The Storm God

Chapter 1597: Everything is life!


Baikas' speed is no slower than Bai Xiaofei's.

Seeing his master, he stopped suddenly, and with a look of doubt on his face, Baikas quickly accelerated to catch up and asked what happened.

Bai Xiaofei didn't hide, immediately told Baikas his doubts.

"I will check it for you!"

White Cass heard this and couldn't help but say that he immediately turned on the black technology on his body and began to check for Bai Xiaofei.

After a while.

White Cass put away the black technology.

The result was not very satisfactory. He hesitated for a while and seemed to be considering the wording. Finally, he said: "Sir, according to my test, your body is now in perfect health. There seems to be no abnormalities. The problem should not be It’s from Superman’s DNA that I don’t know much about what I don’t know, and I’m incapable of it!”


Bai Xiaofei had expected this.

After all, the ability to optimize infinitely is awesome. If there is really a problem with Superman’s DNA, without Baikas detection, Bai Xiaofei can detect it himself, but the current situation is obviously very different from Superman, which makes him Very depressed and entangled, I don't understand where the problem is.

To know.

In the movie "Superman. The Body of Steel".

The super-chalk was blown up by a nuclear bomb, and it was almost skinny, but as soon as it was irradiated by sunlight in space, it would recover almost instantly, and the energy absorption rate was so fast. Although this is the world of "Superman Returns", the Super League is the Super League, even if there are some differences between them, it is estimated that they will not be too different.

How does it reach itself, the speed of energy absorption becomes like a snail?

Is it possible that Laozi's character is not good?


Just as Bai Xiaofei felt depressed and entangled.

Baikas seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said, "Is it possible that it is because of the second generation of Superman? After all, the DNA you drew is from the son of Superman, Jason, who is a hybrid, although he is immune to kryptonite. Influence, but after all, half of the bloodline belongs to the earth!"

"Is it because of this that the energy absorption rate is slow?"

"It should not be!"

Bai Xiaofei did not think of this possibility.

However, he has done some observations and analysis on the situation of Little Jason, especially when Little Jason and Xiao Bailei are together, Bai Xiaofei can feel keenly that the speed at which Little Jason absorbs the energy of solar light waves is not at all. Slow, at least compared to his snail-like speed, it is definitely at the speed of light.

So the problem should not be in what is called second-generation Superman DNA.

Is it because of yourself?


Bai Xiaofei flashed.

He thought of a possibility, secretly said: "Is it because of his body of the **** pupil?!"

Bai Xiaofei has never been able to understand the mystery of the body of the **** pupil, although it is said to be a **** body, and it seems to be very powerful, but since it was obtained, Bai Xiaofei has never seen any powerful power it has shown. It was three or two times, without Bai Xiaofei's consent, he swallowed a lot of his energy.

and so……

Bai Xiaofei's intuitive impression of it.

It's like a gluttonous food, a big foodie with a bottomless hole and a super appetite.

If you don't do business, you know you will eat it!

It might as well not!


Since there is no problem with Superman's DNA, will the problem appear on the body of the **** pupil?

Thinking that there is no such possibility, Bai Xiaofei was so impressed that he didn't dare to neglect it. He first ordered Baikas to put Aries on himself, then calmed down and began to concentrate his consciousness, deeply sensing the depth of his eyebrows and the special veins of the three-eyed **** pupil, See if the other party has any unusual changes.

The results do not know if I don’t check, and I was shocked.


"Sure enough you are a jerk, and you steal my energy!"

"It's yours!"


Bai Xiaofei suddenly gritted his teeth.

In the special world view of the mental scan, you can see the special veins of the three-eyed **** pupil, just like a pump equipped with a super motor. Energy, if the energy absorbed per second is reduced to 100, then the share stolen by the three-eyed pupil is at least 98!

The 100 is left for Bai Xiaofei to own, and it will only be 2 o'clock in the sky. No wonder the speed of the promotion is as slow as a snail. At this speed, if you want to reach the super level, the ghost knows to wait until the monkey year! After figuring out the reason, Bai Xiaofei was depressed and spitting blood.

"I'll do it!"

"I have been working together for a long time. I'm here for your welfare. Can I get along sooner?!"

"Give me a point to converge!"


Bai Xiaofei was angry and annoyed, but was helpless.

In the final analysis, the body of the **** pupil and the special veins of the eyebrows are Bai Xiaofei's own physical abilities. Even if the energy absorbed is too much, it is also a field of fat and water, and it is always his own and cannot be run away. But if you can't stand this thing, you won't see any results at all, and it's completely out of control.

Finally, I got the super DNA, thought I could improve myself, but was cut off by this guy without thinking.

Seeing what you pay, but not paying back, who can bear it? !


What if you are not happy?

The special vein of the three-eyed **** pupil is like a bottomless hole. No matter how scary the energy is, it can be absorbed. It will **** you clean and clean in minutes. Even if the master Bai Xiaofei has no way, he can be depressed and able. How, apart from staring and anxious, all you have to do is to endure silently and obediently!

At this moment.

Faced with the crazy stealing behavior of the three-eyed **** pupil, Bai Xiaofei can only keep meditating in his heart: "Birth, birth, birth! Endure! Endure! Endure! Even if the bear kid steals more, In the end, everything is still my own, no loss! No loss! No loss!"

Then he kept praying, hoping that the day when the three-eyed **** pupil opened his eyes would come as soon as possible.


I'm really afraid I will be dragged down by it.

Bai Xiaofei, while comforting herself, ended the investigation and perception of the special veins of the three-eyed **** pupil, so as not to see someone wanting to hit someone, or seeing it for nothing!

At the same time, Baikas also lifted the dress of the Aries Saint Cloth, and then accelerated towards the sun, stealing in the face of the crazy energy of the three-eyed **** pupil's special veins, someone also made a ruthless, secretly said: "Steal Steal it! It’s like a bottomless hole. You’re so powerful that you can steal the energy of the entire sun. Since then, I don’t want to serve anyone, so I’ll serve you!”

Bai Xiaofei has no choice.

The special vein of the three-eyed **** pupil is like a bottomless hole. No matter how much sun light wave his body absorbs, it will be stolen cleanly, leaving only a few bits and pieces to himself, and he has been busy for most of the day, the result is simply Very little, the pitiful people collapsed and did not want to solve the energy engulfment of special veins. Bai Xiaofei could never collect energy and evolved into a superhuman body.

The only way Bai Xiaofei can think of is to feed it!

He didn't believe it anymore. If the special veins of the three-eyed **** pupils are more powerful, can they still devour the entire sun's light wave energy? This time I will let you eat enough, even if a sun is really not enough for you. Some of the yellow stars in the universe are big, one by one will let you devour, you will not believe that you will not burst!

Someone is also cruel.

As the speed continues to increase, the position from the sun is getting closer and closer, and at the same time the solar light waves and energy that the body can absorb is also more and more, even reaching a terrible point . But the speed of phagocytosis of the three-eye God pupil's special veins is still the same as usual, how much to absorb, as if there is no limit, it is incredible!

at the same time.

What Bai Xiaofei didn't know was.

The center of his eyebrows is on top, and the part where the three-eyed **** pupil is located is opened and closed vertically, and the six ingenious mysterious Tongxuan **** patterns also begin to flash out. It looks as if the light bulb is connected to electricity, but the voltage is not enough, so it can't be driven, causing frequent flickering and extinction. It is very strange.

This phenomenon did not last very long. After going through several flashes and flashes, everything returned to peace.

It seems that nothing has happened.

And this time...

The energy engulfing behavior of the three-eyed **** pupil's special vein also stopped abruptly.

"I go!"

"Stop it as soon as you say it, would I be scared by me?"

"What happened?"


Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

He was immediately overjoyed, because he was excited to find that the solar energy absorbed and condensed in his body suddenly stopped with the sudden engulfing behavior of the three-eyed **** pupil's special veins, and there was a dramatic change, directly from the snail. The level has mutated to the cheetah level, and is still increasing at a geometric multiple.

It's incredible!

As everyone knows, although he has gained the advancement of the superhuman body this time, he has lost a godsend opportunity to open the three-eyed **** pupil!

It can only be said that everything is life!



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