The Storm God

Chapter 2373: Elemental immunity, super-nuclear dog ex

High in the sky.

But he saw that the Tsar stood on a huge super-nuclear missile with a radiation sign, wearing a red jersey, his hands clasped his chest, his expression was indifferent and domineering, and he showed his mastery style vividly.

"This time, if we can get the Hercules Cup, I want to try the big baseball..."

Worthy of being one of the strongest human beings.

At this time, the Tsar was not thinking about how to solve the enemy, but thinking about other things, such as football that he loves so much. It is really a big brother. It is different from other people.

And on the ground battlefield.


The immortal skeleton of Li Jiu's incarnation is going crazy in the **** three-headed dog.

This **** three-headed dog is worthy of the existence of sss super-god level during his lifetime, that is, fierce, even the skull field of the immortal skeleton has a very tenacious resistance, and it is by virtue of its special ability to resist all attacks of the immortal skeleton.

Not only that.

Even Huayu Mubing's unique moves and attacks were perfectly evasive, or he resisted hard, but he was only a slight injury. This strength is simply powerful and desperate!

During this period, the stone statue gentleman who had been smashed by the **** three-headed dog with one punch, has split into two under the influence of his own special ability, and stood in the distance, launched a soul mocking of the **** three-headed dog together .

"Stupid dog, beat me! Beat me!"

"do not!"

Another stone statue gentleman said: "I look ugly, it's more energetic to beat me!"


Just repulsed the immortal skeleton.

The three-headed **** dog who was about to take advantage of the victory was immediately affected by a lot. He with three heads on his body, the three heads on his shoulders frantically condensed the energy of terror, and at the same time they kept arguing.

"Brother, which one to fight? Ao~"

"Brother, do you call the left? Ao~"

"Shut up! Wang~"


And just at this time.

Suddenly he sensed the sky, and there seemed to be something abnormal.

Hell's three-headed dog looked up and saw the tsar who stepped on a super-nuclear bomb. He was swiftly descending from the sky, and at the same time he shouted and reminded: "All the people below have retreated!"

"Big Brother! Ao~"

"Bomb him!"


This time, the opinions of the three dog heads were finally unified.

Immediately, the three dog heads opened their mouths at the same time, the condensed terror energy, surging turbulently, just like the volcano about to erupt, all aimed at the tsar who fell from the sky...


And the other side.

The stone statue gentleman was excited and excited, and said with a happy face: "The tsar, one of the strongest human beings, is here, we are saved. Everyone retreats, the bomb under his feet, if not guessed, it is likely to be Nuclear bomb..."

Before he finished talking, he found out speechlessly that the immortal skeletons around him, Hua Yu Mu Bing and others had already run away, and he stayed silly.


The stone statue gentleman suddenly embarrassed.

Immediately, he couldn't care about vomiting and depression, and quickly recovered his ability, merged the split self into one, and ran with his legs, straight to the place where there were many others.

"Hell Yan Cannon!"

And the terrifying energy in the mouth of the three headed dogs here finally condensed to a peak, and with the sudden release, the three pillars of light merged into one, turning into a more terrifying and thick energy fire pillar, and went straight to the tsar.

From a distance, the horror energy fire column released by the three heads of **** seems to be a dazzling sword, as if to pierce the sky, the power is very amazing and terrifying. Such powerful attacks, even god-level masters , I am afraid it is difficult to resist.


Everything in the world is often full of accidents.

For example, now, the attack of the three-headed dog in **** is so powerful, but unfortunately, it just hit the tsar. You know, the most powerful ability of the tsar is to be immune to attacks from all elements.

Unfortunately, the energy fire bombardment of Hell's three-headed dog is essentially elemental. That is to say, let him do this again, and meet the tsar, it is completely invalid.

as predicted.

I saw that the Tsar directly turned over and jumped from the super-nuclear bomb, and the whole person turned into a shield, directly blocking the huge energy fire column that was coming towards the madness, and the energy fire column suddenly looked like running water. Encountered like a stubborn stone, it was immediately split by the diversion.

