The Storm God

Chapter 2372: The end of the hero, the czar appears!

On the other side of the battlefield.

The Emperor of Nuclear Weapon is chasing all kinds of slings of Nao Mingbo, and Nao Mingbo has only escape and dodge part of the whole process. Even if there is an opportunity to attack, it has no effect. s Tianji faces the normal ss God Ax nuclear weapon Meidi The difference in level strength is too much.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Linda, the big knight who turned into a four-winged angel form, arrived. With the help of Linda, a master who forcibly upgraded to ss-level strength, Nao Mingbo had the capital to fight back.

Although the effect is not great, it is nothing.


The Emperor of Nuclear Weapon disdain sneered: "A fake ss class, and want to compete with me? It's hard to control!"

He deliberately sold a flaw, and Linda was fooled.

next moment.

Linda was directly dropped to the ground by Nuclear Emperor Wu.

It was followed by a stormy killing move-Nuclear Star Blasting Fist, a dozen dozen iron fists condensed with the power of nuclear energy, and bombarded all over the body of Linda's four-winged angel form, and suddenly it became Seriously injured.


Nao Mingbo saw this, and of course he wouldn’t stand idly by, killing him-the blue hunting came out, and the whole person instantly turned into several figures. From behind the nuclear emperor Wu Mei, he violently hacked and attacked, intending to be able to save Wei from Zhao and let Linda escape The deadly move of the nuclear weapon emperor.


Nuclear Emperor Wu sneered: "Fancy bells and whistles! Find death!"

The body suddenly stood upside down.


Signboard skill big move-nuclear explosion kick, burst instantly.

Poor-minded, even if you incarnate several figures and confuse the enemy, it is of no avail, because this nuclear nuclear explosive attack of the US Emperor Wu Wu is a super-large-scale superpower attack, regardless of whether you are illusory or not, all will be destroyed. kill.

Even more frightening is that the speed of launching is extremely fast, and Mingbo has no chance to respond or dodge at all, so he was overwhelmed by the terrorist flames of nuclear energy that were kicked by the nuclear explosion on the spot.


Nao Mingbo could clearly feel that his lower body seemed to have fallen into the magma, and was almost completely burned out in an instant. He could not help crying in pain.

At the same time.

This severe pain also aroused his bloodiness: "Even if it is dead, I am glorious as a human hero! Ha ha ha ha... borrow my last move, life is burning! Divine soldiers solve the blade! Qingyuan sword song!"


Brain Mingbo exploded all his power.

Although only half of the upper body is left, he still does not give up, seeing death as his home, the powerful power of life's burning eruption, combined with the power of the magical soldier's blade, combined together to display his strongest stunt.

"Just let you see the god-level Yanhuang Kungfu!"


The stunt broke out almost instantly.

The shattered magic soldier and arms turned into the brain's existing weapons. With the internal force transformation technique, they formed a pair of wings like a combination of countless swords and blades, and then the gyro rotates like crazy.

In an instant, Nao Mingbo turned into a violent green tornado hurricane, which fell from the sky and went straight to the nuclear weapon emperor on the ground. Everything around the tens of meters in the surrounding area was dissipated and the aftermath of the energy was crushed.

The void violently oscillated, and the sword was awe-inspiring.

In the face of all the hard work of Nao Mingbo, the Emperor of Nuclear Weapon actually felt the unimaginable tremendous pressure, let alone counterattack and dodge Are extremely difficult.

In this situation, he has no other way but to die.

After a while...


The sword mandala finally disappeared.

The ground at the scene has been destroyed and turned into a huge giant pit. The surrounding land is more like being plowed by countless knives. The dense areas are all covered with ravines and knife marks. It is disturbing and miserable.


Nao Mingbo's half body finally lost all his strength, and then fell heavily on the ground. At the moment, his hair was white, his arms disappeared, and the only upper body was full of tragic knife marks and wounds, which was simply terrible.

Its breath is as heavy as the wind, as if it may hang at any time.

This is indeed the case.

after all……

Before the outbreak, Nao Mingbo had been seriously injured, coupled with the burning of life, exhausted all his own life, and the rebirth of the magician's dissolution of the blade, and after the outbreak, regardless of the spread, there was no explosion on the spot. Pieces of meat, that's already brain luck.

The end of the hero, tragic song!

"Old driver..."

"Dude...also... go with you..."



Nao Mingbo finally closed his eyes. Before his life went out, in his remaining consciousness, he recalled the scene when he and the old driver were drinking in the sanctuary against the moon.

"Hahaha, old driver, what kind of foreign car do you want, report a license plate number?"

"Go! Your flamboyant head is playing with your dog. I'm going to take that step before you! Hahahaha~"


Yan Huang Nao Mingbo, died.

At the bottom of the deep pit, the nuclear emperor Wu Mei, who was badly hit by Qingyuan Daoge, was also covered in blood at the moment, and he looked extremely embarrassed, but in fact, he did not suffer too serious injuries, because his ability brought him very much. Bug recovery effect.

Visible to the naked eye, his injuries quickly recovered.


The nuclear weapon US emperor recovered his injuries.

On the one hand, he said with excitement: "Okay! Yanhuang Kungfu is good! Sure enough, it didn't disappoint me, but unfortunately... your strength is still too low, otherwise this trick, even if you can't kill me, you can hit me hard. !"

"You can make me so embarrassed with s-level strength, you are a man!"

"At least much better than the Holy See's garbage!"


While speaking.

The Emperor of Nuclear Weapon's gaze turned sharply and stared directly at Linda, who rose from the ground and was about to attack himself. Immediately following the preemptive strike, a right fist was wrapped around a dragon-like flame of nuclear energy, and went directly towards Linda's head.





Linda was unresponsive, and she still got the trick.

However, at the moment of a sudden attack, her head dodge backwards in time, so that this technique of nuclear weapon emperor directly hit the charmed animal skull on Linda's head.

The skull exploded into countless fragments in an instant, and Linda was also badly hit, spitting blood and flying back.

Not only that.

The injury was too serious and a large amount of energy loss, so that Linda fell into a state of severe coma and her four-winged angel form completely disappeared, returning to the original human appearance.


The Emperor of Nuclear Weapon was supposed to take a step forward and completely kill Linda.

But at this moment, he suddenly stunned and followed his gaze, his eyes looked directly at the sky, and said with a strange smile: "Hey, hey...Is the real master coming, really makes me wait..."

at the same time.

Above the ruins of the Vatican.

A fighter jet flew by quickly, followed by a giant bomb dropped downwards, and above the bomb, there was a figure standing. He is the most powerful supporter invited by the old pope, and has the ss **** level ax strength e-whale Pu Tsar.


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