The Storm God

Chapter 2299: Throughout the heart, the wolf chief app

Time goes a little bit forward.


Qinglong asked anxiously while conveying internal force to a corpse-like eyebrow, protecting his spirit and heart. Anyway, there was no way for him. A long-browed sacrifice sacrificed all life, but the real oil-dried lamp died.

Even at the last critical moment, Bai Xiaofei brought his body back, and did not explode with the Sanqing Daoqiu, but the stomach was already too late, and the long life and body of the eyebrows had basically been drained. Even a person who doesn't understand anything, sees a brow-skinned, corpse-like corpse, and knows that it's more fierce.

For other people, Qinglong might have given up hope, but Bai Xiaofei was different.

no way.

Who made his rumors too powerful?

Qinglong subconsciously felt that Bai Xiaofei must have a way to make a long eyebrow, otherwise why would he bother to save the long eyebrow? Is it possible that you just want him to have a whole body?

as predicted.

"rest assured!"

At the next moment, Qinglong heard Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "With me, he just wanted to die, but he couldn't die, just a long eyebrow and now he was running out of lights and wanted to save him, even to restore him to the beginning, but not short. It can be done in a short time."


"It seems that the situation elsewhere is more dangerous than a long eyebrow."

"As the guardian of the Yanhuang, you should do the same."


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei also looked around with his eyes.

Qinglong immediately raised his eyebrows, apparently also aware of the corpse brothers who were moving towards here, leaving a sentence: "Seniors only need to calm down and treat a long eyebrow, and let me Qinglong solve the rest."

next moment.

He jumped straight from the top of the tall building.

at the same time.

Aixinjueluobo, the two members of the dead rope, also tacitly jumped in the other two directions. Only Hua Yu Mu Bing and Lin Long are left here.

Lin Long didn't do anything, and looked like soy sauce.


In fact, this is just disguise.

In fact, Lin Long had accumulated magic power long ago, and only when a corpse brother, or a guy who wanted to fish in muddy water, rushed over, she would immediately release the mirror space to protect Bai Xiaofei and Yi Daodao's safety.

As for Huayu Mubing?

No one member of the 1 team is annoying. Shouldn’t it be their turn to protect themselves? Lin Long thought so.

Hua Yu Mu Bing is still the same, holding a special bow and arrow, condescending, non-stop shooting at the right dragon. However, compared with the corpse king in the original book, Longyou's current strength is somewhat higher, so that it is difficult for Huayu Mubing to achieve any results.

Even if he occasionally hit the right dragon, the opponent can quickly recover.

It has become a containment and assistance.

For this...

Hua Yu Mu Bing is very indifferent.

It doesn't matter if the main is not the main attack, as long as it has a role, especially for Brother Qinglong.

And the other side.

Near the building where Bai Xiaofei and others were located, bursts of screams and sounds of fighting were quickly heard, apparently Aixinjue Rob and Dead Rope, which had already been launched around the corpse brothers who were planning to attack here. A storm.

The two great masters dealt with these little things, the situation can be seen from each other, it is definitely a blood punishment.

as predicted.

The movement around him quickly calmed down.

At the same time, Qinglong, who came off in person, finally finally handed over to the right of Corpse Dragon. The current corpse king has divine power, and it is still at the level of the late period, so the blue dragon did not dare to support it, and directly used the three hairpins of the real artifact of Jiuhuang [Kowloon Hairpin].

Qinglong is normal, the strength is around the early stage of the **** level, and once Jiulong hairpin is used, the state of the three hairpins can allow him to reach the level of the late **** level. Against the **** after the god, the Qinglong is naturally not afraid of the corpse king.

Even if the opponent has an undead skeleton, the blood is infinite, because Qinglong also has its own cards and pride. He is confident that his martial arts and fighting talents are definitely not the king of corpses.

And in fact.

Qinglong did.

As soon as he fought, Qinglong had an absolute advantage, stunned that he had no right to fight back against the right corpse king Long, who was also a god-level late strength. In the end, the valve was temporarily closed by Qinglong, and [Cunlong] kicked into the sky.

"good chance!"

At this time, the fish fish Mu Bing also very tacitly directly launched his true god-level ten thousand arrows through the heart. This move was not released by burning life, but relied on absolute skills to deliver it.

Thousands of arrows pierce the heart, as the name suggests, it shoots arrows at a very fast speed, and mixes 9,99 internal force-shaped arrows with the healing power and horror [Meiyu Arrows] all shot in almost an instant Magic skills.

