their cry for help.

Yanxia had no choice but to leave some people to "guard" the Xie family, and the other people to go back to the pot to get the ingredients.

Yin'er pointed fingers at them within the guard range of the Xie family guards, and was extremely annoying.

After a while, Yanxia brought people back carrying pots and various things, put them down and got busy, and saw an old man and two young people sprinkled something around the bamboo building and lit incense again.

Yanxia smelled the smell and couldn't help but ask, "What is that?"

Yin'er said casually: "Our doctor and medicine boy are deworming snakes."

"Doctor?" Yanxia stared at the doctor involuntarily.

Yin Mingyu stood on the bamboo building, first saw them carrying pots on their backs, like tortoise shells on their backs, which was quite funny, and then noticed the look of the black and thin young man looking at the doctor, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Suddenly, her legs were hugged, and she didn't need to think to know who it was.

Yin Mingyu lowered his head and asked, "Xiao Langjun, why don't you go to rest?"


Yin Mingyu frowned, "Do you want to be relieved? Why don't you go to the nurse?"

Xie Ce shook her head while holding her leg, and said excitedly, "Mmmm! Go and play!"

Mmmm... what is it?

Yin Mingyu guessed an answer with his not-so-clumsy head, looked at Xie Ce speechlessly, and tapped his forehead, "It's late today, go tomorrow!"

Xie Ce looked at the bright sky outside, "It's not too late."

The night in Lingnan comes later than elsewhere. If it was in the north, it would have been dark at this time of the season.

Yin Mingyu didn't intend to condone her, and glanced at Tong Nanny.

Nanny Tong immediately came over and took Xie Ce away. The cook cooked porridge on the stove and coaxed him to drink porridge.

The captain of the guard personally guarded the door, Yin Mingyu walked over and asked, "In a village, they don't even have extra pots, and they don't dress well, but their knives are brand new and have no gaps at all. Do you think it's normal? ?"

The captain of the guard said his guess: "Mrs. Hui, my subordinates think that although they are fierce and bandit, they are definitely not desperados."

This point, Yin Mingyu also sees it.

At this time, the old gentleman walked up with a leisurely pace and said slowly: "Poor mountains and rivers, lack of education, I am afraid that there is more than one village, Lang Jun is one of the parents' officials, and has a long way to go."

Yin Mingyu nodded and asked politely, "Is something wrong, sir?"

The old gentleman stroked his beard and stood still, "I want to ask the young lady, Xiao Langjun's class, should we suspend it?"

Xie Ce looked over quickly, with hope in his eyes.

Yin Mingyu said without hesitation, "If you are full of energy, do it as usual."

No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education.

The light in Xie Ce's eyes disappeared suddenly, and he lowered his head and took a mouthful of porridge.

The old gentleman nodded approvingly, "The old man is naturally fine, since that's the case, I will teach you as usual tomorrow."

Yin Mingyu glanced out the window and said with a smile, "The sound of books is the best."

It was getting dark, Yanxia and the others finally set up the stove and turned to fetch water.

Yan Jun came back at this time. When he saw them carrying buckets down the mountain, he asked, "Why do you work when you come back?"

Yanxia and the others seemed to have seen the savior, but they didn't dare to drop the water they had finally picked down. They put it down steadily, and then rushed to him, complaining: "Brother Jun! That entourage of Mrs. Inspector is not good at all. We brought back the scourge!"

Yan Jun listened to what you said and what I said, his face darkened a little bit, "I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have brought it back to the village!"

Yanxia said, "It's not your fault, Brother Jun, that the young patriarch told us to bring it back."

Yan Jun said solemnly: "I will go to Butterfly Valley tomorrow, you should be optimistic about them, don't let them walk around casually."

Yanxia grimaced: "They didn't move at all, they only supported us."

Yan Jun: "...let's be patient first."

At the bamboo building, the doctor tested the water and ingredients with live poultry and determined that there was no problem, and the cook used these ingredients to stir-fry and cook.

Since the stove was in the yard, the fragrance of the vegetables was constantly wafting, and every one of the Yan clan people guarding around could smell it clearly and swallowed saliva quietly.

They stayed at the state border for half a year.

Yin Mingyu watched their expressions while eating at the window of the bamboo building. The Xie family's entourage and guards ate meals with meat and vegetables directly in the open space, and also watched the expressions of those people before eating.

For the people of the Yan tribe, the ups and downs of the day were passed in such a "flat" way.

Nanyue State Government—

Xie Qin searched the neighborhood several times and had no choice but to temporarily bring people back to the prefecture.

Chu He was waiting in the prefecture. He had not waited for someone to come back for a long time, so he guessed that something might have happened. When he saw Xie Qin coming back alone, he immediately asked, "Where are my younger brother and sister and Xiao Langjun?"

Xie Qin said coldly, "I don't know."

"I don't know?!"

Even if Xie Qin had doubts about whether Yin Mingyu taught people to coerce, he couldn't sit still and asked coldly, "Yao Qing, who do you think will take them away?"

Chu He frowned, "Then it depends on what the other party wants? Or... who we offended."

But what have they done in less than a year?

Xie Qin ordered heavy sentences for several unjust cases and offended some people.

Xie Qin rectified the state city official school and offended some people.

Sechin ordered South Vietnam to pay taxes on time, offending many people.

Xie Qin insisted that officials should govern Qingming, rectified corruption in a county, and offended some people.

With all these things, Chu He said, "Jing Ming, you seem to have offended a lot of people. It's really not a wise move for your younger brother and sister to come here with you."

Xie Qin: "...At this time, don't treat me any more."

The folding fan tapped lightly in the palm of his hand, and Chu He returned to his seriousness: "Being able to disregard the power of the Xie family and act so generously on my younger brother and sister, it depends on who we are blocking, and we have enough power..."

Chu He said seriously: "The other party has spent so much time and effort, the purpose will definitely be revealed, and the younger siblings should be fine in a while."

Xie Qin's eyes were stern, "I can't escape the responsibility for teaching my wife and children to be in danger, no matter what, but if the villain dares to do this, I will definitely not be good."

Chu He sighed and only hoped that his younger brother and sister and Xiao Lang were safe.

Xie Qin couldn't sleep at night, thinking about all kinds of things in South Vietnam in his study.

On the other side, at the bamboo building, the guards of the Xie family were guarding in shifts. Yin Mingyu and Xie Ce were lying on the bamboo bed, and underneath they were the quilts brought out by the Xie family. They all slept very well.

The next day, Yin Mingyu opened his eyes to the crisp birdsong. Xie Ce lay sideways at the foot of the bed, his fleshy buttocks were at her feet, and his little face was slumbering red.

Yin Mingyu calmly and slowly retracted his feet, got up and walked to the window.

At this time in the early morning, looking back is a cloud of smoke and clouds, and in the distance, it is smoke curling up from cooking and bamboo buildings.

Tranquil, fresh, pleasant...

Yin Mingyu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his mind became clearer.

She was still worried that if anyone had the vision and found out that her clothes were made of different materials, she changed into cotton clothes and tied her hair in a bun, and taught "Mrs. Young Lady" to accompany Xie Ce. go out.

"Hmm~ where are you going?"

Xie Ce rubbed his eyes and sat up and asked in a daze.

Yin Mingyu paused and said speechlessly: "Just downstairs, lie down and continue to sleep for a while."

Xie Ce opened his mouth and yawned. He was only halfway through his yawn, then fell onto the bamboo bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Yin Mingyu: "…"

She saw the leader of yesterday's gang just now, so she should go and say hello.

Yin Mingyu walked down the bamboo building, walked straight to Yan Jun, and said hello with a smile: "This gentleman, when did you come back yesterday? Why didn't you come? I still have something to ask."

Yan Jun sneered coldly, "You are so oblivious, what else do you need to ask me?"

"Of course there is." Yin Mingyu asked with great curiosity, "Why did you bring us to the vicinity of the village so unprepared? Is it possible to invite us as guests?"

Yan Jun's face was expressionless.

The first, of course, was the order of the young patriarch.

The second is his fault. He didn't expect that there would be so many people in the Xie family at first. After waiting for a long time yesterday, he was upset and anxious. It was too pleasant to see people suddenly, and he was confused by the attitude of the Xie family, so he didn't make any other arrangements.

Yin Mingyu quietly observed his expression, and asked in a chatty manner: "How do you call it? Your village can't be moved, so there's no need to hide it anymore, right?"

Yan Jun glanced at her and answered truthfully, "Yan Jun."

"Yan Langjun." Yin Mingyu nodded slightly, counted as a courtesy, then took out a handful of pine nuts from his sleeve, and provoked while knocking, "By the way, do you know the identities of our young lady and Xiao Langjun? I didn't think about it. Over what you have done, will it bring much trouble to the village? Or do the people behind you not care about your life or death at all?"

Yin Mingyu spoke directly and didn't want to listen to his answer at all. After asking, he paused and pointed out: "Whoever achieves a major event is not careful about the small details. If it were me, I would be involved, and I must have one, one, no, stay..."

Yan Jun's pupils shrank, his lips pursed tightly.

Yin Mingyu stopped for a while, and turned to ask casually, "Did you wait for a long time? Why didn't you send someone out to inquire?"

Yan Jun said in a low voice, "I sent it out, but I haven't come back yet."

Yin Mingyu squeezed Song Nuo's hand for a while, and said, "Is it lost?"

Yan Jun black face.

Yin Mingyu twitched the corners of his mouth, "Blessings."