The Storm God

Chapter 254: The proud King Kong!

A cliff.

Vajra squatted in a mighty manner.

In front of it, there is a beautiful and charming heroine-Annie, she is performing a variety of acrobatic performances of the singing and dancing troupe.

In order to save her life, she must win the happiness of the big monster in front of her, otherwise she will definitely be eaten by the other party, the heroine keeps jumping, making trouble, and making Kongo happy, maybe it feels like the heroine is alone It was boring to play, King Kong decided to interact with her, so he extended a finger and flicked it gently.


The wooden stick in the hostess's hand was flew away.

Losing the support of the wooden stick, the beautiful Anne's body was out of balance, and she immediately fell to the ground. Seeing how her teeth were grinning, she obviously fell hard.

If you want to change someone else, you will definitely ask for help.

It is a pity that there is no one else in front of Annie, and only a huge chimpanzee.

It doesn’t understand the {no+wrong} novel ww.ql.c. It’s just so fun. It’s the first time it’s been the first time it’s been such a pleasure to see the little Annie who has been distraught. Happy, Anne is not much more fun than the previous offerings. This feeling is really cool!

It's non-stop "hip-hop", showing off various expressions and expressing joy.

And Annie, because she fell so suddenly that she was too unprepared, some could not bear it, lying on the ground, bearing the pain of her body, slowly slowing her down, first, she couldn't get up.

Seeing King Kong so ignorant of Xiang Xiangxi Yu, although Anne was very depressed and angry, but as a weak person, the plaything in the other hand, she could only bear it silently.

Although the body hurts, King Kong is so happy that he should not be eaten up after a while.

So she continued to lie on the ground, relieving the pain and returning to her physical strength.


Vajra is enough.

When I recovered, I saw that Anne was lying on the ground lazy, not jumping, and was suddenly unhappy.

Seeing him stretch out an arm with a smile, he easily pulled Annie up, and then gently pushed it again, "Poo", Annie fell again.

"Hee hee roar!"

King Kong smiled happily again.

Annie's depressed, this is simply regarded as a toy!



three times!

After so many rounds, Annie finally couldn't stand it.

I saw her fiercely opened King Kong's fingers and shouted NO! enough! go away! I won't let you play with me anymore! no way! "


King Kong saw Anne, who was a plaything, and the daring to resist, suddenly became angry.

Roaring a few times, he stretched out a huge arm like a fist and smashed it to death, but when he hit the fist halfway, he suddenly remembered that this chick was the only plaything, if it was smashed to death, it would be true If there is no more fun, we must face the cold loneliness again!

As a result, his fist changed halfway through and eventually fell on Annie's side, frightening him.


Seeing that Annie was terrified, she still looked as if she was dead, and refused to perform, and King Kong suddenly became violent.

He kept roaring and roaring, wanting to show the strength and domineering, he destroyed a small mountain with three punches and two feet, and shattered the boulders, still everywhere, trying to show off the force, Let Annie submit.

King Kong put his neck up proudly, his nostrils skyward, and he looked bullish.

His eyes glanced at Annie, waiting for the other's worship!

But he didn't see a huge boulder that was just thrown away, and along the mountain wall, grunt rolled down, and then with a loud bang, he smashed heavily on the Vajra's head when he was forced.


This is not a hit.

Even with King Kong's physique, some of his head was stunned.

After waiting for a while, King Kong was silent.

In the dark and godly eyes, there were full of depressions pretending to fail, sadness rejected by the hostess, and deep loneliness, which made people feel trembling.

The heroine was frightened by King Kong's previous performance.

But in the end, as King Kong was stoned into the head, she suddenly felt that the huge chimpanzee in front of her seemed not as terrible and horrible as she had imagined. Instead, she was like a child, just because she was too lonely, pure. Just want to make a deal. It is a pity that his way of making friends is really uncomfortable.

She was panicked and frightened at this moment. Unexpectedly, she suddenly calmed down and was full of sympathy and curiosity about the powerful chimpanzee in front of her.

The picture from the little bee was played here.

