The Storm God

Chapter 905: Let me die!

The Soul Tree is the materialization of Eva.

According to the rules, under normal circumstances, she can't run away, just like a hacker is known about IP. As long as there is a soul tree, Bai Xiaofei can use this as a basis to track down and retaliate against Eva. With the involvement of the soul tree, Eva wants to run without running!


The Soul Tree destroyed Baikas in anger!

Baikas: "囧!"



Bekas did something wrong.

Looking down at Bai Xiaofei with his head down, "I'm sorry! I'm too reckless!"

"It's all right!"

Baikas is Bai Xiaofei's most loyal servant.

Almost from the beginning, he followed Bai Xiaofei's east and west wars. The shuttle has gone through time and space. There have been no mistakes. This time the situation is special. Although he did something wrong, he was also worried because of Bai Xiaofei's anger. However, Bai Xiaofei sighed and waved his hand, it didn't matter: "It's not a big deal!"


What White Cass wanted to say.

Bai Xiaofei interrupted and said, "Nothing, okay! Although Eva's Bi Chi ran away, it was not easy to find her trouble, but Planet Pandora could not run! As long as we mine and ecologically destroy Pandora, we will not believe it. She won't come out, as long as she comes out, with my special reincarnation eyes, the custody keeps her from eating and walking!"

Reincarnation eyes for awakening.

He is very confident, even if he can't get rid of Eva completely, he can also make the other party suffer and feel very uncomfortable!


If calculated properly.

Maybe I can absorb Eva's power again and enhance my ability.


White Cass said no more.

He is also very clear about Bai Xiaofei's character. It is impossible to punish and blame himself, but he feels a little overwhelmed in his own heart. He secretly made up his mind. After doing anything in the future, he must be thoughtful, and he can't work harder, so as not to be like this time. Again, it destroys the master's plan and good deeds!


Bai Xiaofei asked: "What shall we do now? Go back, or...?"

Eva is a bichi!

Bai Xiaofei won't be able to win the house, and he escaped again!

The master was blessed by misfortune, and awakened the powerful reincarnation eyes. It seemed to Whitecas that staying here again should have no meaning.

Which one would like to think.

Bai Xiaofei smiled.

"go back?"

He shook his head and said with a smile: "No! It's too early! Come with me!"


Bai Xiaofei got up and left directly.


Bekas was puzzled.

But he didn't say much. He controlled Aries, followed behind Bai Xiaofei, and came back to the ashes of the Soul Tree again.

"You're so cruel!"

Looked at this huge dark, bottomless hole.

Bai Xiaofei smiled and shook his head, and then actively explained to Baikas: "This soul tree can not only involve Eva's actions, but it is of great use to me. Although it is ruined by you now, fortunately, I left Before the World of Power, a lot of time power was stored, and it was barely possible to exert a time retrospective ability to restore it to a state of no damage!"

Dr. Zola is worthy of being one of the top geniuses in the Marvel world.

After ten months.

He not only developed an energy device that can extract the universe cube and the universe spirit ball.


Even the energy of time gems.

Dr. Zola has also developed a device that can be successfully extracted and stored, which can be said to be awesome!


The power of the time gem is very special.

Unlike the power of the Universe Cube and the Universe Spirit Ball, they can be stored for a long time. As time goes by, they will gradually decrease, weaken, or even disappear directly. The reason...According to Dr. Zola's explanation, it seems that it is because of the ubiquity of time, and the fact that time passes by all the time!

In short...

Before Bai Xiaofei left Marvel.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of being unable to use time magic, he specially asked Dr. Zola to extract a lot of time gem power and store it for future use. After staying in the Elysium space world for more than a month, Bai Xiaofei now has the power of the time gems stored, and there is not much left!


It is used to cast back time magic and restore the soul tree to its original state.

Still barely enough.

"Bai Kasi!"


"You are responsible for protecting me!"

Bai Xiaofei commanded: "When I cast a spell later, the Echi Bichi would probably seize the opportunity to launch a sneak attack to seize the vitality and ability of the Soul Tree. You must not let it succeed. Can my alien golem succeed? It’s just this time. If it fails, God knows when to wait for the right material!"

In the world of Naruto.

The Golem Golem is Ten Tails pulled away from Chakra's empty shell, but as a still, it has powerful vitality and combat power, and can even absorb the power of the tail beast, becoming unpredictable!

Bai Xiaofei's reincarnation eyes were awakened by absorbing the power of Gaia consciousness Eva on the planet of Pandora, so... this soul tree, of course, became its exclusive alien golem, although the ability does not want the alien in the Naruto The Golem has the vitality and combat power of the sky, but also has a very bug-level ability.

As for its capabilities?

Not for the time being.


Upon hearing this, Baikas immediately assured himself: "Sir, you can rest assured! This time I will never let Eva's Bichi succeed!"


Full body firepower.

All the weapon systems on Aries are on alert.


"Then I started!"


Bai Xiaofei turned his head.

Immediately following the movement of the mind, the device storing the power of the time gem was summoned from the dimension space.

This device is somewhat similar to the eye of Agomomoto. It is Dr. Zola’s ability to seal the gem of time based on the eye of Agomomoto, not to let his power reveal as an inspiration, combined with his own genius, as well as Bai Xiaofei’s refining and super additional ability. , And the refined [Science Magical Tool], which is small and exquisite, is very good in terms of face value and ability.

The magic system in Marvel has certain requirements for the environment and the like.

Put it in other worlds, such as this Avatar world, a lot of magic is difficult to be exhibited, such as the various magics of the Karma Taj Department, because there is no magic universe in the multiverse, so Bai Xiaofei has no way to collect And absorb the energy needed to cast magic!

