The Strongest Arms Dealer

Chapter 884: Demographic dividend, war potential!

The Savior Company responded quickly to this almost "insulting" blacklist. Mister discussed with Boss Tang and responded in Boston that night.

1. The company does not recognize the blacklist of the Science and Technology Promotion Committee.

2. Close any possibility of cooperating with it forever.

3. Starting today, the Savior Company independently sets up science and technology awards. Anyone, any institution, or any unit can contribute. The selection is held once a year, with a prize of 10 million US dollars. There is hope that the company will provide laboratories and set up a separate scientific research group .

4. The Savior Company will initiate a lawsuit against the Science and Technology Promotion Committee for the right of reputation.

After announcing these four items, the external press spokesman said seriously to the media below, "The Savior Company will not accept any persecution-like discrimination. We are ready to defend our dignity. Please, they are ready. Good lawyer!" After speaking, he left the press conference proudly without waiting for the reporters below to ask questions.

Everyone has one idea: the sky is going to change!

In fact, there are so many things to say, the third one is particularly important. Those world-class scientific and technological awards do not have high bonuses. Even the Nobel Prize is only about 2 million U.S. dollars. Any award is just a kind of "lie" of capitalists to intellectuals, to make you happy, and then I will buy a scientific and technological achievement at a low price, thereby generating benefits.

what can scientists get

Therefore, the savior is willing to spend 10 million US dollars to attract more talents. Isn’t it just money?

Sure enough, because of the strength and treachery of the Savior Company outside, many careerists are exploring what benefits they can get from it. At this time, Geneva and the United Nations Headquarters.

The sky in Switzerland is very beautiful.

On the clean "Peace Square" are tourists from afar. They take pictures under the big lame chair that symbolizes peace, praying that the war will never start.

Three all-black Mercedes-Benz cars were parked at the entrance of the headquarters. The doors opened at the same time, and a dozen well-dressed men and women with briefcases descended from them. They had different skin colors, but all looked serious.

This group of people caught the attention of the security personnel, but judging from their appearance, they mistakenly thought they were here for a meeting. After all, this UN headquarters holds meetings every day, and there are many meetings, large and small.

But after the group of people went through the security check, they walked to the service desk.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, how can I help you?" The staff at the service desk were not unfamiliar people, even leaders of various countries, and asked with a polite smile.

"Hello, we are the legal department of the Savior Company. According to the slander against us by the Science and Technology Promotion Committee, we sent a lawyer's letter, and the boss asked me to ask you if you need legal assistance. We are happy to help, and we are very helpful. Professional ethics." The casual white man took out a letter and a business card from his briefcase and smiled, "You can contact me if you need it."

The staff looked at the lawyer's letter in front of them with blank eyes, and raised their heads. The group of people walked faster. Did it take such a big battle to deliver something? But the current situation is that the other party really sued the UN agency!

She hurriedly greeted her colleagues who were also in a daze, and called to inform them.

Science and Technology for Development Committee.

On the two floors of the office on the left side of the United Nations building, there are not many people inside and it is very deserted, but at this time there is a quarrel in the president's office.

"Hansa! Do you know what this is doing? Why did you post such a message? It is of no benefit to us at all." A black man whispered to the secretary general of the committee sitting in front of him angrily. Cleaning his nails with nail clippers, he looked very calm and smiled, "Cade, don't be so excited, I have already given the savior a chance to hand over the data and video materials, but they are very upset about it." Care, we naturally want to maintain the dignity of the United Nations agency, I just warned him, wait for a while, and then let someone inform him, if they are willing to hand over these materials, then we will not embarrass them, this is for Tech security."

That black Cade scolded, "Fucking technology security! I tell you, Hansa, your discriminatory ban will get bad consequences for yourself!" After finishing speaking, he left angrily .

Hansa looked at Cade's back, with disdain on his face, and secretly cursed: "Bastard." He didn't care, he was French, and that was enough. There was no need to elaborate on the relationship between the Gallic Chicken and the Tang Dao .

Most importantly, the Gallic chicken has taken a fancy to this exoskeleton!

This should also be the reason why some people in China are willing to support him.

Signing the "blacklist" is to warn member states not to buy, but this process is not ideal. Big countries naturally have the criteria of big countries and ignore you at all. Only Belgium is hanging out with the Gallic chicken, but several calls, I can't stand it anymore.

The internal voice of public opinion is getting louder and louder.

But Hansa can only go on, and there is no possibility of backing down.

Just when he was about to get up, the phone on the desk rang, and he answered, "I'm Hansa."

The opposite party didn't know what to say, Hansa's eyes widened, and finally he smashed the phone on the table in frustration, pushed the table vigorously, and swearing.

