The Storm God

Chapter 4488: Exchange hostages!

Chapter 4488 Exchange hostages! (Please subscribe!)

"Is it that powerful?"

After the storm girl heard it, she was stunned.

She is not stupid.

It is natural to understand what the soldier boy's domain means. It can almost be said that, within a certain range, it is equivalent to the existence of God's almighty existence.

Even now that he can do whatever he wants because his ability has just awakened, it is still quite scary.

after all…

Soldier Boy's strength alone is perverted enough.

Physically invincible, defense is unparalleled, and it also comes with a laser cannon that can eliminate other people's superpowers. If it is combined with the power of the domain to restrict the target's movement and flight abilities, isn't it a pure target!

That's whoever comes and who dies!

this moment.

Storm Girl, who was still a little worried, was no longer worried in an instant.

Her face was full of smiles and madness, and she muttered to herself: "With this ability, plus my cooperation, all the people from the motherland and the black-robed team will all die!"



Taking the initiative to hug the soldier boy, he started various difficult movements in the air.

The soldier boy, who had never experienced this kind of treatment, said that he had a good posture, and he was so happy that he didn't want it. He was quickly defeated and completely surrendered to the storm girl.

When the two returned to the ground, they immediately started the action plan.

According to Storm Girl's original intention, in addition to the current manpower, she will recruit some superpowers to deal with the black robe team or the people of the motherland together.

but now…

With the upgrade of Soldier Boy's abilities, Storm Girl feels that these are no longer needed.

Because the two of them are enough to deal with all the enemies.

As for the deep sea and the locomotive?


It's still possible to make a start.

Especially the locomotive, with its extreme speed, can still do many things.

Coupled with the elite special forces trained by Walter Company, as well as elaborate traps and other ambushes, there is no problem at all in dealing with some black-robed squads from Ye Luzi!

On the contrary, the motherland is a bit tricky.

after all.

This product is very comprehensive.

If you can't control him immediately, the situation will become very difficult.

Therefore, Storm Girl's plan is, if the motherlander shows up, no matter what, he must be controlled immediately and the opponent's flying ability will be limited.

The rest is to catch a turtle in a urn.

What they don't know is that at this moment, the people of the motherland are still in outer space, the place closest to the sun, greedily absorbing the sun's energy.

Under the stimulation of the sun's energy, Azu's body is undergoing a qualitative change, and his physique is becoming more and more supernatural.

And it is also a powerful version of the **** of the world.

It is completely different from the Azu that Storm Girl knew.


The day of the hostage exchange has come.

After receiving the call, the butcher and others of the black-robed team immediately drove to the wilderness specified by Storm Girl and the others according to the plan to exchange hostages.

As for why not use Huey's space transfer ability?


Of course it's to hide the cards.


The black-robed team arrived at the designated place, and at this time, Storm Girl, Soldier Boy and others had been waiting for a long time again, except for the two superpowers of Deep Sea and Locomotive.

The rest are all the elite special forces of Water Company, all of them are fully armed, and they look very difficult to provoke. Of course, the so-called difficult to provoke is for ordinary people.

Everyone in the black robe team didn't pay attention to these guys at all.

Even the Scarlet Countess, who was pretending to be under control, didn't take these minions seriously at all, only Soldier Boy and Storm Girl had eyes.

Obviously, in their view, only these two are the biggest threats.

"Storm girl, where are my parents!"

Huey and Starlight controlled the Scarlet Duchess and Psychic Storm respectively, but they didn't see their parents. They couldn't help but feel a little angry and angry, and asked loudly.

"Don't worry."

The old goddess of the storm smiled.

Then they clapped their palms, and in the next moment, a few fake black commando soldiers brought Huey's father and Xingguang's parents out of a hidden place.

Huey's father, Starlight's parents, were handcuffed behind their backs, and their mouths were gagged.

But from their eyes and expressions, it can also be seen that at this moment, they don't want Huey and the others to save people at all, because this is a trap at all!


They are now hostages and nothing can be done.

Storm Girl grabbed Huey's father, fixed her eyes on Huey, and said coldly: "Huey, I advise you to be smart, if you dare to have any crooked brains, I will kill you immediately your father!"


Huey was suddenly furious and cursed.

Storm Girl didn't care, she looked at Xingguang again, and said with a smile: "Now, the transaction begins, Xingguang, slowly bring the Psychic Storm in your hand, don't play tricks!"


Starlight was helpless.

He could only follow the request of the other party, secretly patted behind the Psychic Storm, and then led the other party to the designated area.

And this time.

The soldiers under Storm's command also took Xingguang's parents to the other side.

At this time, Storm Girl suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you just now, I have installed time bombs on your parents. Once they leave my certain range, they will be activated. Now it is time to rescue them." Oh, the best opportunity, I hope you don't miss it."

The words fell.

The soldiers under his command seemed to want to prove the words of the storm girl, so they took off the coats on Xingguang's parents, revealing a series of time bombs inside.

The beeping sound indicated that the bomb had been activated.

The scarlet number on it is counting down rapidly.

Seeing this scene, Xingguang's eyes were shattered, and he rushed directly to his parents, and then activated his super power, power control ability, and quickly deactivated the power of the time bomb.

Lost power The time bomb expires instantly.

And this time.

The blindfolded Psychic Storm was grabbed by the fastest locomotive and came directly to Storm Girl and Soldier Boy.

"That's right, it's him!"

The soldier boy took a look at Psychic Storm.

Although the other party was blindfolded, some couldn't see the entire face of the other party clearly, but after all, he was an old teammate for many years, and he could be sure just by looking at his appearance. This was a spiritual storm.

"very good!"

The Storm immediately smiled, looked at the anxious Huey, and said, "Huey, it seems that you are very obedient and haven't played any tricks. Now, it's your turn."

"Almost forgot, Huey, your ability is teleportation, right? This ability is a bit tricky. In order to prevent accidents, now you must stay away from everyone and step aside!"


Huey gritted his teeth and could only force him to do so.

According to Storm Girl's request, she walked to the edge alone, but just as she walked over, an iron cage immediately rose under her feet, and a terrifying electric current emanated from it.

The special magnetic field immediately made Huey feel great pain. He almost fainted on the spot and couldn't even stand still, let alone activate his ability.

When the butcher and the others saw this, they immediately turned pale with fright.

The Storm girl smiled and said: "Don't worry, this is just a small device designed to prevent you from playing tricks, he will not be in danger."

"Then now, our transaction can continue."

"Go to two people and bring the Scarlet Countess here."


Several soldiers in black immediately stepped forward.

The Butcher and the others were not to be outdone, until the Storm girl let go of Huey's father and let him walk towards the crowd without any hindrance, and then stopped their actions.