The Storm God

Chapter 790: Take Thor to the brothel!

For things in New Mexico, Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry.

A depreciated Thor.

Even if the inertial effect of time and space plots, Bai Xiaofei is not afraid. He had contacted Jane long ago. Foster, Daisy, and Dr. Eric planted psychological hints on them, plus the research funding of the other party, almost all of them were funded by Bai Xiaofei. Jane's favor with Bai Xiaofei was almost bursting. !

Bai Xiaofei did not believe it.

How could I have been operating for so long, compared to a Thor who has just been demoted? ! Let's talk... In New Mexico, Bai Xiaofei has left some t900 ambushed in the town to protect their safety. Even if there is any accident, they can come forward to help one or two!

just now……

Bai Xiaofei's top priority.

It is to build the golden cloak of Gemini as soon as possible!

It was only an hour or so, and there was no delay at all. When the Saint Cloth was ready, he went to New Mexico to see the situation of Thor and contact Jane with them about their feelings.

After making up your mind.

Bai Xiaofei stopped thinking about others.

Reassure yourself and begin to concentrate on the Golden Saint Cloth of Gemini for the enchantment of the super additional technique.


New Mexico.

Under the inertial effect of time and space plots.

simple. Foster's three-member astronomical research team finally met Thor, who was demoted into the world.


The situation when they first met was not very friendly.

Thor, who was awakened from a coma, was wronged in his heart, and his anger was difficult. At first, he wanted to find his hammer, but there was no clue. Then he tilted his neck and shouted at the sky: "Father, Heimdall, I I know you can hear it! Open the Rainbow Bridge and take me back to Asgard, please! Heimdall!"

Unfortunately, no one birded him!


The seven halo that was "fallen".

As if drunk, Thor standing instability, asked Jane in a high tone: "Hey! You! Which country is this? Elfheim? Dolenheim?"

That attitude is called arrogant and rude, arrogant and arrogant.


Daisy, who was pointed at his nose and asked aloud, stopped doing it.

This cute girl who has not graduated from university has a very direct personality. If you dare to shout at me, I will shoot you! She immediately took out the black technology electric shock* that Bai Xiaofei gave her before, opened the safety lock, pointed at the tall Thor with a muzzle, and said coldly, "This is New Mexico! Drunk!"

Jane and Dr. Eric did not pay much attention to the situation here.


These two research madmen.

Has been completely attracted by the magical brand rune that suddenly appeared on the ground.

"who are you?"

Thor is now deprived of divine power.

There is some confusion now, but his instincts and fighting instincts still exist and are very keen! Daisy's behavior immediately made him aware of the threat, but the arrogance and arrogance of the Asgard people made him not take it seriously.

"Dare you threaten me?"

He grumbled: "Do you know, I'm Thor! Odin's eldest son! I... uh uh uh!"


Facing the aggressive Thor.

The outspoken Daisy girl is not polite to him, just a shot on the spot-the past.


Thor Thor.

Immediately before being anesthetized by the black technology that Bai Xiaofei gave Daisy to Daisy, she was coronaed!


The famous Thor.

At this moment, Leng was coronad by a small stun gun! Oops……


Jane and Eric, who were studying the branded runes on the ground, were suddenly taken aback by Thor, who was lying straight on the ground, and then looked at Daisy with dumbfounded eyes. And our lovely cute girl Daisy, with a look of "blame me?", said straightforwardly: "Don't look at me like this? He scared me! I was scared, OK!"


The two sweated a bit.

They have long been aware of Daisy's straightforward personality, but this time, it was seriously beyond their expectations.


Jane looked at the black technology stun gun in Daisy's hands.

Can't help but ask: "Daisy, where did you get this gun? It looks very unusual, it must be expensive if you want to come?"

"No no!"

Daisy said with a grin: "Someone else gave it! Don't pay! It was the handsome Chinese man who paid for our research last time through New Mexico. He said that next to our two beautiful women, only Dr. Ariva was one year old man. , It is inevitable that you may encounter danger, so I sent this to us for self-defense!"

"You mean..."

Upon hearing this, Jane couldn't help but stunned, "Bai Xiaofei?! Strange! Why did he only give you, not me?!"


Later words.

