The Storm God

Chapter 2364: Defeat Seven, Stardust Reflection!

"Leave me away!"

The giant s-class black box warrior, with a roar, followed by the condensed armor's radiation power and its own stardust ability, used a trick. The war knife was instantly transformed into a 40-meter sword, just like chopping melons and vegetables, directly encircling Many of the black box warriors who had become their own were cut down to the ground, which can be described as their own strength.


Seeing this, the space traveler's face suddenly changed and said: "This guy's fighting power is too strong, maybe the deity is really downgraded, please be careful!"

in fact……

He didn't need to remind him at all.

The other two were not stupid. When they saw the giant s-class black box samurai being so fierce, they would naturally not be stupid to stand still and wait for their death. Seeing that the situation was not good, they all quickly flashed away.

Only those black box samurai who were under control at the scene were unlucky.

As for the trio of the United States, except for the cowards who are relatively unlucky and have lost a seemingly important Smurf, the other two have no damage at all.

at the same time.

On the high ground in front of the gate of the Hell Gate of the Holy Mountain, the perpetual master of the e-country stationed in the Vatican-the driver of Chevalagri Sanfo Hulo, also showed a very interested smile, saying: "Is the missing king of the United States? Hey, now there is only s-level power, maybe I can't fight against it and it will allow me to upgrade to ss-level..."


The body jumped.

The whole person flew out like a shell.

"I'll check it out too!"


Dongying's perennial master stationed in the Vatican, Guiqilang, saw these guys ran out one by one, and suddenly his face was speechless and contemptuous, and ironically said: "There are 2 s grades in the opposite dish, here we are But rushed past 6 at once..."

"What a fool!"


No matter what others think.

Anyway, he will never take the initiative to attack, even if he dies, he will die in front of the gate of hell.


Fierce battle scene.

Xiaohei and Xiaobai also encountered some troubles.

In the process of searching for clues of the clone, the two encountered the super clone numbered 007. Under the transformation of the black fire line, this guy's strength is only only about the level of the world, but plus the armor that can absorb nuclear radiation Later, it became very difficult.

The most important thing is that the other party doesn't know what happened. After playing against Xiaohei for a while, he miraculously awakened his three hook jade to the state of kaleidoscope.

And one of its kaleidoscope capabilities is that it can perfectly engrave itself in order to achieve the purpose of multi-purpose avatars. As a result, the other party cloned ten of them at once. Facing the eleven black axe clones, the two were very passive and difficult to cope with, despite their high strength and excellent means.

Of course……

If they ran to kill each other directly, the two of them would naturally not be the same, but who made the two want to catch alive, and get more clues, naturally, they are very passive.

However, it is obviously unlikely that the other party wants to hurt the two.

Xiaobai's elastic abilities and molecular reorganization; Xiaohei's killing incarnation and mutation Xuzuo, which one is not a bug-level ability? Not to mention Xiao Hei's strength, or God-level realm, want to talk to them?

Ha ha!

It's okay to dream!


The two sides once again launched a fierce collision.

The result of the final competition is, of course, that clone 007 has suffered. Even if it is added together, it will not be able to kill the little black of god-level strength and the little white with full elasticity.

One has near-absolute defensive ability, and the other has elastic abilities that can bounce back almost everything. Despite the kaleidoscope ability of these clones No. 007, they have recreated their own experience and strength, but they can't help but both of them.

On the contrary, it gradually began to fall into the downwind, and was tightly approached by Xiaohei and Xiaobai.

no way.

The realm and strength of the two sides are too different.

This is not surprising.


The little black clone with the number 007 finally defeated.

With the variation of the god-level Xiaohei, this is not only him, there are many clones around it, whether it is the clone of Xiaohei or the clone of Xingchen Meidi. Xiaohei's mutant Susuke, who hit the ground with a super large scale, almost completely lost his fighting power.

Immediately afterwards, the two beat down the water dog, and cooperated with the unparalleled cooperation, summoned a space card given by Bai Xiaofei, and began to harvest the clones of syncope and serious injuries at the scene.

And that space card became the cage that held them.

In the blink of an eye, the area where Xiaohe and Xiaobai are located, there is a clear gap and a five-player situation. Compared with the battle of other people, especially the round table knights will be the black box warrior. The style and situation here is extremely strange.

On the other side.

E Guoluo finally came to the three of the country.


He laughed and said, "Old folks, let me come and talk about the kg of your rice country!"

"you sure?"

The mechanical ghost police were quite surprised.

No way, this s-class clone black box warrior is really too powerful, plus the help of other samurai around, the three of them responded very hard, and now they have a hard labor free of charge. Too.


The old driver of the e-country nodded excitedly and said, "That is, of course, your strongest American emperor, but I must knock down the existence of the ss class. Now that there is such a low-profile opponent, I naturally want to be good. Learn something."


The space traveler's eyes narrowed, and a strange light that was not perceptible flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Then I will restrict his movements, you will assist in the attack on the side, and try to take him down as soon as possible to prevent falling. Enemy trap!"


There is no nonsense.

The super powerful trick of the space traveler-10,000 tons of gravity, almost instantly pressed against the giant s-class black box samurai on the opposite side. Poor each other's short stature, one couldn't stand, so he squatted on the ground half-kneeled.

Not only that.

The high gravity and pressure did not dissipate immediately. Instead, it turned into a persistent repressive force, which has been acting on the other party, immediately giving him a feeling of Alexander and difficulty moving.


At this time, seeing that his own side had an absolute advantage, the mechanical ghost police was also excited, and said with a smile: "Next, let my cannon pierce his ass!"

"Go to die!"


Gathering Lightning Lava Run was sacrificed directly by the mechanical ghost police.

In an instant, a terrifying scarlet beam of energy, plus a lava cannon with physical strike capabilities, almost instantly submerged the giant s black box warrior on the opposite side that was severely suppressed by space travelers.

follow closely……

Everyone was surprised to find that all the power of the blasting lava cannon was actually rubbed into a not-so-large lava sphere by an inexplicably powerful force, and the giant s-class Hesse was countless, but it seemed to be Nothing hurt!

Not only that.

The mechanical ghost guard was also shocked to find that the power of the lava cannon that he fired seemed to be shrinking at a very alarming speed, as if there was a monster on the opposite side that could devour the energy of the lava. The huge energy ball of the lava cannon was reduced to a size that only one person could stand.


With the scream of the giant s-class black box samurai-Stardust reflection!

A super powerful lava cannon that is many times more powerful than or the impact speed just now is reflected directly back, and it is extremely powerful on the mechanical ghost police.

He didn't even have a chance to fight back, so he was completely submerged by the reflected lava cannon on the spot.

Fortunately, the body of the mechanical ghost police is made of machinery, and the materials are also very good. Even after suffering such a terrible blow, it has not suffered much damage, just put its own clothes , And some less important parts were burnt down.


The mechanical ghost police was running power, isolating the residual power and burning damage of the lava cannon, while daring not to set the channel: "Does he... he can all the power of Stardust? Although only s-level energy response, but But it has ss-level combat skills, which is not what we can deal with!"


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