Asgard's magic limit is not so big.


Want to perceive and use the surrounding energy factors.

The spiritual power and mind needed to consume are dozens of times as much in the Marvel world, because the world is different and the rules are different. Even with the same energy factor, the power required to consume and use is not the same! This is like the same thing, it is 1 ton on the earth, but not the same thing on the moon.

As the environment changes, the magic power and consumption of Asgard's system will also be very different!


Even those so-called artifacts are no exception.

If you encounter some magical element factors that are more active, or an unusually rich space-time world, such as Harry Potter, such as the Lord of the Rings, etc., needless to say, they will certainly be able to play their due, even higher. Power, but if it is some technology world, the effect will be greatly reduced!

The most important thing is that there is no time-based magic in Asgard's magic.

and so……

At this moment.

Bai Xiaofei can only use the most restrictive Karma Taj magic.

The huge restriction and consumption make Bai Xiaofei have to concentrate on all the spirits, especially the time-based magic. The power is not the same as the small one, and it is even more careless! It is for this reason that Bai Xiaofei will let the white cassocks who control Aries, once the cast begins, Bai Xiaofei has no time to care for him!

It's not that Bai Xiaofei didn't want to summon other defenses.


The awesome couple are no longer around.

Aquarius is in Bai, and stays in the small world bliss space.

Because it was Avatar that traversed, Bai Xiaofei thought that it should be easy to achieve his goal, so he didn't take them with him, which would happen now.

And Taurus.

It was handed over to the descendants of Bai for control.

The little girl behind White was not affected by Red Queen, or her own reasons. She was stunned by the domineering, taurus violent and brutal route, which did not match her sweet appearance, but it was because It was Red Hou's initiative, and Bai Xiaofei could only acquiesce.

As for those variants and aliens, the BT Legion or something, there is no need to summon it!

A little Eva.

Give it a face!

The CP combination of White Cass + Aries is completely enough!

If even an ordinary attack controlled by Eva can't resist, then White Cass and Aries are too good!


The magic circle lights up.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei's forehead immediately began to sweat.


The role of limitation and huge consumption should not be underestimated!

Even though Bai Xiaofei had already expected it in his mind, when he really faced it at this moment, he discovered how huge and terrifying the rules of the science fiction world are in suppressing magic energy factors! It is more than a hundred times more difficult than when he was in the Marvel world, even more and stronger!


For the Gothic Golem.

No matter how hard and difficult Bai Xiaofei will not give up!

"Time back... from!"


Bai Xiaofei snapped his teeth.

It is difficult to control the green infinite time magic circle on the arm, turning in a counterclockwise direction.

follow closely……

Under the influence of time magic.

The wreckage of the Soul Tree, which had been blasted into countless ash and dust by Baikas, was immediately like a metal powder attracted by a magnet, all gathered in the same direction and surrounded in the middle, and with the Their continuous bonding and reorganization, and the beautiful soul tree, also began to slowly regroup their shapes, forming a broken and rough outline!

at the same time……

Eva's Bi Chi.

Sure enough, as Bai Xiaofei expected, he began to engage in small movements.

Countless animal beasts have gathered here, and the roots of the towering ancient trees around them are like spirit snakes, which are entangled in a vertical and horizontal direction, and form a strange and extremely tree-like appearance.

Originally, Eva did not have the ability to control plants, but because he had gained a lot of Bai Xiaofei's conscious energy when he won Bai Xiaofei before, he also obtained some of the ability of wood escape, although it is not very complete, but it is possible. Controlling a part of the trees for a long time, vitality and physique are very powerful for her.

These weird tree people are obviously the result of this ability control.


They did not immediately attack Bai Xiaofei.

Instead, they all stayed in place, staring at Bai Xiaofei casting spells there, seemingly intending to start again when the Soul Tree was completely restored.


White Cass is not so patient.

Seeing countless weird treemen popping out of the periphery one after another, there are countless animal beasts around, a large number of rushing and flying came over, he would not sit still, waving his arms, controlling the countless black around the body The technological weapons immediately launched a fierce and merciless attack on them!

Pulse cannon!

Energy weapon!

Super explosive Yan bomb!

Stardust rotation work!

Intelligent tracking missiles!


Etc., etc!

At this moment, Baikas can be said to be full of firepower, and all his anger went to the unlucky tree people around him!

Although these trees are about 5 or 6 meters high, they look powerful and extraordinary, but in the final analysis, they are still trees, they encounter the black technology firepower of Aries, and all kinds of super weapons, especially the super explosive shell, It is simply a passive beating, there is no counterattack at all!

In an instant.

Hundreds of hundreds of trees around.

It was overwhelmed by the almost whole army of Bacas who was sniping alone. The raging fire formed a natural protective layer, which blocked many trees and hurried animals and beasts! Only those species with flying ability can be free from this restriction and can continue to impact the white blockade's fire blockade.


They are all flesh and blood.

How can it be created by the so-called most indestructible Zhenjin, equipped with countless black technology, and the enemies of Aries' enchanting power!

"Crystal Wall!"

With the roar of An invisible transparent barrier was immediately formed in the sky. The flying beasts from the flying insects collided on it and immediately started to crack like dumplings. Down! Of course, Baikas will not miss such a good opportunity, flame spray, pulse attack, metal storm... all in turns!


The sorrows are rife, and the sky is full of blood!

The Aries controlled by Baikas, like the **** of death, madly slaughtered and harvested the flying beasts of the Pandora planet!

There is no enemy for one turn, and it's invincible!

"All die to me!"


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