The Storm God

Chapter 269: insufficient level!


"Control the earth veins, reiki!"

Hearing the prompt of the space-time shuttle, Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed, especially the effect, which made him shine.

This is a good skill!

Just like controlling the time ratio, if used properly, there is no disadvantage!

For example, Blood Orchid originally took 1 year to bloom. If you increase the Reiki by 10 times, it only takes more than 1 month to allow Blood Orchid to fully mature and bloom, greatly shortening its growth cycle.

The pitfall is that although the ability is good, it is not without its drawbacks.

According to the prompt of the space-time shuttle, the total amount of the earth’s aura is limited, but the distribution area and the speed of escape are different, just like the deposits in the bank. If the deposit amount is 10,000 yuan, 100 yuan per day Money can take 100 days, but if you spend 1,000 yuan a day, you can only spend 10 days, 10,000 are all taken out, and one day is spent!

Bai Xiaofei suddenly speechless.

Engage in wool!

I thought it was an ability against the sky, but it was a tasteless taste!

For the rapid growth of Blood Orchid, the entire Aura of Skull Island is squeezed out in advance, which greatly shortens the life of the Skull Island. Such behavior is really not worth it.

Space-time shuttle said: "The host, this is just an initial ability. If you can fully master this world, you will not only gain great wish, but also control the local power of the earth and the spirit of the world, and let only a part of the area. Get a bonus, so it won’t be wasted!"


Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes angrily, and said depressedly: "Why didn't you say that early, it hurts Lao Tzu for a while!"

He said so in his mouth, but he was happy in his heart.

The world of King Kong is very backward. Whether it is technology, combat power, or even vision and consciousness, Bai Xiaofei has far surpassed this era for hundreds of years. He would not believe it. With such a large advantage, he can’t control it? !

Of course, as the saying goes, but you can't become a fat person in one bite, things have to be done step by step.

The most unpredictable thing in the world is people's hearts!

If you want to control the world, you must have your own **** power and influence. Bai Xiaofei came to the Vajra world, originally did not want to dominate, but simply wanted to find a suitable planting place for Blood Orchid. I think there will be such a change, and the harvest is surprisingly large.

In this case, it is necessary to plan well.

Now, with the resources in his hands, Bai Xiaofei has preliminarily controlled the senior people of most countries and power organizations. It is barely in control of this world, but the world is unpredictable, and the future is not static, and he wants to maintain his rule. Even one step closer to complete control, so as to obtain the highest level of ability to control the ground and aura, Bai Xiaofei must continue to increase control.

Compared with the problems of the Elysium space world, the Vajra world is much simpler.

As long as Bai Xiaofei has enough nano-worm insect solvent and unshakable influence, he can gradually take full control of the world. The only thing he lacks is enough time.

In the space-time world, Bai Xiaofei's most important thing is time.

Excited for a while.

Bai Xiaofei recovered his emotions, and then began to contact the governor, the devil Buu, and Xiaohuo, and let them three rush back to Skull Island.

After finishing contact, continue to build [Golden Armor].

Gold armor, similar to the small fire dragon armor, the main constituent material is still Zhenjin, other trash metal, Bai Xiaofei can't even look at it, there are Pim particles in the shock, as long as the Zhenjin original mine is enlarged, how many How much, it is almost the same as open hanging; secondly, the above is also infused with Bai Xiaofei and created a lot of magic pattern system, Pim particle technology and so on.

As for styling?

Someone who has a bad taste is directly the copy of the gold armor of the Monkey King of the Monkey King of Copy. Bai Xiaofei even specially designed a [tightening spell] and a [ruyi gold hoop stick], otherwise there is no such thing, old It feels like something less. Anyway, this fellow is determined to "consecrate" King Kong to the end.

King Kong had no opinion on this.

On the other hand, that root has a lot of [gravity] magic pattern system and Pim particle technology. The whole body is made of Zhenjin [Ruyi Gold Hoop], which makes King Kong like it very much.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei said: "Monkeys love to play with sticks. Is this natural? It should be!"


Two days later.

The governor and the devil Buu flew all the way on a small fire and finally returned to Skull Island.

As soon as the two Terminators returned, they began to report to Bai Xiaofei, and Xiaohuo was shocked by Vajra's earth-shattering changes and immediately went to work with Vajra.

After three months of catalysis, whether it is a small fire, a dragon queen, or a diamond, under the influence of the mutant, there have been great changes. It can already be comparable to the level of the ninja turtle, and it is completely mature. Too. Of course, if you are talking about simple power or something, you must be forced on top of the Four God Turtles!

Especially King Kong.

This talent and accomplishment in stick technique is just like a natural birth. In three months, the stupidity is from a small white, jumping all the way to the master level of Lv5. I believe that it will not take long to break through Lv6. !

