The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 340: chaos

Remember [New] in a second! When the plane landed at Washington National Airport, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

The entire city is overlooked from the sky, and Washington in the sunset reveals tranquility. The red clouds on the edge of the sky seem to have stolen wine from the roof, turning everything into a drunk dream.

Of course, if you have money, this place is called a prosperous city.

Without money, this is called a place of struggle.

The first-class flight from Athens to Washington alone costs about 3,000 U.S. dollars. Who can afford it for ordinary people?

At the airport, the fleet of thesar-a consortium had already stopped at the entrance of the vip passage.

"Do you need me to see you off?" Tang Dao asked with a cigarette in his left hand, and a bodyguard behind him helped him put on a black sable coat. The weather in Washington was a bit colder this season. He turned around and asked with a smile.

Yang Zhiyuan still had something to say, he still wanted to "chat with Tang Dao." Just as he was about to speak, Josh ripped off his clothes beside him, and immediately changed the words that had come to his lips, "Oh, it's okay, We can take a taxi, which is more convenient."

Tang Dao nodded slightly, without forcing himself, got into the car, rolled down the window and waved his hand, then said to the driver, "Drive."

Looking at the motorcade that was drifting away, Yang Zhiyuan looked envious.

He swallowed hard, and suddenly said to Josh, "I will definitely sit next to him."

Josh was taken aback, and looked down at Yang Zhiyuan, who was shorter than himself. The firm expression on his face made others feel his confidence. Patted his shoulder, "Come on."

Tang Dao folded his hands in the car, thinking about Yang Zhiyuan's views on the future Internet.

Yang Zhiyuan's words are very shocking, "In the future, the Internet will transform from virtual to reality, and he will be needed when people open their eyes and close them..."

Anyway, the core meaning is that your money will not be wasted.

In fact, two million dollars is nothing more than a batch of weapons for the current Tang Dao, or half a stag. More than five billion U.S. dollars, and Ermao's military factory is continuously replenishing him with fresh blood. As long as Africa is not peaceful, his money will not be short.

But no one would dislike the lack of money. He found that he likes to be the mastermind behind the scenes, no, the big man behind the scenes, who gives all the rights to his trusted confidantes, but now, there are few people he can trust, which is a headache.


Just as Tang Dao was thinking deeply, the little angel sitting in the co-pilot turned his head, holding a satellite phone in his hand, "Boss, the phone number from Somalia."

"give me."

Tang Dao hurriedly reached out to take it, and said into the phone, the opposite was John Kansburg, "Boss, something happened, the employees in Burkina Faso lost contact, and a foreign bank they were in charge of was arrested. Looted."

"How many of us?"

"A small team, 7 people, two elite employees, and five trained mercenaries. It was originally stipulated to report the safety situation to the agency every night, but we have not received any news for two days. We asked the agent in the third area to go Take a look, it was found that the foreign bank was breached, and the local rescue was being carried out, but there were no employees of our company except for the dead bodies of the bank employees.”

"Can such a big person be lost?" Tang Dao's tone also sank, "Who is the attacker?"

"The Nazinon River Armed Forces in the Burkina Faso region declared responsibility for this incident."

Another local armed organization?

This is where it gets tricky.

Burkina Faso is a landlocked country located on the upper Volta River in West Africa. It borders Benin and Niger in the east, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Togo in the south, and Mali in the west and north. Most of the whole territory is an inland plateau, with flat terrain and a gentle **** from north to south, with an average altitude of less than 300 meters; the north is close to the Sahara Desert, and the terrain of Aurora Dara in the southwest is relatively high; Nakuru Peak is 749 meters above sea level, As the highest point in the country, it is also one of the least developed regions in the world. The only railway in the territory runs from the capital Ouagadougou to Côte d'Ivoire.

Boss changes are frequent in such areas, and coups can often be seen.

Therefore, it is also listed as a non-safe zone by many countries, and I don’t mind going there. I heard that this foreign bank was established by a few wealthy locals with investment, and also hired a team from the umbrella company in order to be robbed. Of course, this kind of team is ranked third within the company, and it is affordable.

Under the planning of John and others, the protective umbrella has developed well. They planned the internal teams of the company into four levels, from the first to the fourth level. The literacy is the same, including other support and benefits, but on the battlefield, everyone hopes that they are accompanied by veterans.

And in order not to cause damage caused by the employer's "poor b" hiring the fourth gear, the umbrella call conducts an internal assessment based on the task content, and then sends it to the think tank to study the local conditions and dangers, and then make suggestions. This is better protection The safety of employees reduces the loss of the company, so this unexpected situation is also very unexpected.

Foreign-funded banks rarely put cash, and the small amount of cash is not enough for bullets and shells. Why did the armed group do it?

"Send me a fax from the intelligence of the Nazinonghe Armed Forces, and collect their latest developments."

"Yes, boss." John replied, hesitating for a moment and said, "Boss, in addition to Burkina Faso, our employees including Mali, Malawi, and Gabon were also attacked, but were repelled. "

Now Tang Dao realized that something was wrong.

"Just for our company?"

"No, three foreign institutions in Malawi were attacked at the same The timing is very close."

Could it be that Nico is xenophobic?

This possibility is also possible. Africa is the region with the most racial xenophobia, and the same skin color and different races are also the targets of expulsion for them, let alone other skin colors. Most of the umbrellas are white people.

"This matter needs to be investigated, and all expatriate employees remain vigilant, and we also need to maintain safety internally."

Tang Dao's face is serious. Africa in the 1990s is also troubled. The flames of war will slowly sweep over time, and finally the whole of Africa will be in chaos.

All the demons and ghosts came out at this time.

Tang Dao took advantage of the market that was opened by a bunch of woolen goods before, plus spending money, but its influence is still not enough. Except for North Africa, many people in other places don't like you. After all, compared with their warlords , I am just an ordinary businessman.

After a few more instructions with John, Tang Dao hung up the phone.

He rubbed his temples with a slight headache. He just came back from Greece and didn't let himself take a break. There were so many things going on.