The Storm God

Chapter 892: Black into Avatar!

After a few days.

When explaining the work of Elysium Space clearly, there will be no worries in the future.

Bai Xiaofei took Bai Hou, Nie Xiaoqian, and Xiao Bailei to leave the Bliss space and returned to the real world. Of course...because of the restrictions of space-time rules, the three of them were either hidden in the space card or collected in the demon hoist. Only in this way, they would not be attacked and destroyed by the rules of the real world.

no way!

The rules are such that Bai Xiaofei is powerless.


real world.

Back again, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling another emotion.

after all……

Whether it is a small world or a space-time world.

The time ratio is much longer than that in the real world. It is 360 times. If it is not strong enough, it may be insane.

Only two hours have passed since the last departure.

It is about 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

The shadow avatars of Shan Xiaofang and Bai Xiaofei have not yet returned, and it is estimated that they are still outside.

The villa was empty, only Bai Xiaofei himself, it was meaningless to stay, so he let Baikas invade the network system, checked the situation of the wood and other people in the company, and found that there was not much change, everything developed very much smoothly. Bai Xiaofei, who was bored left and right, smiled and shrugged.


He summoned the little fart boy and decided to cross again.

"the host!"

The little fart boy reminded: "This time through the "Avatar" space-time world, you need to deduct 200,000 energy value, I know you are a local tyrant, worth 10 billion energy value, don't care about these nine cattle, so I will not ask you Your opinion, direct deduction! I need to help you arrange your identity?"

When crossing.

Bai Xiaofei can actually pay a certain amount of energy for the space-time shuttle to help arrange the identity. If you are lucky, you may get some skill proficiency, which is more convenient for your tasks and actions, but... Enhanced, Bai Xiaofei is easy to use this feature.

did not expect.

Now at this time, the little fart kid was suddenly raised.

Is it...

What is the difficulty of this crossing?


Bai Xiaofei was puzzled.


He is self-confident and daring.

Wan Mo Xue Tong can hypnotize and perform illusions, and his mindfulness is unfavorable. Coupled with his powerful strength and many black technologies, whether or not this arrangement is an identity, it seems that there is no messy use! So... Bai Xiaofei pondered for a moment, then she directly refused.

Although the few hundred energy value of the purchase status is not much, the mosquito is meat even if it is small!

Saving can save, shameful waste!


The little fart child sighed helplessly, sighing, "Master, good luck!"


A small hand waved.

Time and space traversal ability, launched instantly.

next moment.

Bai Xiaofei's figure, "Wow!", disappeared into the room directly, as if there had never existed.


Time: 2154 years.

Location: 4.37 light-years away from Earth, in the vast cosmic sky near the Centaur Alpha System.

Means of transport: Star Venture Starship.

Inside the hibernation cabin.

More than a dozen staff members in white coats are using machines and equipment to wake up the earth people who have hibernated for five years, nine months and twenty-two days from the deep sleep, because... after a long interstellar journey , Their destination Pandora Planet, is finally here!

The starship Starship, an entrepreneurship, has a length of more than 1,600 meters and a cargo capacity of 350 tons, which is huge.

Its main function is the RDA interplanetary freight platform between the Earth and Pandora Planet, used to transport personnel, houses, equipment to Pandora Planet, and then bring back the returned personnel and processed concentrates, biofuels, etc. , Especially superconducting concentrates containing superconductors at room temperature!

Because this thing has created the Earth's magnetic levitation "MRT" system, which is also an indispensable material for manufacturing antimatter and maintaining the invisible operation of antimatter.

Very expensive, $20 million per kilogram!

And these people in hibernation cabin.

It is undoubtedly the employees hired by the RDA company. They come from almost all walks of life on the earth, but they are mainly divided into two types of scientists and warriors. The role of the former is self-evident. It is for scientific research. The latter’s work is more important. The safety of all the bases must be protected by them. Therefore, most of them are soldiers of the Marine Corps. Intrepid!

The protagonist Jack Sully is a Marine Scout.

of course……

Is a retired soldier.

Because his legs have been severely neuromuscular atrophy, unable to cure!


Jack became a disabled person with paralyzed legs!

He was able to board the Star of Entrepreneurship, came to the planet of Pandora, and was not chosen as a warrior to protect the security of the base. In terms of his paralyzed legs, this is simply impossible. Good choice. be honest, in fact, Jack is here for scientific research!

Not bad!

It is scientific research!

Although he doesn't understand anything, who has made him lucky to have a brother who is a scientist!

His brother's name is Tommy, a well-known scientist of the RDA company, and participated in the company's "Avatar Project", using Tommy's DNA to create his own Nawei "toy", but unfortunately... this thing is unlucky Encountered a robber, he was killed.

The manufacturing of that prestige man is extremely expensive. Each body is about 5 billion US dollars, which is extremely high!

Tommy is dead, and the mighty man made with his DNA is useless. Of course, it is impossible for RDA to sit on a "toy" of up to 5 billion US dollars and become a waste, so Jack, who is disabled, He came over and took the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor to see if Jack could replace Tommy and control this high "toy".

The result made them very excited.

Jack fully meets the requirements. Who made them twins? Not only did they look almost exactly the same, but even their DNA traits were almost the same!


Jack is here.

After nearly 6 years of interstellar travel, finally arrived at the dream Pandora planet!

"Hurry up!"

"The spacecraft will arrive at its destination soon!"

"hurry up!"


In the urging of the person in charge.

Like everyone else who wakes up from hibernation, Jack, like a fish in the state of weightlessness, shuttles in the hibernation cabin, looking for his own luggage equipment.

At this time, his disability did not become a drag on Jack.


Jack's movements are faster than ordinary people.

After all, he had been a soldier. Even if his legs were disabled, his will and style, which had been tempered by blood, could not be forgotten and changed.


Jack packed himself up.

And just as he was about to leave the hibernation cabin and report to the person in charge outside and ask what he would do next, a figure suddenly flashed out!

There is no doubt that this person is Bai Xiaofei who has just crossed in.


Just appeared.

Bai Xiaofei discovered the surrounding abnormalities.

The first is the problem of gravity. The weightlessness in the hibernation cabin makes his body extremely unnaturally suspended in mid-air. Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei's flying ability is not bad. Using the function of mind and mind, he quickly stabilized his body, so that he wouldn't fly around like other people.


He noticed Jack.

Seeing the other party floating there, his eyes widened, his mouth widened, and staring blankly at himself, Bai Xiaofei was no longer stupid, and he understood at the moment that he suddenly appeared, fearing that he was completely seen by the other party, otherwise Jack is not like he is now, looking like a ghost.


The place where Bai Xiaofei appeared was just right in a narrow passage checkpoint.

and so……

Except for Jack.

No second person discovered Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance.

After understanding the current situation, Bai Xiaofei immediately smiled slightly, his eyes suddenly turned red, the magic blood pupil appeared, the hypnosis and illusion ability was activated, and immediately the stunned Jack was controlled.

follow closely……

While others haven't noticed the anomalies here.

Bai Xiaofei, while performing the transformation technique, turned into a foreigner, while using his mind, he began to modify Jack's memory.

First arrived.

Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble!


The brainwashing work is completed.

Under the modification of Bai Xiaofei, he became a good friend that Jack met after he got on board, and the relationship was very good.


Jack looked blankly at Bai Xiaofei.

Unexplainable: "What's wrong with me and me? How suddenly feel dizzy!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and patted his shoulder, comfortingly said: "It's okay, this may be a side effect of long-term hibernation, and you will get better later if you eat something!"


Jack nodded dizzyly.

In fact, what side effects were there because he was the ghost of Bai Xiaofei? Only in this way can he act with Jack without attracting the attention of others. Of course...the identity problem still needs to be solved. After all, how many people are on the spaceship? The spaceship system cannot be unknown. If Bai Xiaofei suddenly appeared, there would be one more!

When the time comes to count the number of people, absolutely can not cope with it!

and so……

When talking to Jack and helping him to open the level of the passage, he helped him to the staff and indicated that he would go to the place for health checkup. Bai Xiaofei had already ordered the super strong artificial intelligence system, Baikas, to go in. The control system of the Star of Entrepreneurship.

Although the technological power of the earth in this era has reached the level of interstellar travel, the content of black technology is still no better than that of the Milky Way universe in the Marvel world. As the strongest artificial intelligence, Baikas wants to invade Entrepreneurship asterisk, it is just like playing with fun!

Almost instantaneously.

White Cass successfully hacked in.

Then, without attracting any attention, I began to quickly collect and tamper with the data inside, and fabricated a very powerful identity for Bai Xiaofei!

So far...

Heibai Bai Xiaofei who stole over.

Immediately transformed into a super shareholder of RDA Company, a proper Niu Ren! Its status and rights are high, even far above Parker, the person in charge of the planetary base in Pandora. Of course... this information is limited to the star of the entrepreneurship. Once you contact and investigate the earth, you will know this It's all fake.

and so……

Just in case.

Baikas assigned Bai Xiaofei a double identity.

To put it simply, it is similar to the emperor's micro-service private visit nature, on the surface it is an ordinary research staff!

Pandora is 4.37 light-years away from the earth.


Communication is extremely difficult, and the cost is very high. If there is no last resort, the quantum entanglement communication system (super light speed communication system) will not be used to communicate with the earth. Even if they notice something abnormal, they can instantly block it with Baikas' ability.

The reason why Baikas gave Bai Xiaofei such a cautious attitude is that it is convenient for Bai Xiaofei to act.

Following Bai Xiaofei for so long, what kind of temper the master is, Baikas knows best.

Can lie and never sit, can sit and never stand!


It is a patient with advanced lazy cancer.

and so……

For the sake of the owner.

Of course, how comfortable is Baeks and how to arrange for Bai Xiaofei.

Closer to home.

Jack's inspection went very smoothly, there was nothing wrong with it.

After so much toss, Jack's dizziness symptoms completely Then the two who were good friends started chatting.

That is, as the protagonist of Avatar, he can successfully penetrate the interior of the Nawei people and gain the recognition of Gaia consciousness Eva. The trust of all the Knightley tribes. The pig's foot aura is not too small. In order to achieve his own conspiracy, Get close to Jack and use him to get close to Gaia Conscious Eva, which is definitely a good breakthrough!

after all……

From the beginning.

Eva showed great trust in Jack's attention, or else he might have been shot by an arrow hatred by human hatred, how could they be paired in pairs, privately for life ! Communicating with such a person from beginning to end, even if it takes more time, it is not a waste!

This is called investment!


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