The Storm God

Chapter 1066: Soul will martial arts!


Pain is added.

Even with Bai Xiaofei's mind, he frowned involuntarily.

"I really miss it!"

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sigh, since he got the space-time shuttle, and at the beginning he acquired knowledge and inherited it, he would feel different levels of pain, but since he became stronger, he rarely felt this kind of treatment. Just accepting a "Nine Spirits and Stars" will relive the pain.

This can be seen.

This secret book of soul repair is still quite awesome!

Only a guy who has reached a certain level can cause such inestimable pain to Bai Xiaofei today.


Bai Xiaofei has changed.

Although the pain was great, Bai Xiaofei's will was more tenacious, and all the pain, he insisted on clenching his teeth. It wasn’t until a moment later that the “Nine Spirits and Stars” that was worth 2.9 billion worth of energy was finally completely imprinted in Bai Xiaofei’s consciousness.

"It's finally over!"

After the transmission was completed, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being relieved.


He began to stare and look. Although the "Nine Spirits and Stars" is unparalleled, the initial part is no different from other cheats. It is very easy to understand and easy to cultivate, but the speed of cultivation is much slower. However, the foundation is very firm and stable, far from what other soul-building cheats can match.

According to cheats description.

Human spirits can be called souls. There are three kinds of souls, one is the sky soul, the other is the earth soul, and the third is the life soul. There are seven souls, one soul sky, two spirits, three spirits for gas, four spirits for strength, five spirits for the center, six spirits for the fine, seven spirits for the British.

Soul is Yin and soul is Yang. Among the three souls and seven souls, there are separate yin and yang. Among the three souls. The soul of heaven is yang, the soul of earth is yin, and the soul of life is yang. In the Seven Souls, the two souls in the sky are Lingyin, the yin is the heavens, the spirit is the central soul, the yangs are the humans, and the elite two souls are the yangs and the earths.

Among the three souls, the two souls of heaven and earth are always outside, and only the soul of life lives alone. The three souls of heaven and earth do not often meet together. Among the seven souls, two heavenly spirits, two earth spirits and three human spirits, the yin and yang correspond, never separate. And often attached to the human body.

According to Bai Xiaofei's understanding, the seven souls of mankind are actually seven chakras and seven energy fields located above the midrib of the human body from the top of the head to the crotch meeting. Among them, the sky is in the top chakra, the spirit is in the eyebrow chakra, the spirit is in the throat chakra, and the spirit is in the chakra. At the same time, it is connected to the hands and feet. The central soul is in the umbilical chakra, the fine soul is in the reproductive chakra, and the heroic soul is in the submarine chakra.

This theory, he also saw in Karma Taj's magic books, is only the field of application, not the soul.

The seven souls of the human body are also controlled by the soul of life. Life soul is also called human soul, or color soul. Human life is born from the birth of the soul. After Life Soul lives, it distributes energy on the seven chakras in the midrib of the human body. And form the seven souls of man. The soul is unique to the human body. After the death, the seven souls will dissipate, and the life soul will also leave, and life will end with this.

Human life and soul, through Tian Chong Ling Hui in the Seven Souls, the main thought and wisdom. Through vigor and soul, the main action. Through the elite two lords, the body is strong. Only the center has one soul, it is the center of the seven souls. The human soul is attached to the seven chakras.

The life soul and the central soul are the most closely connected, so the central soul is also called the life soul. Within the human body, the shadow of the two celestial souls of Tianchong Linghui and the yang of the elite two souls produce the physical strength of the soul. Outside of the human body, it is due to the yang of the soul of the sky, and the yin of the earth's soul that merge into the soul of life. And at the same time the three souls merge, the master's invisible destiny.

Luck is the union of the world's two souls, the quality of the master's life and strength. Fate is the soul of human life, supporting the two souls of our own world, the prosperity and decline of transportation. Fortune is controlled by destiny, destiny is sent by fortune. Luck is intangible and life is tangible, and the combination of luck and fate constitutes a complete human body.

Luck Master Void, Fate Master Truth.

The good or bad of mortal fate depends on whether life and fortune of human beings combine or restrict each other. If Yunqiang passed his life, instead of supporting his own life, and suppressing his life, the seven souls of the world will not be born. This person must appear weak and weak. If you are destined to be more lucky And can make Yun Yun have to support his own life. Then the heavens and the souls of the seven souls will be combined. People will be strong and strong, and their foundation must be deep and thick. Only those who practice will be able to practice easily.