The tsar lifted the super-nuclear bomb in his hand and stepped on the pillar of fire, unscathed, and crashed down.

Such a gesture...


That's a **** bomb!

The fire column of horror energy sprayed out of the mouth of the three-headed dog of Hell was stunned by the tsar who instantly stepped into a sky of fire and fireworks. Seeing this scene, the heart of the three-headed **** at this moment is collapsed, horrifying...

He was completely scared!

Encountered such a guy who totally restrained himself, how do you tell him to fight?


Everything is late now.

Even if the three-headed dog of Hell wants to run, there is no chance at all. He can only lean on his neck and continue to release the Hell Yan Cannon as much as he can, blocking the Czar's urgency, otherwise, once he stops, then the next second is estimated to be kicked by the Czar!

At this moment, he is desperate.

Because, even if the three-headed dog of Hell continues to release the Hell Yan Cannon, and attacks the Tsar frantically, it is completely in vain. All the attacks will be instantly diverted by the Tsar and turned into nothingness, and then toward himself again. Approaching.

This feeling of infinitely close to death, wandering frantically on the edge, is really fucking!

On the other hand, the czar looked relatively indifferent and cold. In addition to the reminder just mentioned, the rest of the stunned did not even say a word, and the whole process was in his own os: "It is really tired to be a president. To finish the official business first, this time it is rare to encounter so many monsters and masters, you must be happy!"


Finally, the Hell Yan Cannon of the Hell Three-Headed Dog was completely extinguished.

Because the Tsar had already approached directly in front of the three headed dogs of Hell, it would be meaningless to continue this attack. He immediately changed his strategy, and immediately activated his proud and ability, intending to trap the tsar in this way, so as to give himself a chance to escape.


He was obviously too young to watch the tsar.

Regarding the spiritual and soul attack of the three-headed dog of Hell, the Tsar only paused a little bit, and even 001 seconds, he completely rushed away, and waved with the super-nuclear bomb in his hand. It was tucked into the mouth of the dog among the three headed dogs of Hell, and at the same time the Tsar finally said the second sentence so far: "The dog food you ordered has arrived, please sign for it!"


"Large... Brother, I swallowed it!"

"Spit it out!"


The three-headed dog of **** suddenly became in chaos.

However, the Tsar ignored the three-headed hellhound that ate the super-nuclear nuclear bomb. After falling lightly to the ground, he threw it directly to the other person's head, and then bought a graceful and calm pace and moved towards the front.

At the same time, the tsar began to lose his mind: "I heard that there seems to be a wolf problem in the north of the country. I have to find an opportunity to enjoy the fun of hunting. This one is not enough to fight..."

And behind him...


The super-nuclear bomb was finally detonated.

However, because it was in the belly of the three-headed dog in hell, and the three dog heads still held the posture of spraying the hell-yan gun in the sky, the terrorist impact and flames caused by the explosion were all sprayed upward. .

The shock and explosion impacts around the lateral are almost negligible.

of course……

This is also because the physical strength of the three-headed **** dog is very abnormal, otherwise it will be replaced by other monsters. Even if the super-nuclear bomb is swallowed, the result after being detonated can only be completely bombarded to the slag, and then spread to the surroundings.

It’s like a three-headed dog in hell, only his upper body is suffering. His two feet, but he didn’t suffer too much impact and injury. Waiting for the terrifying explosion impact and flames to finally dissipate, the ground is on **** three. The two feet of the head dog are still intact, and the strength of the body is amazing, which is incredible!

The Tsar was so calm because he knew


Even if it had been expected.

But to be honest, there was still a little bit of worry in the tsar's heart: "Aloud, the clothes behind me haven't been broken? Shouldn't they have been broken? I didn't feel much shock just now..."

"Well, it seems that the pretense was very successful this time!"


On the giant bat in the distance.

With the death of the three-headed dog in hell, the vampire k, who is the summoner, was immediately repulsed by the soul. As a whole, he was hit by a train, and immediately spurted a blood of the boss.


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