"Oh, uh, uh, uh!"

As soon as Wan Jian pierced his heart, the right dragon, kicked by the blue dragon into the sky, suddenly became a living target.

The great masters in the scene were shocked when they saw this move. Black Tiger Saobo enviously said: "The arrow of the fierce feather gate pierces the heart. Has the little fish skin of Huayu finally developed this trick? This is a real magical skill. It cannot be released by burning life!"

Uncle Ni also said: "The Yanhuang 1 team has indeed grown amazingly in recent years. In the end, the whole country is supporting it, unlike the scattered people like us... However, Qinglong will be equally divided from the corpse king at the beginning, and even have the upper hand. This is even more surprising!"

As for the yin and yang masters of Yoga King and Dong Ying, it is only dumbfounded at the moment. They were completely stunned by the strength of Hua Yu Mu Bing, and the gloom of the ghost tire was even more shocked secretly.

"A great team of Yanhuang, whether it is Qinglong or other members, is so terrifying and powerful, plus a more mysterious white feather...It seems that this plan is most likely to fail!"

"Hey, hey!"

And no matter what their thoughts and reactions.

In the high sky, facing the nearly ten thousand internal force-shaped arrows blasted by Huayu Mubing like a storm, Long You was awe-inspiring, or hard to resist, or dodge, and did not put these things at all. Eyes.

Even if he perceives these arrows, it seems that several of them are completely different from other arrows, and the power and horror are the same. Relying on the crushing power of the god-level later stage, it still flashed easily without any pressure.


Corpse King Longyou also used these arrows as a game, while evading or defying ordinary arrows, he also started to count on how many different special arrows.


"A total of nine special arrows are interspersed, isn't it a pity..."

"No one hit it!"


After evading all arrows.

Corpse King Long You suddenly began to groan, with a arrogant look, said sarcastically.

Hua Yu Mu Bing said: "Here..."


At this time, the corpse king Longyou finally found something wrong. An arrow without energy fluctuations broke his defense and shot into his heart. It is the true core of Wanjian through the heart.

After the arrow is shot, it will be one with the target's heart, and quickly draw the opponent's blood, so that at the end of the arrow, a brilliant **** flower will be opened.

Even if the dragon had hit the arrow on the right, it must be recognized.

When he discovered that he wanted to stop it, it was too late. The blood-colored flowers at the end of the heart-shaped arrow had already bloomed, and the blood of his body was directly sucked for about a half.

Breath and strength, instantly fell.

at the same time.

Qinglong also took advantage of this opportunity to launch an attack, like a human-shaped shell, bouncing from the ground at high speed and coming straight to the right of the corpse dragon. Long You was yawned and lost a lot of qi and blood, and his face instantly became ugly.

"It seems that I have underestimated your most top-notch combat powers, and there is still a woman who can issue a god-level attack. It is interesting! But... you dead woman knows that I need to pay the price!"

"Hey, hey..."

As the voice of the right dragon of the corpse king fell, the top of the high-rise building where Bai Xiaofei was located suddenly flashed a powerful and very strange figure. It is one of the original nine-level nine-level hunter, but now it has become a big brother wolf chief of the corpse brother.


Corpse King Dragon right proudly said: "You use it against my ninth-level hunter, I also have exactly one, and in order not to let you delicious food escape, I also evolved it into a speed type!"

"not good!"

Qinglong also obviously noticed this situation.

As he was rising at high speed, he felt a sudden jump in his heart, and was worried about the safety of Huayu Mubing and others. Although Bai Xiaofei is super powerful, he is now treating a long eyebrow, and I am afraid that he cannot be separated. The right hand of Huayu Mubing, who has just performed the true magic skills, can't use force again for a week, and the internal power consumption is huge. How can he be the opponent of the Wolf Chief?

As for Lin Long... Qinglong didn't even take Lin Lin's daughter at heart. Although Lin Long's strength was not bad, in Qinglong's eyes, it was not enough to look at. What's more, it's the Wolf Chief, once a nine-level hunter, now mutated into a corpse brother, I am afraid that the strength will become more powerful and strange, and Lin Long can't beat the Wolf Chief even if he is strong!

In short, Qinglong was completely distracted.

The right corpse dragon, right, took advantage of this opportunity and ripped off the heart-shaped arrow connecting the heart of the undead skeleton, with a big smile in his mouth: "Hahaha, it seems that this woman is very important to you Do you still dare to do both?"

Then a stroke of the sky broke, and Qinglong was blasted away.

"Mirror space!"


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