And this "Nine Spirits and Stars" is cultivated to the level of Xiaocheng, you can change your life to a certain extent, and master your own destiny. If you cultivate to the ultimate, even the pinnacle, you can even derive from the stars and the world. Out of your own heavenly ways and become the master of destiny.

Can be described as extremely powerful!

It is divided into three levels, corresponding to heaven, earth, people, and three souls, and each level is divided into ten levels.

The first weight of "Nine Spirits and Stars" is to cultivate the soul of life, which is the root of the seven souls, and the seven souls are the leaves of the soul of life. A soulless life is not born, a lifeless life is not prosperous. Life soul is the main soul of the human body. The aggregation of the two souls of heaven and earth produces life souls and human beings. At the end of life souls, they divide yin and yang and return to heaven and earth.

Sky Soul is the main light, and Earth Soul is the shadow formed by the light of the Sky Soul shining on the human soul. So Earth Soul is also called Shadow Soul. Without light there is no shadow, without shadow there is no phase. If the practitioner can cultivate the fusion of fate, the sky and the earth can be combined with the human soul. Only the soul of the human eye can show the image of the soul of heaven and earth.

Only when the two souls of the world, such as the world and the world, are seen outside, can they be displayed in the human brain and the eyes of the sky. Because the soul of the sky and the earth soul can be manifested by attaching to the flesh, but can also be free from the flesh and exist freely, so the soul of the sky and the soul of the earth are also called extracorporeal incarnations.

According to the cheats.

In fact, everyone's eyebrow wheel is open. The eyebrow wheel is also called the moon wheel. Moon itself is an open head. The eyes are the eyes again. So the eyebrows of the moon turn out to be an open eye. The month is unclear, and if the month is clear, the day is clear. This is the soul's photosynthesis of the soul of the sky, if the moon can also obtain the shadow of the earth's soul. In the moonlight, he can form a phase. This is the eye of the thousand lights.


When "Nine Spirit Stars" is cultivated to a certain level, an eye-like supernatural power will be derived, called the pupil of light! This supernatural power, which specializes in soul, can break away all illusory delusions and directly hit the essence of the soul. It is extremely powerful and extremely powerful!


This is too far away for Bai Xiaofei.

His top priority now is to cultivate the foundation of the soul of life and enhance his own soul strength. As for the rest, I will talk about it later! The human soul is attached to the seven souls, especially the central soul, which is the closest to the soul, so... If you want to cultivate your soul, the first thing you need to cultivate is the soul!

The life is in the belly button of the human body, but it is the same as the Xia Dantian in martial arts. It coincides with Bai Xiaofei’s extraordinary strength, especially the two major avatars, and his physical fitness even exceeds the body. Bai Xiaofei’s wooden escape avatar is even more powerful. Is beyond imagination.


To cultivate the first realm of "Nine Spirits and Stars", for Bai Xiaofei, it shouldn't be too easy, plus the support of the love of the soul and the cultivation of the soul pill, using the method of refining gas, will The vast vitality, etc., turned into nutrients to nourish the soul, that effect...


Just thinking about it, Bai Xiaofei felt a little too easy.

"Let's try the effect of Yangshen Pill first!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and threw a bunch of messy thoughts behind his head. Then he thought about it, and took out a bottle of Soul-Draining Pill from the dimension space. According to the little fart boy, this bottle has 10 Soul-cultivating souls Pills, each soul pill can increase the effect by about 5 times.

Of course……

This 5 times effect.

It means that the soul-improving pill has never been taken, and the soul state is very low. For example, in the existence of Bai Xiaofei, if the soul state is cultivated to an extremely high level, the effect of the soul-improving pill will naturally be greatly reduced, or even useless. , The specific effect depends on the situation.

Bai Xiaofei poured out a soul-raising pill, but he saw that it was as red as peanuts, with a fragrant aroma. Even when he smelled it, he felt that the whole person was very comfortable. Without any hesitation, Bai Xiaofei swallowed it immediately.

at the same time……

He quickly sat cross-legged, running the method of refining Qi, turning the medicine of the Soul Relieving Pill, as well as his internal organs and vitality, vitality, etc., into a pure aura, gathered in the navel, and according to the " The first heavy training recipe of "Nine Spirits and Stars" begins to nourish and train your life!

The Soul Raising Pill is worthy of a 500,000 panacea.

Bai Xiaofei immediately felt a powerful and heterogeneous energy, just like a torrent, in his own body, he began to surge violently. This energy was so powerful that he didn't even lose it by refining. Aura from qi!

