The Storm God

Chapter 3335: Capture the Imperial Army!

"You, what does this mean?"

Tang Long's face was so twisted that he almost cried. I thought to myself, didn't I actively cooperate with you just now and be your daughter's sparring partner?

You can't turn around like this and not recognize people!

It's not fair!


"Ha ha!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't say much, just looked at Tang Long condescendingly, his eyes cold: "If I abuse your wife, what will happen to you?"


Tang Long was speechless.


That demon fox, who was framed by himself and Nanshan over and over again, was his wife!

If it was his own wife who was targeted like this...


After I figured it out.

Tang Long also did not hesitate.

He went out of his way, and the strongest power erupted directly, even sacrificing his life and soul, and mobilizing the Heaven-shattering Seal with all his strength.

The Heavenly Turning Seal instantly became larger, covering the sky and covering the sun, smashing at Bai Xiaofei and the others, while Tang Long turned around and ran away.

And the way to escape is the legendary blood shield method!

A **** glow in the sky.

One becomes ten!

Thousands of changes!

Nearly tens of thousands of blood awns fled in tens of thousands of directions respectively.

This is Tang Long's trick to press the bottom of the box.

After using it, even if you can escape, you will suffer great side effects. But at this time, he couldn't take care of that much anymore.

Run away first!

If you can't escape, everything is in vain!

Death is on the left and right, of course he is not willing to sit still, no matter how hard he has to fight.

The people in the world who saw this scene were all shocked and amazed.

This method, anyway, everyone is convinced.


This certainly does not include Bai Xiaofei and others.

No shot.

Bai Kass, Nie Xiaoqian, and Bai Lei, they just watched Bai Xiaofei silently, and didn't care about Tang Long who escaped.

Obviously they all have absolute confidence in Bai Xiaofei.

Tang Long will never escape!

"Ha ha!"

The much-anticipated Bai Xiaofei sneered again.

Then, when everyone saw him, the corners of his mouth swayed slightly, his arms were raised slightly, followed by the sky and the earth, and suddenly there were thousands of rays of light.

These rays of light, like strands of silk, do not know where they are coming from, where they are going down, and are full of strange shocking power.

Bai Xiaofei plucked one of the strings at will, just like plucking the strings.

next moment…

everyone on site.

He was shocked to see that the tens of thousands of blood lights that had escaped just now seemed to be upside down, and they gathered back from tens of thousands of directions toward the center.

Among them, it naturally includes the one in which Tang Long was incarnated.


This doesn't seem to be as simple as putting it upside down.

Because after the tens of thousands of blood lights gathered, Tang Long did not return to his original state, but looked like he was about to be drained, withered and extremely weak.

The other tens of thousands of blood lights disappeared out of thin air.

The sky-turning seal that covered the sky, like a deflated balloon, instantly became smaller, and then smashed its head on Tang Long, who was full of confusion and had no idea what was going on.


Poor Tang Long.

After using the blood escape method, he was already extremely weak, not to mention that he had sacrificed a lot of life and part of his soul power before.

In the end, all of this turned back on him.

The Heavenly Turning Seal is not an ordinary thing, even after returning to its normal form, its attack power is still a lot.

Just for a moment.

Tang Long was smashed to death by his own magic weapon.

This smashing smashed all his strength, as if he had become a mortal, and there was no longer any escape or resistance.

Like a dead dog, floating in mid-air.

And this floating power.

Not his own, but Bai Xiaofei's.

Bai Xiaofei controlled Tang Long, floated in front of him, stared at him sternly and said, "Tell me everything you know, and I promise you a treat!"


Tang Long wanted to refuse.

However, after his eyes met Bai Xiaofei's icy gaze, he immediately persuaded. Then when it comes to the mouth, it directly becomes: "Yes!"

Just like Bai Xiaofei is his emperor, don't dare not obey!


An ever-changing mass of memory light.

It quickly flew out of Tang Long's mind, and then fell into Bai Xiaofei's body.

As for Bai Xiaofei, he also followed his promise and summoned a strange fire, directly burning Tang Long, who was desperate for death, to ashes.


After Tang Long died.

The treasures he possessed were not destroyed.

Because Bai Xiaofei has mastered all Tang Long's memories, he clearly knows that although this guy is not very strong, he has a lot of good things on him.

Just like...

The mighty Tianlong like a tattoo, and the Seven Killing White Tigers.

And the most powerful pseudo. Emperor Soldier's Heaven-shaking Seal.

These are great value!

Even with Bai Xiaofei's financial resources, he must be amazed.

Because now Bai Xiaofei has no magic weapon in his hand, and even if he has it, it is completely inconsistent with his level of strength!

Vibrant body.

The body of the wood escape.

Vibrating Gold Cloth.

Iron Godzilla…

For Bai Xiaofei, these are a bit outdated.

Even if it can still be used, it is no longer of great use to deal with the masters of the God Emperor Realm, and it is basically equivalent to decoration.

in short.

What Bai Xiaofei lacked most right now was an imperial soldier.

The Seal of the Sky is quite good, although it is a fake imperial soldier, it can increase Bai Xiaofei's combat effectiveness to some extent, and he can barely make use of it.

And according to Tang Long's memory, the immortal sword on Nanshan's body ended, but it was a genuine imperial soldier!

Relatively speaking.

Bai Xiaofei still prefers the latter.

after all…

The sword is a weapon, a murderer.

Used to kill the enemy, leapfrog challenge, can be described as the best choice.

Nanshan, the ants at the pinnacle of the god-king realm, can rely on the end of the fairy sword to exert a power that is close to that of the god-king realm...

If Bai Xiaofei had this imperial soldier in his hand, the power would not need to be said. It can definitely improve his strength by one or two levels!

Thinking of this.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand suddenly.

Trapped in the cage of time and space, Nanshan, who was unaware of the repeated escape process, was immediately freed from it.


The immortal sword in his hand ended, but it completely got rid of Nanshan's control, as if he had betrayed, and flew directly from his hand to Bai Xiaofei.


The end of the fairy sword really has a spirit.

Feeling Bai Xiaofei's powerful and terrifying strength and realm level, bursts of violent roars and reactions immediately erupted.

It seems to be reminding our master that the enemy is so powerful that we can't afford it at all!



Its owner is too cowardly.

Bai Xiaofei glanced over, and Nanshan was immediately trapped in a special environment that seemed illusory, and then he was automatically released from the binding and association with the end.

So far.

Immediately after the immortal sword came to an end, it became an ownerless thing.

The imperial soldiers were wise, and after sensing what had happened, they immediately let out bursts of lamentation and anger, as if they were angry at Nanshan's unsatisfactory performance.

It's totally unreasonable to abandon yourself so easily.


It started to lick Bai Xiaofei.

It's just that Bai Xiaofei didn't eat his tricks at all, his eyes suddenly condensed, and the incomparably violent divine power instantly smashed the so-called artifact spirit of the end into scum.

This scene made Nie Xiaoqian and others stunned and inexplicable.

You know, this is an imperial soldier.

How many people have been dreaming of a top-level magical weapon, how come it is in your hands, just like a dough, if you say you kill it, you will die?


Just when everyone was amazed and unbelievable. UU reading www.


At the end of the immortal sword, a more terrifying and powerful aura and power suddenly erupted, causing the entire void to be shaken.

Immediately after the cold light appeared, the world became cold.


At the end of the fairy sword, there were bursts of brilliance, and countless stars and galaxies on his body flashed on and off, giving people a sense of vastness and endlessness.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's hand was on the hilt of End Yan's sword.


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