The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Chapter 104: Reverse formula

   Looking at the information in front of him, even with the emotional suppression of Occlumency, Link's mouth rose uncontrollably.

   When Snape not far away saw this, he closed his mouth that hadn't had time to spit the venom.

   This feeling of being'interrupted from casting' is obviously uncomfortable, so even after seeing Link successfully cast the Scalping Manifestation after only two attempts, Snape's performance was flat.

   "Heh! You are not too stupid!"

   He said coldly.

   Link didn't pay much attention to Snape. At this moment, he was feeling the feeling of using Skapin's Mantra.

   This feeling is very strange, because the world in front of him has changed a lot at this moment.

   Just take the medicinal cup he just drank.

   Now, after a period of precipitation, some liquid medicine has accumulated in the bottom of the cup.

   In Link's field of vision, these liquid medicines are composed of several particles and liquids that emit different lights.

   They are very different from each other, but they merge with each other, which is amazing.

   Strictly speaking, this is actually unreasonable, because the effect of Skapin's Mantra is not so strong at all.

  The only explanation is that under the blessing of the ability to observe magical auras in high-level super-sensing spells, the effect of Skarpin's manifestation spell is greatly enhanced.

   And while Link was carefully observing the remaining liquid medicine, Snape put a lot of ingredients and herbs and a tube of nutrient for hunger on the table.

   "Now, configure it for me."

   Snape pointed to the nutrient and said.

   Hearing this, Link was stunned for a moment, then instantly frowned and said:

"Are you serious?"

   Link felt that Snape jumped a bit too hard for him.

   Although in theory, mastering the Skarpin Mantra means that you have the ability to reverse the formula according to the finished potion.

   But this is only theoretically.

   In fact, the difficulty of this operation is much higher than expected.

   Not to mention that you want to accurately distinguish the herbal medicines from the ingredients in the potion through the Skapin Mantra, which requires a huge amount of knowledge.

   Even if you know the ingredients, the formula of the potion cannot be easily deduced. The key production process and special processing methods will require a lot of experimentation to speculate.

   And listening to Link's words, Snape finally showed a nasty smile on his face.

   He opened his mouth and mocked unceremoniously:

   "You stupid guy, if you can't even do this kind of thing, then you don't have to continue to study at Hogwarts to waste time! Hurry home and let your mother find you a class!"


   Looking at Snape's expression of ‘Finally speaking, I feel comfortable’, Link gave a disdainful ‘tsk’, turned his head and tried to reverse the formula of the nutrient for hunger.

   After all, based on his knowledge of Snape, the other party wouldn't throw him an impossible job to embarrass him.

  Since Snape said so now, it means Link can definitely do it.

  Thinking about this, Link reunited his spirit and activated Occlumency, Transcendental Mantra, and Skapin Mantra in turn.

   Along with the blue light flashing in Link's eyes, the various foods placed in front of him showed different colors, and the tube of nutrient was even more colorful.

   This made Link a little relieved.

Because of these additional colors are revealed under the blessing of the super-sensing mantra, he only needs to select the materials according to the color of the light to recover all the materials needed for the nutrient, which helps him directly save it. A wave of rote memorization of the material composition table.

   But just preparing the materials is not enough.

   The biggest problem facing Link now is how to deal with these materials to make a real nutrient for hunger.

   Standing in front of such a large amount of materials, Link slowly fell into thought.

   And Snape, who was not far away, raised his mouth slightly when he saw it.

  What Link didn't know was that Snape had actually intended to give Link some hints during this link. After all, it was too extreme to ask Link to reverse the potion formula as soon as he came up.

   But Snape changed his mind after seeing that Link had mastered the Scarpin Manifestation after only two attempts.

   He decided to let Link make a big somersault, and then he would stand up and'guide' the other party.

   Snape dared to swear that by doing so, he definitely did not commit a cautious problem again, but wanted to make Link experience some setbacks so that Link would not be so proud and complacent.

   Well, it must be like this!

   Snape thought so inwardly.

   But in the next scene, the smile at the corner of his mouth gradually disappeared.

   Because at this time Link seems to have finally made a decision.

   I saw that he moved quickly to find out all the basic ingredients of the nutrient according to the color of the light, and poured them into the cauldron together with a measuring cup of water after being crushed.


   A cluster of crimson flames burst out from the blowtorch under the constantly licking the bottom of the cauldron.

While taking advantage of the heating of the cauldron, Link put on dragonskin gloves again, and took out a handful of berry-like fruits and a bunch of purple-red vines from the pile of materials under him, and squeezed them out. The juice was mixed together, and poured into the boiled'chaotic stew' on the side.

   This special mixed juice is called Gambius Solvent, which is made by mixing the juices of mound fruit and blood vine in a specific ratio.

   Its greatest function is to promote the fusion of other potion materials, and it can be said to be one of the most basic and commonly used solvents in the discipline of potion making.

   "Huh! Huh!"

There was a burst of weird noises in the cauldron. The ingredients that were originally put in the cauldron began to dissolve like butter in a hot pot under the action of that special solution, and finally turned this pot of "stewed stew" into A potion that is only slightly darker in color than the nutrient solution for hunger.

   [Nutrition for hunger lv1 has been obtained! 】

   "What do you think? Professor Snape."

   After observing the information in front of him, Link said with a triumphant expression. Of course, when he called Snape, he still increased his tone as before.

   This kind of "I use the way you used to taunt me and in turn taunt you" almost made Snape's nose crooked with anger.

   He glared at Link fiercely, and then moved forward with a green face to investigate the liquid medicine in the cauldron.

   At this look, the expression on Snape's face instantly stretched.

   He slowly raised his head, smiled slyly at Link and said:

   "Your Gambius solvent is not pure enough, so there is too much impurities in the potion you make. Give me a redo!"