The two forces will converge in one place and turn into a more turbulent torrent, then under the control of Bai Xiaofei, they rushed into the sea of ​​the belly navel of Dantian, followed by the secret method of "Nine Spirits and Stars". And absorption, began to nourish Bai Xiaofei's life spirit!

Life is nourished.

The other six souls also benefited from it, thereby driving Bai Xiaofei's life and soul.

Maybe Bai Xiaofei's talent is too high, or it is the first time to take Soul Soothing Pill, and the reason why Bai Xiaofei's refined gas method is extremely sharp. In short... Bai Xiaofei's first practice is very fast and the effect is very fast. It is also remarkable.

It didn't take a moment.

Bai Xiaofei clearly felt that his life was nearly 10 times stronger than the original. The other six souls were also improved to different degrees. His overall life and soul were also stronger than the original. 3 About twice as fast, it is a rapid progress!

"Not bad!"

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed and smiled: "Continue!"

Then I swallowed a soul-raising pill again, followed the methods of refining refined gas and "Nine Spirit Stars", and began to cultivate my soul. It's just... the same amount this time, the effect achieved, compared to the first time, is a lot of discounts, almost only about 80% of the original!

This is not a way to nourish the soul.


As the soul of life becomes stronger and stronger, the nourishment and aura it needs are more and more!

In such a situation, Bai Xiaofei had expected it, and did not feel the slightest surprise and surprise. 80% achieved 80%. As long as there is an effect, the big deal is to take a few more soul pill and increase the amount of Reiki. What is the matter, So much for raising souls, keep eating!

After some practice.

Bai Xiaofei began to take the Soul Raising Pill again.

After two times of cultivation and the Soul Raising Pill, Bai Xiaofei’s current life soul and life soul are about 5 times stronger than they were before, so... the demand for Reiki is also growing, so This time, he directly swallowed two soul-improving pill!

This is so.

The effect achieved by this practice is not as good as the first one, only about 50%. On the whole, Bai Xiaofei's soul has been enhanced by only about double, that is, a little more than 6 times the original. Such results, in the eyes of someone, are really not satisfied!

According to the cheats of "Nine Spirits and Stars", only by training your soul to the state of Chengdan, this is a small achievement, you can start to fight the cultivation of the other six souls, wait until all the seven souls condensed into Chengdan, to At this time, the seven celestial unity can form the most basic star life soul!


After these three trainings, the life and soul of Bai Xiaofei was only able to form a small lake. If you want to grow it like the sea, then compress it into drops, and condense into a pill, it is still thousands of miles away! Of course, Bai Xiaofei is not satisfied!

I don't know.

This effect is already amazing, okay!

For other people, even if you have Soul Raising Pill and "Nine Soul Stars", if you want to practice to Bai Xiaofei's current state, you don't know how long you need to practice. Bai Xiaofei didn't arrive for an hour, so she practiced to such a state. It has been very incredible to increase the strength of the soul by as much as 6 times!


Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly and forced to say: "This is really a long way to go, there is no way, continue!"

He came up fiercely, no ink, and immediately began crazy cultivation, and this time, he swallowed 6 Soul Soul Pills at once, so far... a bottle of 10 Soul Pill, he was completely eaten clean by him. The violent energy began to surge into his body!


6 healing powers.

Coupled with the essence of Bai Xiaofeimu's escape, the effect is still somewhat unsatisfactory. It is really the amount of Reiki required for the subsequent cultivation of Life Soul, and their weight is not as good as a waterwheel, but it is almost as effective as a bucket.

in a blink.

All the energy is like a rock sinking into the sea, and there is no more movement!

"carry on!"

Bai Xiaofei did not believe in evil.

When my thoughts moved, a few bottles of Soul-Essence Pill appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei, and then continued to eat hard and continue to practice, with such ample subsidies for immortality, and the powerful skills like "Nine Spirits and Stars". If you can’t cultivate one, two, three, it’s too shameful!

Time is like running water.


A few hours passed.

Up to now, Bai Xiaofei has eaten more than half of the 100 Soul Elixir, and now there are about 40 left, and the vitality and energy of the Mu Dun avatar are also very expensive, if not this avatar I have taken the seed of the stars, and the vitality is immense, I am afraid that it will be dried by Bai Xiaofei.

With the help of so many essences and medicinal powers, as well as the secret method of "Nine Spirits and Stars", Bai Xiaofei finally finally got his wish to cultivate the life force to the vast realm like the sea. The overall level of life soul is also better than It turned out to be dozens of times more powerful!