Afterwards, one person and one orangutan fell into a long-term gaze and silence, and seemed to be carrying out some kind of eye or soul communication.

"your sister!"

"Thousands of rushes, always one step late!"

Looking at the drama of "The Love Is Coming", it really happened. Bai Xiaofei was a little speechless. The inertia of the heart story is still as strong as ever! Fortunately, Jin has just been in contact with the hostess not long ago, and should not have feelings for the hostess, otherwise things will be difficult. It seems that I must speed up the progress! "

King Kong is Bai Xiaofei's intended younger brother. The fifth-biggest capable officer naturally does not want him to be captured by an ordinary woman. The only solution is to get rid of the heroine before King Kong has feelings for the heroine, and quickly blast away all the people outside the boat to completely eliminate all possibilities behind!

Now that the little bee has taken the position of the hostess, everything is easy to handle.

"Bakas, locate its location and move forward quickly!"


Stealing slowly in mid-air, the Mole flying at low speed, under the control of White Cass, immediately entered a speeding state, galloping toward the position of the heroine.

In flight.

Mole received the latest news from the little bee.

King Kong and the hostess Annie, as in the movie plot, separated, and all left the position just now, and asked Bai Xiaofei, whether to track the hostess, or King Kong.


"One step late!"

"According to the development of the movie's plot, the hostess at this time should start to escape alone, and you will encounter various dangers on the road!"

Bai Xiaofei frowned and began to analyze. He was not worried about the safety of the heroine. After all, it was the heroine, with the protagonist aura, prehistoric creatures? Kneeled as usual and wanted to eat the mistress, dream about it!

He is entangled in whether to conquer King Kong first, or to follow the heroine.

If Bai Xiaofei still has a pet contract card, he will naturally not be so hesitant, just accept King Kong directly, the life and death of the heroine is about his farts!

But the problem is that Bai Xiaofei does not have a pet contract card now. If he wants to conquer King Kong, he has to use his psychic powers to communicate with King Kong and make him see the power and benefits he can give him. He willingly followed.

The skill of telepathic communication is very convenient.

But the premise must be human. King Kong is just a gorilla. Even if it is very peculiar, it has evolved extremely powerfully, but its mind is always limited. If you want to communicate with him, it needs to be.

And the length of this period is full of uncertainty, which may be short or long.

In case Bai Xiaofei is communicating with Vajra, Annie is like the movie plot, the destroyed king is staring at him, running desperately, crying for If the exhausted voice is given by Vajra I heard that, with his own nature, he would not ignore it. In this way, Bai Xiaofei's previous efforts were all void.

In the end, everything was back on track.

However, if you track the heroine, the current position is still some distance away from Annie’s location, and it is also full of uncertainty. In the section where she is going, Anne calls in distress, and King Kong will still run to save people.

In this way, Bai Xiaofei might as well look for King Kong!

Think twice.

Eventually, Bai Xiaofei decided to go to meet King Kong, and then he knew him first.

When I found King Kong, whether it was for the communication of the soul behind, or to rescue the hostess, I took the initiative and also had a lot of help for the subsequent plans. Maybe I can take the opportunity to get the favor of King Kong!

After the decision, Bai Xiaofei immediately ordered Daofengbei 057 to continue tracking King Kong! "


Immediately, Bai Xiaofei said to Baikas again, to go to King Kong's place! "


PS: Thanks to [codol1234GO] for the reward of 700 starting coins, and [Mentally Impaired] for the reward of 100 starting coins, thank you very much! Please support the genuine version and the author. Your support is the motivation for the author and the work to continue to grow! Any so-called genuine source charge for Daoban is deceptive. The author can't get a penny. Please don't be fooled. If you are capable, please come to the starting point to support genuine reading. Give a recommendation and monthly ticket. Thank you! muah!

…(To be continued.)

Chapter 254 The Proud King Kong! (For subscription!)

Chapter 254 The Proud King Kong! (Seeking to subscribe!) It’s played by [no*wrong] [small-say-net] members, please visit the website for more chapters: