The Storm God

Chapter 90: Steel war!

   "So strong!"

   Seeing that Eagle Eye was so easily turned over by Bai Xiaofei, there was no power to fight back, and he could not afford to fall down; and the method was still so weird and unpredictable, Nick Fury was shocked!

   Even if Nick Fury had already overestimated Bai Xiaofei's strength, but at this moment, he realized that he still seriously underestimated the other party.

   That's eagle eye!

   Actually said that seconds are just seconds, and no finger is driven! The strength is really incredible! Moreover, this is still the case when Bai Xiaofei does not use the Ant-Man suit and the steel armor!

  If it is real, with all means, what kind of horror will Bai Xiaofei's strength be?

  Thinking terribly, Nick Fury can't help but sweat!

  After seeing that Bai Xiaofei said that he would do it, and he wouldn't talk to your nonsense, Nick Fury immediately raised Bai Xiaofei's danger level by one level! Because this kind of person doesn't follow the rules at all. If you reason with him and play with your heart, you are just playing the piano against the cow.

   Nick Fury's strength is quite good, but against Bai Xiaofei, he believes that he will not be better than Hawkeye!

  Nick Fury directly gave up the idea of ​​saving people by hand, that is simply looking for abuse! At the same time, taking into account Bai Xiaofei's personality problems, Nick Fury also gave up the intention to play tricks. No matter how good the Universe Cube is, it’s also a dead thing. It’s best to get it back in the future. It doesn’t seem to cause much loss if you can’t get it back. eye.

   The situation is stronger than others. After Nick Fury sighed heavily, he was helpless and said: "Stop it! Bai Xiaofei, I agree with your request!"

Nick Fury has a black face, a one-eyed face full of unwillingness, and steel-like unyielding conviction and anger: "Tomorrow morning, Coulson will personally deliver the Universe Cube to Tony Stark’s villa! I hope to see an unscathed Natasha! I also hope you don’t do something that harms the United States and the world, otherwise...even if the fish dies, we will stop you!"


Bai Xiaofei ignored Nick Fury's eyes and sneered, just to see the good, let go of the suppression of the eagle eyes, and said with a lip: "Rory, I am not a lunatic, so I won't be in pain. Do something messy! As long as no one bothers me, I am just an ordinary person, and live my life in peace of mind; however, if someone has to die, I don’t mind fulfilling him!"

   finished, sneered and glanced at Barton who was getting up, the meaning was obvious, this product was just dead!

   "Damn it!"

  Eagle eyes are not stupid, instantly understood Bai Xiaofei's meaning, gritted his teeth, angry face, but also know that he is not Bai Xiaofei's opponent at all, rash and impulsive, rash shot, will only make yourself more embarrassing!

   Therefore, despite his anger, he had to choose to endure. Although Eagle Eye is not afraid of life and death, it does not mean that he likes to look for abuse!


   Just then, Nick Fury's cell phone rang.

  Nick Fury took out his mobile phone and found that it was Colson's call. He pondered for a while and then connected the phone: "Colson, I am Fury!"

   "Sir Nick, is Bai Xiaofei beside you?"

Coulson’s voice was not as calm and calm as usual, it sounded anxious, and there were screams and roars faintly on the phone. It seemed that something terrible had happened on the phone. I heard Nick Rui was startled, frowning slightly, and asked, "Colson, what happened to you?"

Coulson quickly began to explain the ins and outs: "Sir Nick, we have found ample evidence that Obady Stan was the culprit of the last Tony attack, and he secretly built two larger steels. Warframe, he grabbed Tony's miniature Ark Reactor, driving the huge steel warframe to kill us!

Our agents suffered heavy casualties. At the critical moment, Tony appeared in his steel armor, but the miniature Ark reactor in Tony’s chest was the original model, with limited power, and there were two steel armor on the side of Obadi. Stan. , Our situation is still very dangerous, Tony told us, let us contact Bai Xiaofei, only Bai Xiaofei can save us!

   But we couldn't make a call to Bai Xiaofei, so I called the Chief Nick! Sir Nick, is Bai Xiaofei by your side? If you are, please let him come quickly, we are near the Stark company, Tony is fighting Obady and another steel armor, the situation is extremely bad! "


  Nick Fury suddenly changed his face.

   looked up at Bai Xiaofei and was trying to explain the situation to him, but found that Bai Xiaofei seemed to have heard the content of the phone, stood up serious, and said with a deep voice: "Tell them, I'll be there soon!"

Then, Nick Fury and Hawkeye saw a gorgeous golden metal ram with two large wings in the shape of a golden ram suddenly appeared out of thin air, followed closely by... The beast decomposed on the spot and turned into countless parts, like long eyes, Qi Qi flew to Bai Xiaofei to gather away!


   The components of the war beast are quickly spliced ​​and combined. In the blink of an eye, Bai Xiaofei's body is covered with a layer of noble and elegant, handsome and handsome humanoid golden yellow armor, which looks like noble and majestic and domineering.

   is their military satellite, the golden armor angel who vaguely photographed!


   The flying system ignited, and the golden giant wing of Aries suddenly flew. Bai Xiaofei's figure directly hit a big hole in the wall of the box, and then rose into the sky, turning into a golden meteor, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Only Nick Fury and Hawkeye stood there dumbly, dumbfounded, a shocked expression on their faces.

  The two men came back to each other and looked at each other, and found that the eyes of each other were full of dignity and shock!

   At this time, many customers in the coffee shop were also attracted by the huge movement just now. When they saw the big hole in the wall, they couldn't help but be surprised.


new York.

  Near the Stark Industrial Building.

   Two big and one small, three steel armor, are engaged in fierce engagement.

There was a chaos all around, everywhere was sparks, rubble, and smashed cars and building wreckage. Of course, there was also some bad luck. The bad luck was accidentally injured, and it was miserable. in! Other pedestrians and pedestrians affected by the fighting couldn't help but panic and screamed and fled away.

   There are also some courageous, fearless death guys. Instead of fleeing, they walked in reverse, risking being crushed at any time, approaching the battlefield, and taking mobile phones to shoot wildly this rare steel war!

   The scene was extremely chaotic.

  Pep and Coleson hiding behind a bunker not far away, as well as the two surviving agents of SHIELD, watched Tony in a tenacious and unyielding manner, his face full of anxiety and worry!

To be honest, they wanted to go forward to help Tony, but the enemy was too powerful, and a huge steel armor was even invulnerable. They also sent food to go up, in order not to give the other person a head, dragging Tony, they had to hide. On one side, cheer for Tony secretly!

   As for the policemen who came, it was completely a decoration, except for being abused, giving head, and showing the strength of the enemy, there was no use!

   This side.

  Tony wears Mark No. 3 armor, facing two Iron Overlord armor that is more than three times larger than his body.

Mark III's armor combines the power of magic patterns and technology, and the combat power is extraordinary, but the miniature ark reactor at Tony's chest is a long-dated first-generation product, whether it is material, work efficiency, or energy supply. Can't keep up, just like a Lamborghini sports car with a tractor-driven diesel engine, it simply can't play its due strength!

On the other hand, on the Obadei side, the two Iron Overlord armor are not only bigger and more powerful, but also equipped with various advanced heavy firearms and missiles. Their energy power is also the second and third generations of miniatures snatched from Tony. The Ark reactor is full of horsepower and extremely powerful!

On one side are the two Iron Overlord armor with sufficient energy to fight without any scruples, while on the other side is the Mark 3 armor with little energy left and a sharp decline, which may be turned off at any time; which is weaker, two-phase In contrast, the fool can see it!

Fortunately, although the Iron Overlord's armor is a plagiarized Mark 1 armor and has been redesigned and improved, they have no knowledge of the Mage System. Therefore, the Iron Overlord's armor has only been optimized and improved in technology. As for the magic pattern system, there is no point at all. Although Obadei and others also know that the magic pattern lines inside must have an unknown role, they are forced to give up!

Although Mark III's armor is insufficient in energy, fortunately there is the enhancement of the magic pattern system. Although Tony can't use some powerful tricks to save energy and lasting combat, the Mark 3's armor after the reinforcement of the magic pattern strength is exceptionally strong , Even with the simplest punches and kicks, it has extremely powerful power!

   Therefore, to reduce energy consumption to a minimum, and delay time, waiting for Bai Xiaofei's arrival, Tony had to fight melee, close-fitting, and guerrilla warfare with the two Iron Overlord armor.

  Mark 3's armor is as big as the iron armor's armor, just like babies and adults, but small also has small benefits!

Tony has always had a lot of ideas, and he didn’t give them the opportunity to distance himself. He was either a short beating with the enemy, a peek-a-boo, or he couldn’t survive on the Iron Overlord. No matter which one Tony made, the other one Without accidentally injuring your associates, you have to give up the use of heavy firearms and missiles!

I have to say that Tony’s approach is very clever, completely sealing the other’s killing tricks. The two Iron Overlords can only be led by their noses to fight with Tony. They are so angry that Ao Badai and the bald leader yelled and were annoyed. But helpless!

But long-term defense will be lost. Tony himself is just an ordinary person. The fighting ability is limited. Mark III's armor can only provide him with super protection and strength. It cannot improve Tony's fighting skills and experience consciousness. With two huge iron overlords chasing and blocking and crazy rounds of attack, it is inevitable that such mistakes and dodges will occur.

At the beginning, Tony could still fight with the two Iron Overlords for a while, but as time passed, the energy of the first miniature Ark reactor was getting less and less, and Tony was also tired and choking. With the reinforcement of the Mageweave power, the ability to withstand is also limited. In the fierce battle with the two Iron Overlords, it finally reached the limit, and gradually began to crack and collapse.

   Tony sensed his situation and secretly shouted.

Obadi was screaming in excitement, and began to laugh wildly: "Hahaha... Tony Stark, I have to say that your steel armor is indeed amazing, not only the design is more advanced. And precision, it's also incredible in terms of sturdiness! But now, it can't protect you anymore, your death is over, the Stark Group is mine!"

   Lose or lose, Tony disdain: "Obady, you are dreaming! With your broken copper and iron, I can still beat you all day!"

The bald leader took advantage of Tony's lack of attention, and controlled the Iron Tyrant to knock Mark No. 3 to the ground, and then the heavy feet stepped hard, and then in a angry and murderous tone, proudly said: "Tony, I It has been a long time for this day! Now, I will give you back 10 times and 100 times what you have given me! Go to die!"

  Finally, the 20-millimeter rotating cannon on the right hand of the Iron Overlord aimed at Tony's helmet full of cracks and began to rotate quickly. The gun was about to fire.

At the juncture of life and death, Tony will not sit back and die naturally, he is struggling crazy, but the power of the Iron Overlord is too strong, plus his first-generation miniature ark reactor has little energy How much power, let alone run away, even struggling is very strenuous.

   Seeing that the cannon was turning faster and faster, Tony was desperate and muttered to himself: "Damn it! Am I going to hang like this? Really not reconciled!"

  At the very beginning, Tony only heard a loud cry from Obadei: "Be careful!"

   Then, a "dang" sound.

   Stepped on his iron overlord's armor and flew out directly.

Immediately after, Tony only felt the golden light in front of him, and a dull impact sound came, and the Iron Overlord's armor worn by Abadei was bombarded into a building, knocking over the unknown. Items and walls.

  Looking at the familiar golden yellow armor figure, Tony couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said in surprise: "White, you are finally here, and if you don't come again, I will hang up!"

  Bai Xiaofei opened the mask and embarrassedly said: "Sorry, the road is a bit blocked, it's not too late!"

   Tony also opened the mask. After hearing Bai Xiaofei's words, he was suddenly speechless and didn't have a good air: "Please! Are you flying over, there are no traffic lights in the sky, then tell me what is blocking you!"

  Bai Xiaofei shrugged, pointed at the top helplessly, and said, "Well, that's the one!"

   Tony looked up blankly and saw four F22 fighter jets circling quickly from the night sky. The intelligent system Jarvis reminded timely: "Sir, their attack system has locked Mr. Bai Xiaofei!" the majority of book readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in phone users please go to read.