Just now, on his ranch in Toulouse, hundreds of cows were poisoned to death. The gangsters still wrote on the wall with spray: Give me back my exoskeleton!

The direct economic loss was as high as 70,000 to 80,000 U.S. dollars, which made him feel stuffy, but suddenly he thought of something, and quickly turned on the computer and logged into Yahoo. Just now, a friend said that his information was posted on the hot post of the savior company, and he was nervous. I entered the wrong query several times, and finally clicked on the company's special account.

Sure enough, the red and purple post on the top: [The main personnel of the United Nations Commission for Science and Technology for Development and their relatives, addresses, and assets list. 】

The above is Hansa impressively, and the bottom is full of insults and intimidation by some extremists.

Don't think that technology fans won't do these things. When Apple released products, it didn't happen one or two times. Moreover, the most important point is that along with the rise of money, there is also vanity. When your If you have partners, but you don't, you can easily go to extremes.

Buyers of exoskeletons from other European countries have arrived one after another. Yahoo is full of selfies, which naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of many minors in Gallic Chicken. But you have to say that it is impossible for the Savior Company not to contribute to the flames. One cannot know who is behind the scenes.

Hansa felt guilty. In Toulouse, his grandmother and parents were there. He picked up the landline again in embarrassment, called back, rang twice, and answered the phone on the other side. His parents said he was fine. This made Hansa take a few breaths, but before he could exchange pleasantries, there were piercing screams and... dogs barking on the other end of the phone.

"Damn it! What's the matter!" Hansa hurriedly asked, but there was no one answering at all except for the screaming, and finally the beeping busy tone.

Really panicked now, Hansa hurriedly called his friends in Toulouse and asked them to take a look, while he sat on a chair slumped and anxious.

June 19th!

A burglary occurred in Toulouse, resulting in the death of five members of a family on the spot. There were about seven murderers. Judging from the scene, there were traces of fierce fighting. A 70-year-old man who fell at the door had his head cut open by a sharp knife.

The scene was horrible!

This news was also broadcast on the local TV station, causing an uproar even in France, but to a certain level, it was frightening. They naturally knew that it was a member of the Hanseatic family, and their grandparents and parents were all killed. There is a servant and a dog.

The people above put pressure on the Toulouse police. Within 10 hours after the murder, the murderer was arrested one after another. When asked the reason, the group of teenagers, the oldest of whom was only 17 years old, said: "It's Hanseatic, we can't play To the exoskeleton, he is the murderer."

I don’t know how this news got out. Immediately, all the media seemed to smell the smell of blood. This wasn’t a big deal at first, but it was related to the Savior Company and the secretary-general of the Science and Technology Promotion Committee. It naturally attracted attention. Even said, did the former play any role in it.

You know, the savior company, which is also the leader in the PMC industry, has desperadoes under its command.

This news was also seen by Tang Dao, who also followed the French news. Someone posted a photo on the [Yahoo] account. Tang just glanced at it and wanted to laugh. Finally, he said, "It's your own fault."

He is in his chief's office, and his life is very comfortable. Standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the bustling streets in the distance, he feels a sense of accomplishment in his heart, and what also benefits him is the daily increase in human heart value.

Tang Dao does not allow any Oroman tribe to starve to death to ensure their basic living standards. A cadre is in charge of 100 households, similar to the sub-district office. They are also allowed to recruit about 10 auxiliary staff, and the finance department pays the salary.

Under such a policy, the value of people's hearts has increased by thousands every day, and the accumulation is now close to 70,000!

I finally understand another way to play the system, which is to make the host's population more and more, enjoy more and more dividends, and also have more and more tasks.

Some of them are like: [Cultivate Somalia's own Ph.D. in physics! 】【Doctor of Biology】【Doctor of Medicine】The rewards for such internal development tasks are also very rich.

The most important thing is that the more people there are, the more powerful UU Reading is, the greater the power, the more people will go through life and death for you, overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Isn’t that what the so-called boss is like?

As soon as Tang has a heart value, he wants to spend it, and strives to feed these back into development.

Therefore, he spent 3,000 people's value to purchase banana farming technology, which can increase the yield per mu by 40%, and thousands of dollars more. For ordinary farmers, it is naturally the best gift.

In addition to these, it is the exchange of military and technology.

With 6,000 people, the PD100 "Black Hornet" micro-helicopter was replaced. This "helicopter" is only the size of a cigarette pack and has a flight duration of about 25 minutes. It can be used for espionage or battlefield reconnaissance in the future.

Will become the company's new product!

It will also be armed to the independent Eighth Battalion.

In addition to these, I also spent 2,000 people's hearts and ordered the branch of Fighterman, a crawler-shaped robot that can launch grenades.