With his superb stick skills, King Kong can be regarded as the scene of the day, and he was brutally abused without the fire and acid spray of the dragon.

Now that Xiao Huo has finally returned from the outside, King Kong is also not excited: "This **** is finally back!"

The two guys were hot-tempered, and they got up as soon as they met.

The results are obvious.

Little fire is defeated!

Under the limitation of not being able to use flame spray as a big killer, relying solely on flesh-body combat power, Xiao Huo and King Kong's opponents who had not reached the master level with sticks were simply hanged.

Xiao Huo was angry at that time and shouted: "It's not fair, you have weapons, I don't!"

After such a long period of time, except the dragon queen is special, he can't speak. Whether it is King Kong or Xiaohuo, he has learned the language of human beings and can communicate with people as he pleases. Of course, it is limited to some simpler ones. In terms of vocabulary and language, if you tell them some old drivers' rough sentences, or more connotative sentences, they will be smitred in minutes!

"That's you stupid!"

King Kong didn't care, Wang Zhi's contempt, showed his heart, provocatively said: "I didn't say that I wouldn't let you use weapons, you don't need to use it, who lost it? If you don't agree, you can put on your War Dragon Armor, let's come again!"

"it is good!"

"This is what you said!"

When Xiao Huo heard it, he was immediately pleased and secretly said, "Silly-too! I put on the Dragon Warrior armor. My strength has increased by more than 10 times at least. If you can hang it again, you can't use fart!"

Subsequently, Xiao Huo honestly put on the War Dragon armor.

He was so proud that he was ready to abuse King Kong and revenge his revenge just now, but when he looked up, he saw King Kong wearing a gleaming gold armor, which was so handsome that he almost blinded his titanium dog eyes. !

"you you...?"

Seeing this, Xiao Huo was suddenly dumbfounded.

He never imagined that King Kong even had armor, and looking at its style and texture, it seemed to be no worse than his own dragon armor, and he could not help but exclaimed: "You cheat! Why do you have armor? This is unfair! I protest! "

"Where is so much nonsense!"


Jin was too lazy to reason with Xiaohuo. He took the stick directly and threw it up. Once again, the gust of wind swept the leaves and cleaned up the fire.

Xiaohu suffocated, tears came out.

"Vajra, I curse you!"


King Kong snorted coldly and threw a **** gesture at the swollen nose and swollen face, and then left happily, looking for his Anne to chat.


Conference room.

After listening to the return of the governor and the devil Buu, Bai Xiaofei nodded with satisfaction.

Nowadays, most countries in the King Kong world are already in the hands of Bai Xiaofei. This world has become Bai Xiaofei’s private world, and he can freely adjust the time ratio. However, the threat of Skull Island is still there, and the geological instability is still A problem that must be solved!

In the past three months, in addition to teaching King Kong to learn martial arts, Bai Xiaofei also often piloted the Mole to detect and survey the topography, landforms and geology of Skull Island. After thinking of countless ways, he still couldn't find a perfect solution~www. In desperation, I can only resort to the space-time shuttle, even if it is ruthlessly slaughtered, for the Skull Island, Bai Xiaofei admitted.

Whatever thought, the space-time shuttle said: "Sorry, host, I can't do it!"


Bai Xiaofei was a little dumbfounded.

He even suspected that he had heard it wrong. The powerful and almost omnipotent space-time shuttle could not even solve such a small problem? What are you doing to tease me!

The space-time shuttle said helplessly: "Host, my current level is too low, only 2 levels, the authority is very pitiful, one of them is that you cannot directly change things in the space-time world, not to mention the volcanic seismic zone of Skull Island , Is an important existence related to the core of the earth. But..."

"But what?"

Seeing that the space-time shuttle actually came to pant at a critical moment, Bai Xiaofei was anxious and said angrily: "I'm going! Brother! Uncle! Please can you finish it all at once? Do you want to kill me!"


The space-time shuttle said: "I will finish the talk in one simple operation. As long as the host upgrades me to level 3, some permissions will be opened. At that time, the host only needs to spend a certain amount of energy value to entrust the shuttle. The geological and landforms of Skull Island have been changed and transformed to a certain extent, so that the problem is solved!"

PS: Thanks to [Decay] for the reward of 100 coins, thank you very much! It is customary to ask for firepower support, monthly tickets, recommendations, rewards, just feel free to come and order! By the way, there is no anti-theft for one day. This subscription has dropped. My heart is cool. It shows how rampant the current piracy boards are! No way, in order to eat together, worry-free can only continue to prevent theft, after all, it is not a great god, embarrassment... (to be continued.)

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