Next step.

It is to turn the sea into drops and condense into a pill.

The energy required for this process is also quite scary. In order to avoid failures and any unknown accidents, Bai Xiaofei took 10 Soul Soothing Pills at one time, combined with the essence of the huge vitality of his wooden escape. Qi, and the power of "Nine Spirits and Stars".

at last……

With a "boom" tremor.

Bai Xiaofei's life and courage finally changed his shape and transformed into a ball-shaped ball shaped like a ball. But I saw this little pill of life and soul, the overall color was blue, and there were layers of mysterious textures all over it, very tall, no matter how violent and huge the energy of Bai Xiaofei's refined gas was, it could be instantly turned by it. Absorbed completely.

at the same time.

Because of the formation of the Pill of Life and Soul, Bai Xiaofei’s overall strength has also ushered in a qualitative change. Compared with the original level, his current state of soul can be said to have been improved by nearly 50 times. It is the soul of the level of Strange in "Dr. Strange". It is no exaggeration to say that Bai Xiaofei can play more than 10 in one hand!

This is the power of "Nine Spirits and Stars".

Just to cultivate the first realm and form the most basic life soul pill, it has strengthened so much. If the power of its seven souls are all condensed into a pill, what horror should the effect be? The combination of the Seven Pills and the formation of a more profound mysterious star life soul, how terrible should the soul's strength be? !

Know all and see the whole leopard!

Bai Xiaofei, who had tasted the sweetness of the "Nine Spirits of the Stars", was immediately very excited, quickly hitting the iron while hot, and began the follow-up cultivation.

He first consolidated the Pill of Life, and when it was completely stable, there was no problem before this began the second soul-the cultivation of the Power, the Power is hidden in the heart, which is second only to the existence of the Life, The attribute is Yang, which represents the fire of life, and the strong, which can greatly enhance the body's blood and vitality. It also greatly helps the physical strength!

With life training experience and experience, this powerful training, Bai Xiaofei is naturally easy to understand, very easy, but... But the number of Soul Pills is limited, there is not much left, so Bai Xiaofei did not have the wish It cultivated to the level of satisfaction.

He originally wanted to continue to buy some soul-improving pill, cultivated all the seven souls to the state of Chengdan in one breath, or even directly cultivated the soul of the star life, but when he thought of the horrible energy demand, he was afraid to get out of his own 30 One hundred million energy value is not necessarily able to practice successfully.

Coupled with the fact that it is not too early now, and he still has a task in his body, Bai Xiaofei immediately dismissed this plan.

"The impulse is the devil!"

Bai Xiaofei's self-consolation said with a bitter smile: "His current soul strength is already very good, and with the courage of the life-spirit pill, no need to raise the soul pill, the strength of the other six souls is constantly improving, Coupled with the fact that you can travel through the time and space of the heavens and earth, if you have good luck in the future, you may be able to get some treasures of heaven and earth, but you are not in a hurry!"

After making up your mind.

Bai Xiaofei immediately ended his practice, and then his soul came out of the way.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei's soul has become extremely solid and strong. UU reading looks like a real person, unlike Strange and other people in "Dr. Strange". transparent. The most important thing is that with the formation of the Pill of Life, Bai Xiaofei in the soul state can now display some of his abilities as he likes when he has a physical body.

For example, martial arts!

The Life Pill is in the sea of ​​the Dan Tian of the flesh and navel, and when it is moved, it will transmit great energy to Bai Xiaofei's soul. There is no need to use the electric shock and other means to have some time-sensitive power as before. How much power can be exerted depends on Bai Xiaofei's soul state.

With Bai Xiaofei's current soul level, the power he can exert is probably about one-fifth of the original level of the body!

Other superpowers are even less powerful!


Because of the particularity of the soul state.

Even if the power of these abilities is greatly reduced, they are not to be underestimated. When they are exhibited at the critical moment, they can definitely exert unexpected effects. After all... the enemy’s soul may not be as refined as Bai Xiaofei, and it has reached an extreme Amazing and powerful level.

Even if the enemy's strength is high, as long as the soul is not cultivated, or does not exceed Bai Xiaofei's soul level, then it must be obediently recognized!

It is precisely because "the soul knows martial arts and cannot stop it!".

One thought so far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but want to laugh excitedly.

Looking at the heights of Tianshan, the headquarters of the world club, someone smiled and said: "Dongba, I hope your three points will not let me down!"

While speaking.

Bai Xiaofei, who is in a state of soul, has already flew towards the top of Tianshan.


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