Obviously there is a sour taste.

Daisy listened and laughed, "I asked him this question at the time. Do you know what he said?"

"How to say?"

"He says……"

Daisy said: "Jane is an intellectual beauty, gentle and beautiful, but in some respects is not as good as you. Give me the stun gun is the most suitable choice! Hahaha! Hearing this, I was happy Yeah, I couldn’t sleep for the night! Jane, you said, is he interesting to me that way?


Look at Daisy who feels extremely good.

She held her forehead speechlessly and said: "Daisy! I'm completely convinced! The meaning of Bai Xiaofei is obviously that you are better than a tiger! Why did you give the stun gun to you? This is unknown. Well, because only you, such a tiger-like man, dare to shoot people without saying anything!"

Change to yourself.

Jane is very self-aware, even if she knows that the other party is not well-intentioned, she may not be able to calmly shoot people!

This is a character problem!

On the other side.

The hard-pressed Eric is moving strenuously, and Thor is completely anesthetized by a stun gun. Hearing the conversation between Jane and Daisy, he is also very speechless about Daisy's character. Can't help vomiting: "Daisy, the next time you shoot someone, please make sure he is in the car! Ok?"


Daisy smiled, shrugged, and said, "I will try my best!"


The two went over.

It is necessary to help, get Thor into Eric's car.

At this moment.

Two new and overbearing Chevrolet SUVs, like roaring beasts, drove quickly from a distance.


A handsome drift of the vehicle stopped.

follow closely……

The door opened, and a few men and women dressed in black suits and sunglasses were walking down.

See them.

The three Jane were not surprised.

Because they have all met these people, it is Bai Xiaofei who paid the money to sponsor their research, the special staff of Infinite Technology Company, but the three people of Jane are curious. How come these people suddenly come here, do they... The other party also detected The previous special energy fluctuation signal? !

"Miss Jane!"

The first person is the t900 terminator that turns into a female dress.

Bai Xiaofei named it Mira.

She first greeted Jane and three, and then explained: "Just now our device detected a special energy fluctuation signal, similar to a wormhole. We tracked the signal, but we did not expect to encounter you, I don’t know. Do you have any special findings and clues?"


Dr. Eric shook his head: "Apart from this strange rune on the ground and the drunkard, we have nothing to gain?!"

Daisy added: "He threatened me, so I gave him a corona!"


Mira pretended to be surprised: "Let me see!"

"it is good!"

"please follow me!"


A group of people came to Dr. Eric's car.

Looking at Thor who had been anesthetized by corona, and did not want to wake up for more than ten hours, Mila suddenly showed a big smile.


Mila started fooling Jane three.

Claim: This drunkard, named Thor, has stolen the technology of Infinite Technology and is a fugitive fugitive. Please ask them to take this person back to the company and let him accept the sanctions of the law! In order to make Jane three believe their words, Mila will also have prepared it long ago, with photos and resumes of Thor, and show them to them!


Jane and Dr. Eric are half-trusted.

"It turns out so!"

Daisy, this cute convinced Mila on the spot, and suddenly realized: "No wonder this guy is so mad, he is crying out there to bring him back, it turned out to be a The fugitive, the guys named Heimdall and Odin must be his associates!"

"Fortunately, I was witful and gave him a corona, otherwise the consequences would be unbearable!"


Mila smiled and said nothing.

But the appreciation and affirmation of Daisy in her eyes, even the fool can see it, is obvious!

Although Jane and Dr. Eric still feel a little strange, it seems that Mila and others are under the hands of Bai Xiaofei. They are affiliated with the world-renowned large enterprise Unlimited Technology Company, and they are well-documented. Lying, coupled with Thor’s previous behavior, is indeed very weird.

At last……

They still believed in Mira.

With the tacit consent of the two, Mila immediately dispatched several humans dressed as t900 terminators to give the unconscious Thor to his Chevrolet suv.

After a few words with Jane, a group of people left again and again.


In the car.

Driving under the hands of the vehicle.

Asked Mira: "Boss, where are we going now?"

"Open first!"

Mila said, "When I ask Red, first!"


For a while.

Mira got instructions from Hung Hou, and then told the driver: "Go to the most famous brothel in the area!"



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